September Stars

Bek i am the same...soooo miss being pregnant & am so broody! more yet thou i want to give James all my attention for a few years lol x
Evening all!!!

Had a lovely day at my parents rounded off by a yummy tea!!! Had a shower and now chilling out, Hope is already in her cot fast asleep!!!Its so nice having some us time!!
Hope everyone is ok?!!!
we have been busy the last few days our downstairs is being decorated which is lovely but a bit stressfull with the girls.
we also went to view the photos from our photo shoot i have to say they were so lovely i felts so proud of my babies , it was so hard to choose but we just couldnt afford much as they are very pricey!

Thankyou to those of you who replied to me about my concerns over flat head, im trying to not worry about it , its really not that bad and will probably go soon.

Ive totally forgotten what else i was going to say im watching im a celebrity and that stupid gillian has fainted!!!!
Blob - I love the second one!

Just popping in with a quick message.....

I miss being pregnant!!!! Who'd have thought that going through one of the most agnosing things you'll ever experience would leave you wanting to do it again :haha: I can't believe I'm broody already after only 3 months post preg :S
I have my future names planned out already now.

Girl- Daisy Delilah
Boy - Jack Bowie

Anyone else? or am I the only crazy one? :haha:

OMG yesss someone else who is the same. I would be trying now for another baby if it wasnt for the fact i dont know how i would cope with a baby and being pregnant at the same time but would be nice to do most of my pregnancy while on maternity leave, would piss my work off though. but ! i was going to post about how those with younger kids cope looking after them and a baby..... paige only sleeps when being held. how would i cope !!!!
Genies I meant to reply to you before about the flat head thing... Sam is the same, he sleeps with his head turned to the right all the time and is slightly flattened out diagonally left. Archie was exactly the same as a baby, although they put some of it down to him being in an incubator, he's fine now, still not completely round, but all his hair covers it up.

I am so jealous of those of you thinking of more babies!! Lovely!!

We've been to a christening today and Sam was really good. We left there at 4 so we dropped the kids off at DH's mum's for an hour and went for a swim! Bliss!
Sam had his bath and a good feed tonight, and then proceeded to projectile vomit on me, it was dripping off my arm! I topped him up and he was full and tired, so I tried him settling on his own. He whinged a bit, a few cries, and then after about ten mins he fell asleep. I'm hoping he sleeps til about 1 o clock, but you never can tell with him!

One of my friend's peed me off today at the christening. She asked whether Sam's taking a bottle yet, to which I replied that he won't take one. She said I'm obviously not trying hard enough. Er, what? She said I should leave him until he's crying and really hungry...... no, that would be cruel, I'm hardly going to do that. I think she assumes I just dangle the bottle into his mouth and then give up. Grrrrrr. Just because I breastfeed doesn't mean I'm against him having a bottle of my milk!! Sorry, rant over.
Sisterose / lady k - I've been thinking exactly the same thing, only thing stopping me is I need to lose weight. DH and I have said we I'm pregnant by this time next year ..... Crazy !

Mrs j I've managed to find a crib today I'm quite excited as I thought JJ would be in his own room within the next month as he's grown so much. I feel so
Much happier knowing he'll in our room for a big more longer now.

DH has experienced first hand today of JJ crying from half five this morning until ten this evening he's now said I can join the gym to have some 'me time'. I feel bad for wanting to get away every now and then but I've been away from him for 2 hours in total since he's been born and it's mentally tiring. Am I the only one who feels like this?
Jelly, no you're not the only one who feels like that! You need a bit of time for you. It makes you appreciate them even more for the gorgeous little things they are! I appreciate just 45 mins a day out with the dogs to listen to the radio and be with my own thoughts! Then I really look forward to seeing the boys when I get back. x
Asher regarding your friend I had the same when trying to breastfeed oh don't give formula and wait until he's starving then he will feed..... People just like to voice their opinions when they have no understanding. My sil has 3 children and she had the same problem with baby no2 I think it depends on the baby if they will like a bottle after being bf. Have to say loving your pics of Sam he's got such a wide eyed cute face xx
Hey girls

Just popping in on my phone to say hi! Need to have a proper catch up soon. Just wanted to send hugs to Louise, it must be so hard Xx

SR yes me!! I'm so damn brood and so is Matt. Think we've decided to ttc no 2 after hollys first birthday, but I would now if I could!! Must be mad lol I really really miss my bump and often catch myself rubbing my belly like I did when I was pregnant!

