September Stars

So sorry for no personals, got baby in one arm and I suck at one hand typing.

Just wondering if any of you noticed a really strong ammonia smell from your babies wee/nappies? Ellie has had it for the last week and last night it was so strong I could smell it when she was laying on my lap. It smelt almost like hair dye fumes and made me slightly headachey it was so strong. Ive got an appointment at docs tonight to see if its normal or not but thought I'd pop in and ask you ladies too.

SR the only time I have noticed a smell like that is when using pampers! I think pampers stink when she has a wee but I haven't noticed it when using other nappies. If it's not that perhaps she could have an infection or be a bit dehydrated? My wee always smells strong if I've not had enough to drink!! x
Well James seems to have completly stopped his night feeds now which is great so we only wake now to change his nappy.... however at 6 weeks he is getting big for his moses basket, im nervous as his main cot is in another room and I know its recommended they sleep in the same room for first 6 months. What have you guys done or planning to do? Im thinking of buying a small travel cot which could possibly fit in our room for the next few months. We have limited space in our room so very few options..... am I just being a worry wort?

Not sure hun but we're in the same boat so will be interested to hear what others suggest. I'm not sure we have room for a travel cot in our room so we might just have to accept that he will have to go in his nursery soon. :( Don't feel bad for wanting some you time. I think we all do! Our jobs are 24/7 so pretty full on and it's not just that it is physically demanding (some days aren't for me) but it's emotionally demanding more than anything. Constantly trying to work out what they need etc.

Oh no Louise, I'm really sorry to hear that your dh is off to Afghanistan. I have no idea how I would cope without my DH until April so I really feel for you. Big :hugs:

Becs, great price on the carrycot!

Asher, I've been loaning newborn and maternity clothes to others but I'm expecting it back incase we have another.

MrsJ, happy anniversary for yesterday. As I said to Asher, Harry hasn't been a dummy fan but we've just tried him with the Avent 0-6 type and he loves it!! Whoop whoop! Sorry to hear that your dh isn't being supportive. I hate it when my dh moans but when I try and give solutions he isn't interested. He used to moan about his job but when I told him to look for another he had excuses why not to.

sisterrose, I'm coming round to the idea of having another now but it's still way too early for me! Lovely names though!

Asher I can't believe what your friend said. I just couldn't leave Harry to cry and wait until he is so hungry he will take a bottle, but to be fair I am a bit of a walk over when it comes to my son!! lol! I just hate to hear him cry and normally he just does a whingy cry that I can deal with. He's only really had a full on cry a few times.. the first of which was after his jabs. We bought different teats and he rejected them all but then weirdly took a bottle with an Avent teat on (the ones we've been trying up until now!!). Having said that, he hasn't taken it since so I just guess he knows what to do but just doesn't want to do it.

Emzy, glad Holly likes the pram! Harry smiles away in his!


I am having a real issue with Harry's feeds at the moment and wondered if you ladies BFeeding could help. On Saturday he was crying as obviously tired so I tried to do the usual.. dummy, little finger and boob but he went mental every time I tried to put something in his mouth. He also wasn't feeding well. Since Sunday he will accept the dummy and little finger but every time he thinks I'm going to feed him he starts to cry. I assumed it was as he was hungry as he'd hardly eaten but he again went mental when I tried to BF him. At one point he accepted a bottle of formula as I was so worried he wasn't eating and he took that. He later feed when I tricked him with my little finger and then again in the bath later in the evening. Also during the night there is no issue. I have no idea what is going on but it's really upsetting me. :cry: It's horrible seeing your baby get so upset when you try and feed them.
sounds like your little man is just trying it on, perhaps he likes the bottle, i imagine the even flowing teat and formula milk is easy and filling, at night he knows the routine and just goes with it but during the day perhaps he see's his chance to get round Mummy for what he wants!
He wont starve himself, you could try expressing if he prefers the bottle, just so he doesnt get too used to formula, sounds like he is just demanding what he wants. All you can do is persist if breast is important to you, or give him what seems to make him happier. I dont know what i would do, mostly Rosie gets her way, i am very baby lead, noting wrong with a baby ruling the roost, as long as they are happy, childhood is so short i want them to remember happy things!
:hugs: xx
Thanks Clare. The weird thing is that he generally hates the bottle. The is only the 2nd time he's ever taken milk from it and the first time with formula. He hasn't taken it since. He's acting so weird. Do you think it could be teething?
SR - exactly the same as Emzy, I use Pampers and they do smell when there is a wee in them. I'm really torn because I don't like the smell of pampers but we haven't had any leaks with them so I'm putting up with it at the moment. I've been told that Pampers are better for girls and Huggies better for boys and my friend's experiences seem to bare this out. Can anyone recommend any other trustworthy brand for girls that I can try?

