It's quiet because I've not been around
LBB I hope you get the carseat issue sorted that's really not on
he has been through so so much he's an amazing little boy!!
About losing weight (I'm sure there was some comment on that) are there still some people using the DVDs? I'm still at it
I HATE my legs
I put on muscle really easily for some reason but it makes my legs really big and I hate it
better doing nothing and they are skinnier and fit in my jeans
I would love love to get out to a gym but seems no point since I only can go when robins home.
I have always always wanted 4 babies and i honeslty don't know if my broody feeling will ever go away. I don't get it when I look at other babies though only thinking about the girls and looking at their baby photos
maybe one day I will have more.
Is it weird I just want to really appreciate this year with Tabs I feel so sad that she will be off to school I just want to keep her as my baby for longer
Btw CHESTER ZOO!!!!!! Seriously! I was in bloody Chester at the start of the month and near rugby
should have organised it for then
Hey Cafferine
Haven't been around in a while, i get obsessed when I read and I've been reading the game of thrones
so been totally involved in that.
Hope I haven't missed out too much