September Stars

Hello Ladies!!

Well...Kimi had an unsettled night due to the fact the my OH had an allergic reaction to some antibiotics and we ended up in a&e for 4 hours!!! Well, Kimi's routine was thrown up in the air and she ended up not going to bed til about half 3 this morning when we eventually got in!!! Then she woke up at half four, half 5 then quarter to seven before finally settling then Daddy took over at 10.30am!!!!

Kimi hates the tommee tippee dummies....she wont take them at all!!!
I use the asda ones....with a cherry soother i think they are!! She likes them ones better so I keep her on them!!

I barely get time to eat...I'm always rushing about, sorting one thing or another!! Although now, I might just let her cry whilst I cook something...although I can't put her in our kitchen as it is a box and I will end up tripping over her!!!

I think Kimi may be teething already ( i know a bit early) but she seems to have some sharp white bits on her gums and a few people have asked me if she is teething...i have the docs on Monday so will ask him!!!

I hope all you ladies and babies are happy today!!! Not long til Xmas :) xx
Awww BTP she's so dinky :cloud9: Glad she's ok :) Tabs wouldnt drink milk through choice so she also only drinks diluting juice and wont touch water :dohh:

Emzy Rosalie doesnt sleep through...jealous!!!!

Becs :hugs: :hugs: sorry you had a shitty night hun

Asher I could have written that :dohh: I cant get her to take a bottle and she does the same gagging when i give her a dummy. I think she's a drama queen, why cant they have more realistic dummies :hissy: she wants to suck but cant get her thumb just sucks at her fists and then gets really annoyed.

Eeek hope your OH is ok youngmummy? My DD started at 7-8 weeks but didnt get teeth until 3 months.

Well Rosalie had her Jags yesterday and she was not a happy baby at all :nope: she was fine at getting them just later on :cry: we also went out for dinner at a friends (with her) and that was really nice.
I think I was just having a bad day yesterday. Had a brilliant day today, I always put Hope in her chair when I am in the kitchen, she loves it, she also loves just being in her cot babbling to herself. I think she was unsettled due to Ian not being here, thank god he is back tonight lol.

Had a lovely 3 mile walk this morning, Hope loves being out in the fresh air.
I think I was just having a bad day yesterday. Had a brilliant day today, I always put Hope in her chair when I am in the kitchen, she loves it, she also loves just being in her cot babbling to herself. I think she was unsettled due to Ian not being here, thank god he is back tonight lol.

Had a lovely 3 mile walk this morning, Hope loves being out in the fresh air.

Glad to hear it hunni!! James has been grumpy today think it must be due to the jabs he had :( x
Hi girls!
I diligently read through every post and now can't remember half of what I wanted to say! :dohh:
Winter is here in Calgary! We've had three days of snowfall and the temperature is a balmy -16C. :cold:
Simon is discovering the joy of snow, however, and it is so wonderful to watch him play! I am getting him a ski set for xmas (you can't live next to the Rockies and not ski!), so am anticipating some great outings this winter! :)

First off, loads of get better wishes sent out to all the sick and poorly babes. We are on a respite from sickness at the moment, but I'm sure there will be plenty more this season.

On when period returned for me - I am one of the women who don't cycle while breastfeeding. With Simon, I stopped BFing when he was seven months and did not get my period back for another three months after that. And when I did, they were much lighter. :shrug: I am hoping for a similar pattern with Tobe. Am using protection during :sex: of course, just in case, but I don't feel at all like I am cycling or about to.

Simon is napping (or supposed to be) and Tobe is under his little play gym, cooing and giggling to himself. Those sounds just make me melt with love. So do the big gummy baby grins. :cloud9: Love love love love love!!!

On strollers: I scored a used Quinny Buzz off kijiji and am wearing that thing out. Simon loves it. I still keep Tobe in the baby carrier, strapped to me (I use the Ergo and am petty pleased with it). I plan to get one of the step-on kinds of double strollers next spring (the kind where the toddler has a little platform that they can stand or sit on and the baby sits in the front?). It's too snowy to use the stroller much during the winter here. I may buy a little pull-sled, actually! They have some cute and cheap little wooden ones that I thought might be just right for snowy winter walks.