Holly is in her cot in our room now. She slept better in the pram carrycot but we have retired that now she's in the seat and were trying to do her daytime naps in her Moses and night sleeps in the cot. She's never liked the Moses but I'm determined to get some use out of it before she's too big... will have to start having naps upstairs soon though as she is getting too big!

Forgotten everything else! Will pop back tomorrow

Asher regarding your friend I had the same when trying to breastfeed oh don't give formula and wait until he's starving then he will feed..... People just like to voice their opinions when they have no understanding. My sil has 3 children and she had the same problem with baby no2 I think it depends on the baby if they will like a bottle after being bf. Have to say loving your pics of Sam he's got such a wide eyed cute face xx

:winkwink: no wonder they had opinions to voice, breastfeeding your OH in public hehe :haha:
Asher regarding your friend I had the same when trying to breastfeed oh don't give formula and wait until he's starving then he will feed..... People just like to voice their opinions when they have no understanding. My sil has 3 children and she had the same problem with baby no2 I think it depends on the baby if they will like a bottle after being bf. Have to say loving your pics of Sam he's got such a wide eyed cute face xx

:winkwink: no wonder they had opinions to voice, breastfeeding your OH in public hehe :haha:

No wonder I didn't have enough supply !:haha:
Morning all!!!

Asher, how bloody rude of your friend!!!

Jelly, don't feel guilty about wanting some time away, I love my me time even if its just a bath or walking the dog!!!

We had a good night, Hope went down at 8, woke at 12 for a 15 min feed and change, then she woke at 6am for aher morning feed, I then put her back in bed with Ian and came down for my breakfast and to do the housework!! They are both snoring up there!!
I am off to get some frames for Hope's photo's today and sort some christmas cards out!!
Lousie sorry to hear the news about your DH least you know now, fx he will be back before april

Asher just ignore her like jelly said "People just like to voice their opinions when they have no understanding" as if u would leave him untill he is screaming coz he is so hungry :nope:

loooool jelly "breastfeeding your OH" :haha:

jelly dont feel guilty about having "me time" be nice for you both to have a break from each other will do you the world of good.

we have a poorly boy, he got his sisters chesty cough & cold & is off his food :cry: poor lamb, i was dreading him catching it

think i'm getting a bloody eye infection :dohh: so i'm off to the dr's today

RE: christmas cards is anyone doing the cards with your photo's on?

i use this website. you upload your pic's & you can make cards,photo mugs,
calenders ect

For andrews birthday i got him a picture mug from the kids with loads of our cherised photo's onit, which he loved! thinking about creating photo xmas cards this year :thumbup:

Ladykara - Close carrier is a fabric one here is a link

Jellycat - glad you managed to get a Crib x

Daisybell - I have bought my Mum a photomug for Christmas and some fridge magnets. The site I have used is Photobox but I imagine they are all much of a muchness