Emzy - I always put Scarlett down in her cot for naps unless she is already asleep in her carrycot after a walk. Scarlett seems to understand that the cot is her place for sleeping and I also put her down in it with the mobile on if I need to go to the loo or do housework and she is awake.

F&C - :hugs: I have been having BF issues with Scarlett for the past 10 days very similar to what you describe except that she won't accept a dummy and it's been typically happening half way through a feed. I have a couple of theories, in the first instance I often find the issue is wind, also she is much more efficient at feeding now. As she can drain the boob much quicker I was assuming she hadn't finished feeding when she had and was full. Another thing is she is much more easily distracted during feeding now so will sometimes have a bit of a break and just look around the room. Same as Harry - none of these problems at night. Now for solutions - as soon as the strop starts I switch breasts. I think often she is frustrated that the milk isn't flowing as quickly as she would like. I've used my breastfeeding cover so she doesn't get distracted and sometimes put her down on her playgym between boobs. It's trial and error but I generally find one or a combination of these things work. Scarlett is definitely teething and the bonjela is helping Good luck x
fishy James Does that too and i find he has wind or tummy ache sometimes swapping boob works! I think Morrisons nappies are fab! I cant remember anything else...oh i got a bargain yesterday - 4 packs of sainsburys little ones sensitive wipes for £1.52! x
Louise - Sorry to hear about your OH going off to Afghan...i know how hard it is...when my brother used to mum was a bit of a mess!!!

Kimi is still in her moses basket and I haven't even considered moving her out of it yet as she has plenty of room left!!!

Had a bad few days with Kimi and has told my OH that if he doesnt shape up and help me more with her then I will be asking him to move out as I dont need 2 children to look after!!! He has since been VERY helpful and understands that I need him to look after both of us and find a job!!!

Had Kimi weighed today at our 6 week check up and she is 10lb... the doctor said he was concered as she was 9lb at birth!! I felt like he was trying to suggest that I don't feed her or something...and i left feeling like a bad mum...but she is taking 24ounces a day and wont take anymore usually.... i dont know how much more I can do... :cry::cry::cry:

He has now said i must take her to get weighed every week and if she doesnt start putting on more weight then its going to be investigated!!!

Hope you're all okay! x
YoungMummy - :hugs: you are not a bad Mum! This is what I would suggest you do - off your own back call your health visitor tomorrow and ask her for an appointment. Sit down with her and go through Kimi's feeding routine's and exactly what she takes and when. If you do this yourself and ask for help and show that you are concerned that Kimi isn't gaining weight, you are doing everything right. There will never be any need for anyone to investigate anything, because you will have asked for support. Health visitors aren't there to judge you, they are there to help and I haven't hesitated to ask mine for advice when I have needed it. Scarlett was 8lb6oz when she was born, she is bf and lost a lot of weight in the beginning 12%. Now she is 9 weeks and last week she weighed 10lb8oz. In my experience babies can put weight on very quickly - I was worried the previous week as she had dropped down the centile's but she put on 6oz in a week and is now back on the same growth line. Try and remember that weight is just a snap shot which is why they usually only weigh every 2-3 weeks. Please don't get disheartened - everything will be ok xxx
Mrsj I use boots own nappies now as pampers smell and huggies leak! Boots I think are quite similar to pampers and even contain poo explosions! Asdas are ok but not as soft, sainsburys are crap! X
Aw youngmummy you are not a bad mum! I agree with mrsj suggestions and also that weight is just a snapshot. I know how you feel as holly lost a lot to begin with, just over 12% of birth weight and I felt the same, like it was my fault but now holly is doing great with her weight so please don't worry Xx
MrsJ, thank you, i may have to try one as they look really good...