And for all you overwhelmed mamas - been there, sisters! :hugs: The trick is to not take the crying personally, and that is a VERY hard thing to train yourself to do. It is completely human to snap once in awhile. I swear by the old method of time out. Screaming baby gets put in crib and both mama and baby get a good 20 minute time out or break from each other. No guilt. Lots of deep breaths, even a cup of tea. It works wonders.
Yay Becs, glad you're feeling better today! :hugs

YoungMummy, your poor OH. Is he okay now? And is Kimi more settled after last night?

Blob, hope Rosalie's better after the dreaded jabs! You feel so cruel don't you, even though you know it's for the best. Extra cuddles for the little miss :kiss:

LilBumpBlue, hope James is feeling better too after his injections.

Sarahka, good to hear from you! How exciting to be in the midst of winter there! Are you pretty much snow covered from now until spring then? Sounds as though both your little men are doing well. Is the feeding still going okay?

Sam has been a little honey today. It hit me that he is changing so much at the moment, I can't even begin to imagine all the connections being made in his little brain! He's been so smiley and cooing a lot today, just melts my heart. The best thing is that he saves most of the smiles for mummy. :cloud9: He's also fed really nicely today. I did manage to pick up a set of Nuby Natural Flex dummies, and he did suck one without gagging for 10 seconds before, which is progress!! Take each day at a time hey? And night!! We're not doing too bad at night although still feeding twice a night. Only being up for 15 minutes I can handle though. :baby:

Hoping for a good night's sleep for everyone, see you tomorrow. xx
Sarah- all that snow sounds lovely to those of us who dont get it often you must get a lot of wear out of snow suits?

Asher- progress with the dummy yay! i have the reverse problem Layla crys for the dummmy at all times , she looks like maggie from the simpsons

we had hospital today for hip checks they said they felt fine but have to go back for scans to double check, why they couldnt do it all in one day ive no idea? anoying!

They did say that Layla has a slightly flat head on one side, nothing bad but just to keep her off it and give her more tummy time, they said dont worry but of course you do and im sitting here watching her sleep with her head tilted that way thinking is this bad!
They said it could be because she was squashed inside or because she lays on it too much, i just feel bad.
Heya everyone! Ahhh ive got so much to catch up on =( booo! Well here I go!

Blondie – awesome bargain on ebay!

Blob – good luck with the potty training outside – did you think of any ideas of what to do?

Louise – Roxy is on 4-5 ounces every 3-4 hours – she really does vary depending on what type of mood she’s in! She only has one dirty nappy a day aswell – sometimes she doesn’t go atall – but like your LO she has very heavy wet ones!

Daisybell – we use the pampers baby dry aswell, I wont use the active fit ones, as they made roxy have all red marks and it looked really sore, have read some bad reviews about them aswell, so I took a load back to tesco! Was not happy atall! Pampers wipes are poo lol! I use Asda little angels ones, they’re great!

Emzy – sorry to hear about you and Holly having conjunctivitis :( hope your feeling better? That vet situation is ridiculous – just because he’s being sick doesn’t mean its the same bloody problem! Grr they will do anything to try and get money out of you! Those pics are soo lovely! Go Holly for sleeping so well!!

Becs – how was the baby massage class? I give roxy a little massage every night – no particular technique though – but she loves it :D don’t feel guilty about shouting and your not a bad mum atall – sometimes it gets a bit much and you need to release that stress- she wont remember! Big hugs!

Asher – sorry to hear poor Sam is poorly aswell :( hope he feels better soon!

Youngmum – hello! Roxy’s injections weren’t too bad – she obviously cried, but then was fine afterwards – i think i was more stressed than she was!! With the whole crying thing – roxy does that aswell, cry’s and cry’s and then my DH or my mum will come along and she stops lol I think they just get bored of seeing the same person all day lol!! Hope your OH is ok?

Lady K – im the same with clutter though, but im trying to get better as I want to be able to play with roxy and not be thinking in the back of my head that I want to put it all away!

