September Stars

Sayuri when Ollie had dry skin we were told that olive oil was the best thing to use
from the HV,ive not used Oilatum if you think he is allergic i would just stick with the olive oil & go back to the dr's hunni they may give you something else.

Thanks F&C i'm feeling better pleased to report!
aww Harry sounds like a right little character, we pop cbeebies on too
he loves timmy time lol so does his sis :)

thanks BLONDIE ive never looked in there before will pop & have a look :)

Jayne good for you!!

carn't beleieve that xmas is just around the corner, where is the time going???
Jayne, just seen your fb status, you must be pooped!!! Poor little man! Where has the last 2 months gone??!!!!

Been up since half seven and done the whole house!! Gonna pop into town and then come home and do some baking!! Its so nice having Ian home so I can do some jobs I have wanted to do all week!!!

Oh yes i am....not used to being up loads in the night, he was waking 2 hourly but at one point woke in between too we got up at 9 and he still hasnt been back to sleep yet! Im shattered!!!! He does have a snuffley nose still thou so think he's feeling a bit under the weather, in fact all 3 of us r the same :( x
LBB - Hope you manage to have a better night this evening

Becs - Glad Ian's back and your able to get on with doing things you want

Well James seems to have completly stopped his night feeds now which is great so we only wake now to change his nappy.... however at 6 weeks he is getting big for his moses basket, im nervous as his main cot is in another room and I know its recommended they sleep in the same room for first 6 months. What have you guys done or planning to do? Im thinking of buying a small travel cot which could possibly fit in our room for the next few months. We have limited space in our room so very few options..... am I just being a worry wort?

Also quickly when your babies are sick in the cot do they sometimes have to try and catch there breath ? Jame seems to make so many wild and weird noises when trying to sleep and at times sounds like hes trying to clear his throat
Hi all, sorry no personals, just an update to let you all know that it's all change here and Wayne is off to Afghanistan next week :( In a way I'm glad I finally know what's happening as it's all been up in the air for so long, but I'm dreading him going. As he won't be doing a full 6 months we don't know until he's out there whether or not he'll get R&R so could be looking at not seeing him until April! Utter pants! It also means I won't get to see my stepsons until he's home as there's no way the psycho will let them visit me and Lilia, we have them now and they're off home tomorrow so that will be horrible, when we tolld them yesterday that he was going there were lots of tears and it was heartbreaking.

I might not be on much for a few days but I will be back! Love to all x
LBB - Hope you manage to have a better night this evening

Becs - Glad Ian's back and your able to get on with doing things you want

Well James seems to have completly stopped his night feeds now which is great so we only wake now to change his nappy.... however at 6 weeks he is getting big for his moses basket, im nervous as his main cot is in another room and I know its recommended they sleep in the same room for first 6 months. What have you guys done or planning to do? Im thinking of buying a small travel cot which could possibly fit in our room for the next few months. We have limited space in our room so very few options..... am I just being a worry wort?

Also quickly when your babies are sick in the cot do they sometimes have to try and catch there breath ? Jame seems to make so many wild and weird noises when trying to sleep and at times sounds like hes trying to clear his throat

Thanks Jelly! ...and yes my James makes funny noises too been meaning to ask about it, he sort of breathes in but makes a noise like he is struggling...i absolutely poop myself when he does it!!!

Hi all, sorry no personals, just an update to let you all know that it's all change here and Wayne is off to Afghanistan next week :( In a way I'm glad I finally know what's happening as it's all been up in the air for so long, but I'm dreading him going. As he won't be doing a full 6 months we don't know until he's out there whether or not he'll get R&R so could be looking at not seeing him until April! Utter pants! It also means I won't get to see my stepsons until he's home as there's no way the psycho will let them visit me and Lilia, we have them now and they're off home tomorrow so that will be horrible, when we tolld them yesterday that he was going there were lots of tears and it was heartbreaking.

I might not be on much for a few days but I will be back! Love to all x

Oh hun thats really sad, i could cry at the thought of how you must be feeling! Army life is so tough on the families! :hugs::hugs: x
Sorry Jelly also wanted to say i have borrowed my sisters swinging crib for the inbetween stage because its bigger than the moses :) x
Jelly,we are lucky as we have a big room and Hope is in her cot. You can pick up a swinging crib cheap.
Louise, have a fab few days and make the most of it. You have my number if you ever want to talk xx Its the worst part the leed up to them going xx

I am in bed on my phone whilst Ian feeds little miss, I have sold my carrycot and got £55 So I am pleased!!
Morning everyone!