Thanks for the Anniversary messages, I was in a foul mood all day and still am to be honest. DH is really pissing me off at the moment, I think he lied to me on Saturday (not about anything important but it's the principle) and he is denying it. Despite spending the last five years wanting to change his career to be a teacher, now that he is doing it all he does is complain. I'm fed up of him complaining every single morning when he get's up and then doing the same when he get's home. I think if he had his way he just wouldn't go to work full stop. It's making me feel resentful because when we met I was very career oriented, was travelling a lot and working 50-60 hour weeks while he worked 9-5 and he didn't bat an eyelid or give me any understanding he just enjoyed the lifestyle it afforded us. Now he's working 9 hour days I'm supposed to give him masses of sympathy. Also, we agreed that I wasn't going to go back to work until Scarlett is at Nursery at the earliest and I feel like his constant moaning about his job is putting pressure on me. I think the situation is being made worse by the fact that he got his date through for his operation next July and it's on his mind all the time. Obviously I'm worried about it too - I don't want to end up a widow next year but I'd rather just put it to the back of our minds until nearer the time rather than let it ruin the next 8 months. I'm so fed up with being the supportive one in our relationship and not getting any back. I'm going to shut up now because I could go on for hours. I don't feel like I can talk to my friends/family about how I feel at the moment so I'm subjecting you guys sorry. The problem is he does have an underlying illness so I just feel like a complete bitch for not being 100% sympathetic all the time. It's just that sometimes I feel like screaming "what about me?" DH seems to forget I had an operation 9weeks ago and he's hardly gone out of his way to support me through it. I'm still not 100% and I'm still bleeding so I'm dreading the ultrasound I'm going to have to check what's going on. If we are friends on facebook please don't mention anything about this because I'll never hear the end of it.

Mrs J, sounds like you have alot on your plate atm, men can be so selfish. I know us women are martyrs and all that but sometimes it would be nice of they could have a day in our bodies and know how we feel. Having a baby is a stressful time let alone everything else you have to contend with. Have you tried talking to him?? Or maybe writing it down for him?? Don't ever apologise for venting on here, thats what we are here for!! xxxxxxxx
Thanks for the Anniversary messages, I was in a foul mood all day and still am to be honest. DH is really pissing me off at the moment, I think he lied to me on Saturday (not about anything important but it's the principle) and he is denying it. Despite spending the last five years wanting to change his career to be a teacher, now that he is doing it all he does is complain. I'm fed up of him complaining every single morning when he get's up and then doing the same when he get's home. I think if he had his way he just wouldn't go to work full stop. It's making me feel resentful because when we met I was very career oriented, was travelling a lot and working 50-60 hour weeks while he worked 9-5 and he didn't bat an eyelid or give me any understanding he just enjoyed the lifestyle it afforded us. Now he's working 9 hour days I'm supposed to give him masses of sympathy. Also, we agreed that I wasn't going to go back to work until Scarlett is at Nursery at the earliest and I feel like his constant moaning about his job is putting pressure on me. I think the situation is being made worse by the fact that he got his date through for his operation next July and it's on his mind all the time. Obviously I'm worried about it too - I don't want to end up a widow next year but I'd rather just put it to the back of our minds until nearer the time rather than let it ruin the next 8 months. I'm so fed up with being the supportive one in our relationship and not getting any back. I'm going to shut up now because I could go on for hours. I don't feel like I can talk to my friends/family about how I feel at the moment so I'm subjecting you guys sorry. The problem is he does have an underlying illness so I just feel like a complete bitch for not being 100% sympathetic all the time. It's just that sometimes I feel like screaming "what about me?" DH seems to forget I had an operation 9weeks ago and he's hardly gone out of his way to support me through it. I'm still not 100% and I'm still bleeding so I'm dreading the ultrasound I'm going to have to check what's going on. If we are friends on facebook please don't mention anything about this because I'll never hear the end of it.