Genies – don’t feel bad lovely – lots of babies get that – its not your fault! *hugs*

Well im feeling rather awesome – Roxy has slept through for the past 3 nights! I cant believe it! Im not letting myself get used to it though, as at least then, if she does wake up, then it will be fine! Hmm im knackered after reading all those posts, so cant think of what else to put now lol hope everyone is well!

Hello all xx

Asher, so glad little Sam is better and yay for the dummy. Hope very rarely uses a dummy, sometmes I wish she would so she would send herself to sleep with it x

Stmw, glad Roxy is sleeping thro xx

Had a brill night, Hope went down at 8pm and woke at 4am for a quick feed then she woke for her morning bottle at 8.20am an she is now fast asleep again. I have had breakfast and now going to do some housework, I am even showered and ready!!! It was so nice having Ian do the night feed!!!
Asher fx sam takes to the Nuby Natural Flex dummies, we had 4different types of dummies untill we found one he likes & will suck on for awhile to settle himself.

stmw yay for roxy sleeping thorugh long may she continue to do so! RE: the pampers active fit nappys they changed them, we saw on watch dog about 1mth back alot of parents we not happy at all & found problems with them, they made them "thinner" but didnt bother to put it on the packaging to let parents know they had changed.
they only brought the tv ad out about the change after watch dog got involved.

genies girl it's not your fault hun try not to feel bad, pleased that all went went at the hospital, anoying that they want you to go back instead of doing it all in one day, guess they could of been really busy or something???:shrug:

Sarah burrrr -16c now that is cold! i do hope we got some nice fluffy snow again this year, i loved going out with bethany on her sled (daddy pulling it ofcourse) great fun!

YoungMummy nightmare! hope your OH is ok now? it's not to early to be teething believe me Ollie got his first toothy peg cut at 6weeks!

Well whatever bethany had i got big style, have been in bed for nearly 24hrs couldnt stop been sick, feeling sick, burning up & my legs hurt was horrilbe :nope: luckly OH wasnt at work so he looked after Ollie & bethany.
bethany is finally feeling abit better after 4days!!! dr said it probly was a virus but thinks she now has someting else (she's been coughing all the time) so he gave her some medicine for it. i'm pleased to say i'm not been sick anymore i just feel drained today.
Haven't caught up in here for a while so I'll do it quick now!

Agree with BTP, everyones babies are getting so big now! and it's great Rosalies hip scan went well

YoungMummy18 - I don't think it's "too early" I know quite a few who've said their babies are teething already! I really think Ellie is teething at the moment too.

Asher - Glad Sams feeling better. I use the MAM dummies with Ellie, they're the only ones she'll take and she loves them.

Genies - Hope the hip scans go ok!

Emzy - Glad Holly is still sleeping through :happydance:

Sorry to anyone I've missed out.

Ellie was weighed on Monday and she was exactly 10lb at 10weeks and 2days old! I think it's just in her genetics to be small, she definitely doesn't get it from me but her dad is 5'4 and his mum is 4'11. Ellie is only 55cm long now and she has tiny little legs! she still doesn't fit in to 0-3 months in the legs. I'm definitely getting my moneys worth out of the newborn clothes but I can't wait to move on to 0-3 now :haha: I've put her in a few 0-3 things and she fits them just about in the width but they dangle right down over her little feet and I have to fold them up.

I really think that Ellie is teething too, she's been really grumpy this last week and keeps on crying, clenching her fists up and putting them in her mouth and sucking on them and chewing them. She's also really dribbly. Right now I'm really hoping she is teething because I want her to go back to being happy again!

She's also been sleeping through the night now for the last 2 weeks! I couldnt believe it the first night she slept through it was just all of a sudden. Now I have to actually wake her up in a morning because she's so lazy! she didn't roll out of her moses until 9:45am this morning :haha:
Good Afternoon ladies!! soo much to catch up with! sorry to hear about the poorly babies, little Malakye had his first jabs yesterday and it was AWFUL (for me) he cried so much but is doing well. Later in the evening he was really grizzly and cried alot broke my heart we gave him some calpol and he went to sleep he is much better today.