Louise, sorry to hear about Wayne, after thinking he wasn't going to be going. And heartbreaking for you and the boys. :hugs:

Jelly, Sam's now in his swinging crib by our bed - he was in the carrycot in this until a couple of weeks ago when he just got too big for it really. He is liking the crib I think. I plan to keep him in it until he really has to go into the cot, as that's in his own room. Archie was in his own room at about 5 months I think, and Jack at about 4. I don't want to let Sam go though, he'll be in there until his head's touching the top of it!!
Go JJ with his night times! There is no sign of Sam dropping feeds yet. They are very quick in the night but still there.

Well done Becs on selling your carrycot!

Has anybody sold maternity or baby gear on ebay? I am thinking that at some point I'm going to need to start getting rid of stuff. I guess if we ever did decide on another baby we'd just have to rebuy stuff, but I'm feeling it's less and less likely that we will. I don't know whether to just put stuff on ebay for collection only. Would be nice to get a but of cash back on a few bits.

I'm downstairs with the boys, at the kitchen table, they're drawing. DH has taken the dogs out, and Sam is asleep after his last feed. We've got a christening today of a friend's son who's 2 months old. We really need to start thinking about christening Sam i think! I have to say, I'm not so keen on the christening day. Lots of family grabbing and trying to get their turn of the baby..... joy!!
Awww Louise thats horrible :nope:

Becs you're doing quite well out of all this selling :lol: I dont sell anything its really bad.. but keep thinking i might have another :rofl:

Awww that sounds like a nice morning Asher :cloud9:

Rosalie sleeps in our bed so i cant comment, Tabs moved into her cot in our room at 4 months and her room at 5 months. But i think Rosalie might stay with us for longer :dohh: I dont think she's going to want to move.

Ok i need help... i'm buying a carrier but i cant decide on the colour :blush:
Louise so sorry to hear about Wayne being deployed bug hugs xx

Blob I'm liking no 3 with the animals or no 1 with the big flowers, they are lovely !

Ummm think I'll have to look around for a crib then didn't really want the added expense.
Ebay have free listings today if you donate some of the money to children in need! x

Blob i like the animal but also love the mardi gras one! :) x
Blob I love the third one !! I brought a close baby carrier yesterday and absolutely love it !! Think I may become quite addicted to them.
AAaaaaah I just dont know :rofl: I got one to try and its the Mardi gras one its so nice but then i like the other two and i just cant decide :rofl: I really like the second one but nobody else seems to :haha:
Blob, the animal one, although it will get dirty the quickest!

Louise, so sorry to hear how sad the boys are, it is such a hard thing and i know i couldn't do it, I would find it just to hard to even date someone who had to work away for months, i am too selfish i think! Hope the boys are ok, and big :hugs: to you xxxx

Back soon, just been busy :hugs:
Hi ladies

Louise - Sorry to hear about Wayne's deployment :hugs:

Jelly - Scarlett has moved into her Cot but it is in our room. I have a swinging crib for sale if you are interested?

Blob - I have a Close Carrier and DH has a Baby Bjorn that we bought secondhand on Ebay. The Close Carrier is good for around the house and short trips but personally I don't feel it gives enough support to your back if the baby is going to be in it for any length of time. I bought mine new at an NCT sale, I wouldn't have paid full price for one. All in all I think the Baby Bjorn is better as it feels more supportive and secure but it isn't as versatile position wise.

Not much to report here - Scarlett is teething so a little grumpy at the moment. On the plus side she seems to like it when I rub the teething gel on her gums. We haven't been using a dummy as we tried Avent and Mam and she spits them both out. My boobs seem to be her favourite dummy and it's getting me down a bit. Today DH popped to Boots and bought her the Nuby Natural Flex ones for Breastfed babies with nobbly bits to help their gums. I haven't been able to test them out yet as she is asleep in her Carrycot after our walk. I will report back and let you all know if she likes them.