I feel exactly the same hunny, it is so bloody frustrating, :hugs:I am a happy person and dont usually let things get me down but tbh some things just tip the balance over too much!
My dh was injured 2 years ago and has not worked since, when we first met he used to work up to 90 hours a week, and he was fit and healthy, he used to compliment me all the time and was really lovely, now he has this injury he doesn't work, constantly seems to pick on things, and it was hard adjusting to having him round me all the time, i wait on him hand and foot and am the perfect wife, and support him, and like you said sometimes we need the support and its just not there!
He lied big time to me recently, starting when i was pregnant i found out he was keeping stuff from me, i picked him up on it then and then just last week found out he was still doing what i had asked him not to, only it was worse than i thought! So the husband i married and thought i had not only has changed but has lied to me and expects things just to carry on, and especially after the baby i am feeling like i cant get it together, i am trying but having more bad days than good, and like you try to avoid getting into it on facebook! Huge :hugs:, feel free to pm me, i am happy to be a shoulder to cry on :cry::hugs:xx

Anyway time to go, i guess i have half explained why i have not been here much recently, have been feeling pretty unappreciated but my lying hubby, and saddened he can lie to me, i described it as loosing a friend, i am just glad for my children, they are my world xx
Becs - thanks hun, yes I have tried talking to him and he tries for a few hours, sometimes a couple of days and then just reverts back again. I don't think it's the right time to confront things in the way I like because the operation he has to have is life threatening.

BTP - thanks for your understanding. It's so hard caring for someone who has an illness isn't it? I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. It sounds like I'm putting things off but I just keep telling myself we have to get through his operation first and until then I will try my best to be supportive and bite my lip. After his operation he will still have to deal with other health problems which result from the operation but not potentially fatal ones like he is now. I've been through this kind of phase with him before and I'm sure I will again. I value my marriage and I love him very much so I know we have to work through our problems, my worry is that I always seem to be the one that takes the initiative to make things better.

Baby is awake so have to go - will pop back later :hug:
oh dear bec n btp these men want a kick up the ass dont they, i get the impression that Chris is jealous that im off work but what he forgets is that he lost his job 2 years ago and was out of work for 9 bloody months! Rant over lol x x
Hi ladies

MrsJ and BTP big hugs for you both :hugs: Men can be such jerks!! Matt and I have our moments, sometimes I feel like he doesn't give me any support and expects me to do everything and support him. I think it's easy for them to forget that our 'job' involves being on call 24 hours a day and they underestimate how hard it is for us to never fully have a moment to ourselves. Matt always says "well she naps during the day doesn't she?" and I always remind him that how would he feel if he never knew if/when he was going to get a break. I have thought at times that he has become really selfish since Holly has been born, being too bothered about himself but then I wonder if actually I've become less selfish and he has stayed the same, if you know what I mean? Grr men lol

MrsJ now I want a close carrier!! We have a baba sling which I really like but it doesn't support my back properly so I end up with a bad back now she's heavier. I think I might sell it and try and nab a cheap close carrier on ebay or something as they are quiet expensive aren't they? Blob I love your ones, I like the second and third ones the best.

Well we had a good night in a way! Holly wouldn't settle til just after midnight but then she slept through til 10am so I can't complain as I got a lovely lie in!! I'd rather she went to bed earlier though as it's getting later and later! I think I'm going to try and pull it back a bit, perhaps half an hour at a time, so she goes to bed at about 10 and gets up somewhere between 7 and 8, that would be fantastic! Will be easier said than done though I reckon! lol I'm not bloody complaining though, I'd have begged for 9 ish hours sleep a few weeks ago lol

I've officially retired the pram carrycot now too. I was going to keep her in it for as long as she fit in it, but she likes the seat so much. We put her in it when we went shopping on Saturday and she loved being able to see out. She was starting to get all frustrated not being able to see when she was awake in the carrycot, so we've retired it to the loft. I'm determined to get SOME use out of the moses before she's too big for that though so I've brought that and the stand downstairs for her daytime naps (She was napping in the carrycot in the living room) and she no longer seems to hate it so that's good! She is in her big cot next to my bed at night now. What do you girls do for daytime naps? Do you put your babies upstairs in their beds or do they nap downstairs? I guess I'll have to start putting her upstairs for her naps soon as she won't be able to sleep in the moses for long.


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