This is the first time in 8 weeks I have managed to get on the computer! noone prepared me for this! its all worth it though x

ooh before I forget Mally has very dry skin and has been diagnosed with Thrush has anyone had this problem? The Dr gave us Oilatum Jnr skin cream however when I put it on his face it went bright red! im wondering if he is allergic? I have gone back to olive oil just to keep his skin hydrated.
Sayuri awww jabs are nasty :nope:

Well Tabs has been doing great with potty training i'm so proud of her...pretty much did exactly what BTP said and although she JUST had an accident right now :dohh: she couldnt get her jeans off... but she's only had one small one when we've been out since we started. Even managed a Tesco shop :shock:

Rosalie is doing fine now thanks :flower:

SR the HV says Rosalie is only 56cm :dohh: its crap i think she's grown loads and was 56cm at birth :wacko: But she was exactly 13lb at 10weeks... its not small but i'm SO glad i dont have another like Tabs :rofl:
Good evening ladies...

Beks & Kara where did you get your signatures done they are fab?!?

Well iv had a result...i complaing to mothercare about a bear pramsuit that was bought for us because it was losing the fur in small clumps and it was all over James chin & on his nose! Firstly they said some toys of this nature do shed (toys?!?) and no evidence has been found of a baby choking on fur!! So i replied saying that i still wasnt happy and that if a toys does this it would state it was not suitable for children under 36 months. Got a reply last night say sorry and as a goodwill gesture they will send me a giftcard for the amount of the suit id just got to let them know how much it was!! I said i thought it was about £24 but wasnt sure, got an email back saying they have put a £24 giftcard in the post! :) ...turns out it was only £16 xx
Go Jayne!!! You don't get nothing for not complaining!!!!

Blob, so pleaased Tabs is doing well!! Bless Rosalie!

Sayuri, hope your LO is better soon xx

Had another good day with Hope, she must feel better now Ian is back home!! I must admit its nice for me too to have someone to share some of the load with!!
Got my prints from Hope's photoshoot and they are jsut gorgeous, got to get some nice frames now!!
Evening all! I'm early for me! Have just been finishing off my Xmas pressies list, as I'm going shopping with my mum after dropping Jack at nursery tomorrow afternoon. I'm not doing too bad with the shopping really!

I am going slightly mad with Sam at the moment. He won't take a bottle of expressed milk and he won't take a dummy, and I am IT! I am feeling quite trapped because he needs me and only me. I am trying all types of dummies, and he just gags and spits them out. I am at my wits end now! I have literally just been up to settle him now, and he is attempting to suck his thumb but not able to coordinate himself. He obviously needs to suck, but can't find something he likes apart from a boob, and then when the milk comes out he gets really mad. Help anyone? Please?!! The not taking a bottle thing I can cope with, he can have a sippy cup soon so it's not such a big thing. It's more the soothing himself thing. It would be fine if he were an only child, but I can't have him hanging off my boob for comfort!

Sorry to be all moany and whingy!

He sounds quite similar to Harry. He always needs to suck something and is currently figuring out how to suck his thumb. I can't wait for him to get more coordinated so that it doesn't just go in occasionally by accident. Harry didn't like TT dummies so we tried the Avent new born. He has never been that keen but if we kept holding it in place and tapping the end eventually he would take it. Recently he has been gagging when we've tried it so we stopped. Then it was either boob or little finger. I recently spotted that the 0-6 month avent dummies are slightly different shaped so thought I would give them a go. Today is the first day of trying and he's currently in his basket sucking away on one! I'm not saying he took it immediately but he certainly prefers it. Not sure if that's any help but it may be worth trying different varieties? We've bought some different teats to try with a bottle tomorrow. Fingers crossed he'll take one!

Becs, I felt like throwing Harry last night. Obviously didn't but I can't empathise with how you felt and I have my dh here to support me. Please don't be cross with yourself. I'm glad Ian is home now and things are much better. Hope is a great weight by the way!