It's our Wedding Anniversary today, it's not been the best of days but better than last year as DH was in hospital then. Who know's by the time we get to 5 years we might actually have a nice Anniversary. I'm not holding my breathe though, I don't think my DH has a romantic bone in his body. I can't really complain as I knew that when I married him. I suppose I just live in hope......

Catch you all later xxx
Good evening ladies...

Beks & Kara where did you get your signatures done they are fab?!?

Well iv had a result...i complaing to mothercare about a bear pramsuit that have put a £24 giftcard in the post! :) ...turns out it was only £16 xx

I made my own, using digital scrap kits, i also use them for 3d can ask some bnb members for one, beks got hers done by one of the best siggy designers on here.. she does amazing sigs.. she does them for free too.. was going to tell beks how much i liked her sig.

cant believe toysrus sells things like that... and are they stupid thinking its not dangerous... arghhhh stupid people but at least you got more than your money back.. xx

Jayne, just seen your fb status, you must be pooped!!! Poor little man! Where has the last 2 months gone??!!!!

Been up since half seven and done the whole house!! Gonna pop into town and then come home and do some baking!! Its so nice having Ian home so I can do some jobs I have wanted to do all week!!!

Oh yes i am....not used to being up loads in the night, he was waking 2 hourly but at one point woke in between too we got up at 9 and he still hasnt been back to sleep yet! Im shattered!!!! He does have a snuffley nose still thou so think he's feeling a bit under the weather, in fact all 3 of us r the same :( x

oh honey im so sorry... paige was up every 3 hours and only slept for 20 min at a time during the day.. they say sleep when they do but its impossible..hope it gets better soon xx

LBB - Hope you manage to have a better night this evening

Becs - Glad Ian's back and your able to get on with doing things you want

Well James seems to have completly stopped his night feeds now which is great so we only wake now to change his nappy.... however at 6 weeks he is getting big for his moses basket, im nervous as his main cot is in another room and I know its recommended they sleep in the same room for first 6 months. What have you guys done or planning to do? Im thinking of buying a small travel cot which could possibly fit in our room for the next few months. We have limited space in our room so very few options..... am I just being a worry wort?

Also quickly when your babies are sick in the cot do they sometimes have to try and catch there breath ? Jame seems to make so many wild and weird noises when trying to sleep and at times sounds like hes trying to clear his throat

we are also thinking on moving her into her travel cot soon but hate wasting money on a moses i hardly used. I brought 2 travel cots one is for my mum when she has her. you will use the travel cot as a play pen when he is older and starting to crawl... peace of mind when your cleaning.. so will get used for years.. can also chuck all their toys in there. I have this one, the mattress can be pulled up saves you bending down. but it was £99... but see if you can find a second hand one on ebay and just buy a new matress. the other one i have is a small cream one which matches my living room. grant wants to get the travel cot out now but i like having the room in the bedroom... its my ocd of having less clutter and more room saying i dont see why babies cant be moved into thier room sooner than 6 months if they sleep through the night, if your worried maybe buy a camera monitor so you can see him at all times, we have one and we even use it to look at her and she sleeps at end of the bed in her moses... we use it for dummy alert.. xx;jsessionid=45A03C0E824DB4416ABB5C989F072F65.app07
Hi all, sorry no personals, just an update to let you all know that it's all change here and Wayne is off to Afghanistan next week :( In a way I'm glad I finally know what's happening as it's all been up in the air for so long, but I'm dreading him going. As he won't be doing a full 6 months we don't know until he's out there whether or not he'll get R&R so could be looking at not seeing him until April! Utter pants! It also means I won't get to see my stepsons until he's home as there's no way the psycho will let them visit me and Lilia, we have them now and they're off home tomorrow so that will be horrible, when we tolld them yesterday that he was going there were lots of tears and it was heartbreaking.

I might not be on much for a few days but I will be back! Love to all x

im so sorry to hear he is going back, i cant even imagine how upsetting you must be. i guess its somthing you cant get used too either. shame his ex wont allow the boys to visit either :hugs: xx

Morning everyone!

Louise, sorry to hear about Wayne, after thinking he wasn't going to be going. And heartbreaking for you and the boys. :hugs:

Jelly, Sam's now in his swinging crib by our bed - he was in the carrycot in this until a couple of weeks ago when he just got too big for it really. He is liking the crib I think. I plan to keep him in it until he really has to go into the cot, as that's in his own room. Archie was in his own room at about 5 months I think, and Jack at about 4. I don't want to let Sam go though, he'll be in there until his head's touching the top of it!!
Go JJ with his night times! There is no sign of Sam dropping feeds yet. They are very quick in the night but still there.

Well done Becs on selling your carrycot!

Has anybody sold maternity or baby gear on ebay? I am thinking that at some point I'm going to need to start getting rid of stuff. I guess if we ever did decide on another baby we'd just have to rebuy stuff, but I'm feeling it's less and less likely that we will. I don't know whether to just put stuff on ebay for collection only. Would be nice to get a but of cash back on a few bits.

I'm downstairs with the boys, at the kitchen table, they're drawing. DH has taken the dogs out, and Sam is asleep after his last feed. We've got a christening today of a friend's son who's 2 months old. We really need to start thinking about christening Sam i think! I have to say, I'm not so keen on the christening day. Lots of family grabbing and trying to get their turn of the baby..... joy!!

I sold a load of stuff on ebay, local pick up is ok but you get more if you can post the item but its such a pain to weigh and pack.. is very good for large pacels and they pick up from your house.Im a bit cheeky as i took most things back to the shop as i hardly used some bits, i keep the boxes for everything and keep in the loft but some things i didnt have a box and they still refunded me..clothes i will be doing a bundles...anything we use a lot of is being put in the loft for our next baby. x

Awww Louise thats horrible :nope:

Becs you're doing quite well out of all this selling :lol: I dont sell anything its really bad.. but keep thinking i might have another :rofl:

Awww that sounds like a nice morning Asher :cloud9:

Rosalie sleeps in our bed so i cant comment, Tabs moved into her cot in our room at 4 months and her room at 5 months. But i think Rosalie might stay with us for longer :dohh: I dont think she's going to want to move.

Ok i need help... i'm buying a carrier but i cant decide on the colour :blush:

the last one i like the most....

Hi ladies

Louise - Sorry to hear about Wayne's deployment :hugs:

Jelly - Scarlett has moved into her Cot but it is in our room. I have a swinging crib for sale if you are interested?

Blob - I have a Close Carrier and DH has a Baby Bjorn that we bought lp their gums. I haven't been able to test them out yet as she is asleep in her Carrycot after our walk. I will report back and let you all know if she likes them.

It's our Wedding Anniversary today, it's not been the best of days but better than last year as DH was in hospital then. Who know's by the time we get to 5 years we might actually have a nice Anniversary. I'm not holding my breathe though, I don't think my DH has a romantic bone in his body. I can't really complain as I knew that when I married him. I suppose I just live in hope......

Catch you all later xxx

happy anniversary honey....xx
whats a close carrier? i have the baby bjorn one for hubby too. i use it around the house, paige only falls asleep in it...
Louise, that is awful news. I am so sorry! :hugs:

Well, it's still very cold and snowy here, so I'm off to buy some toboggans.
I think we'll be giving Simon the ski set from us rather than Santa, so he can put them on early and I can take him out! :happydance:
We attempted some family photos yesterday. Nothing fancy - just a friend trying to get a few decent shots for our holiday card. Simon was an absolute nightmare - kicking, screaming, whining, squirming, just being a general toddler brat. We finally got two photos that were so-so, and we managed to edit them into something decent. Definitely one of those times when you repress the urge to strangle your offspring..... :grr:
Okay, time to wrestle Simon into 300 layers of cold weather gear....
MrsJ08 i have a few carriers but this is by far the best i have ever tried. Its like a mix between a wrap and a structured carrier, it has really good back suport too :cloud9: I got one from a friend to try for a few weeks to make sure i'm not wasting my money :thumbup: ALSO happy anniversary!!!!!

I have that travel cot its really good :thumbup:

Sarah i am SO jealous you have snow :hissy:
Blob - I love the second one!

Just popping in with a quick message.....

I miss being pregnant!!!! Who'd have thought that going through one of the most agnosing things you'll ever experience would leave you wanting to do it again :haha: I can't believe I'm broody already after only 3 months post preg :S
I have my future names planned out already now.

Girl- Daisy Delilah
Boy - Jack Bowie

Anyone else? or am I the only crazy one? :haha:

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