Louise, like Asher said, don't beat yourself up about the BF-ing. Sometimes it just doesn't work and the fact you were in lots of pain sounds like something was wrong. Your LO wouldn't have benefited from a tired and stressed Mum who was in pain all the time.

Daisybell, hope you are feeling better hun. x

Sisterrose, it does sound like she's teething. That's great that she's sleeping through! Harry's sleeping is constantly changing but generally he's sleeping a lot longer at night now which is great!

Sayuri, Harry was the same. Both my dh and I cried as we were so upset by his reaction to them! lol! I'm dreading the next set which are in less than 2 weeks now. :cry:

Lilbumpblue, that's a great result! I recently complained to Boots as got a voucher through for 2 packs of pampers for the price of 1. I went all the way in to town on the bus only a few weeks after my C section, so it was a big effort, just to take up the offer. When I tried to buy them I was told that as there was another offer on (which was no where near as good) I couldn't use the one I wanted. They told me that I couldn't use the offer in conjunction with another. I tried to explain to customer services that 'in conjunction' means to use both offers at the same time, which is not what I wanted. I told them it was bad form to send offers to new mums that they then couldn't use. They still didn't get what I was saying but apologised to shut me up and gave me 500 advantage points. Not sure what that equates to though as I don't collect them!

Harry is continuing to be a little angel. Yes he cries and has his moments but he's often smiling and chatting away to anyone that will listen! I also put on a little bit of CBeebies to distract him whilst I got my breakfast and he got insanely excited! It was so cute!

Oh and thanks to those of you that commented on my BF pic!

F&C i snuck a look at the feeding photo sooo beautiful!!
Teeny Weeny what a gorgeous photo of you & Riley!

genies girl go you, bathing & putting both girls to bed by yourself sounds like you have a fab routine with them!

YoungMummy wow great bargin!

your not a failure hunni & there is no shame in feeling overwhelmed
remember the dr's are there to help & not judge, sometimes i carn't settle Ollie & i get really upset about it especially when OH comes in & picks him up & he settles straight away for him.
like becs said been a mum is the hardest job in the world & no two days are the same :hugs:

BTP really pleaed the scan went well thats fantastic news :happydance:
thats is interesting what the lady said about the baby growers i think i will be putting Ollie is 3-6mth one's soon coz he is soooo long! looks like i'm going to be the short arse of the family :haha:

Genies good for tomorrow xxx

:hugs: to all the babies who have been having injections poor lambs :hugs:

emzy im so jel :blush: Ollie go's down at 7/8pm then is up at 1/2am for feed then 5am ish for another feed then up at 7:30am!
our daughter was sleeping thru at his age 10am untill 6am! carnt complain he use to be up every 2hrs for a feed :wacko: least we get some sleep now:thumbup:
sounds like your work friend is having a hard time bless her, does she live near you? sounds like she could do with some company, hope she is ok? xxx

nothing much happening here, Ollie still teething, i bought some teething keys (ones with the gel in) Ollie hates them lol he rather chew on his hands :wacko:

thanks for sharing what pushchairs you all have :flower: my ebay hunt continues, thank F&C ive looked on gumtree too! i would love to buy a new one but with only 6weeks untill santa comes, it's just not gunna happen unless santa thinks ive been a good girl this yr :winkwink: xxx

I have a Jane Nomad that I'm selling with car seat, carrycot and pushchair which is advertised on here in the Buy, Sell area if you're interested.
I love my little boy so much he is such a happy little boy. Had his first proper chuckle on Wednesday which was lovely to hear. xx
F&c the advantage card points they gave you are worth £5...only thing with them is you cant buy something for say £7 and put the £2 to it, unless this has changed now, Can anyone clarify?? x

OMG James is 2 months old tomorrow! I cant believe it!!!!!! x
Jayne, just seen your fb status, you must be pooped!!! Poor little man! Where has the last 2 months gone??!!!!

Been up since half seven and done the whole house!! Gonna pop into town and then come home and do some baking!! Its so nice having Ian home so I can do some jobs I have wanted to do all week!!!

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