F&C i have the exact same problem, it was only in the evening but now she gets funny time during the day, happy to take a 3oz bottle of formula but if my boob comes out she starts crying... i posted about this in the breast feeding forum. I still have not worked it out but was planning on seeing if someone at the breastfeeding group near me would know... I just this second had the problem...

youngmummy- all babies are different, the doctor would only investigate to see if there is a medical problem. Im sure she is fine... just wont have the putting on weight problem us unlucky girls do suffer from.. x
F&C - :hugs: I have been having BF issues with Scarlett for the past 10 days very similar to what you describe except that she won't accept a dummy and it's been typically happening half way through a feed. I have a couple of theories, in the first instance I often find the issue is wind, also she is much more efficient at feeding now. As she can drain the boob much quicker I was assuming she hadn't finished feeding when she had and was full. Another thing is she is much more easily distracted during feeding now so will sometimes have a bit of a break and just look around the room. Same as Harry - none of these problems at night. Now for solutions - as soon as the strop starts I switch breasts. I think often she is frustrated that the milk isn't flowing as quickly as she would like. I've used my breastfeeding cover so she doesn't get distracted and sometimes put her down on her playgym between boobs. It's trial and error but I generally find one or a combination of these things work. Scarlett is definitely teething and the bonjela is helping Good luck x

Thanks hun. He's been a bit better today but this morning was pulling off early and screaming, similar to what you are saying you're experiencing. Think I'll buy some bonjela. The swapping boobs has been working quite well today so thanks.

Thanks lilbumpblue. x

Ladykara, I was wondering about going to the BF clinic. Let me know how it goes.

Youngmummy, Harry has now gone down 2 percentile lines so the HV told me maybe my milk wasn't up to scratch!!!!! It's utter rubbish as I went to the BF clinic to check. I think that's why I'm so upset that he's not feeding well as I'm worried they will think I'm doing a bad job. Are you and your dh small or big as both me and my dh are small but Harry was 9lb so another HV told me he is just levelling off. I can't believe they are threatening to 'investigate'!!
Youngmummy, you are a fab Mum, good for you for giving your OH a kick up the arse!!! I agree with what everyone else has said, don't beat yourself up about it, some babies gain weight quicker than others and that is in no way a reflection on you as a Mum. You can't force your baby to gain weight and eat!!! Sometimes I think Dr's are too quick to judge, you as a responsible parent would go to them if we were in anyway concerned as you know your baby xxxxx
Hi girls! :hi:
Oh how I love nap time!
It's finally somewhat quieter and less frantic as the boys are both having their snooze. I have about 25 thank you cards to write and have finally got the birth announcements printed ( :blush: somehow that took way longer with a toddler in the house! ), so they also have to get sent out. And this is my time to do it! I will feel so much better once that's done. I hate those kind of chores hanging over my head.
So on the topic of teething, I thought Simon was a very early teether at 4 months. And everything I've read suggests it's quite rare for babies to get teeth before 3 months, but there seem to be a whole bunch of September Stars who are cutting teeth very early. Toby may have just joined the club. I am 99% sure that the little white line poking up through his bottom gum ridge is a tooth. Plus he's been a bit droolly and fussy. That just seems ridiculously early to me, but there you have it. A tooth. At ten weeks. :shrug:
He had better not take after his brother with the biting and BFing.

F&C - Not sure I have any advice for the pulling off the boob and not wanting to feed. Any changes in your diet that might have caused a funny taste or digestion issues with the milk? My best advice would be to head over to kellymom and search through her site. It usually has something useful. Wish I could be more help.

To all you ladies with the OH issues, :hugs: Relationship stuff can be so draining and adding that to the exhaustion of babycare could send anyone over the edge. Stay strong! :hugs:

Oh! Wanted to share with you UK girls - we have a fellow in our playgroup who is over just this year from the UK and yesterday his stroller snapped at the joints. He figures it was designed (maybe also made) in the UK where large snowbanks and -20C are not common elements that strollers must endure! :) He is now purchasing a big tank of a stroller to withstand the fierce Canadian winters! :haha: So there you go. That's how hardcore our weather is.
Hi all, just popping on quickly! Need an early night! Sooo sleepy, Sam had a rubbish night last night!

Youngmummy, don't let the weight thing get you down. I agree with the others about contacting your HV. Seems to me that Kimi has a very loving mummy!

Hugs MrsJ, sounds like things are difficult for you at the moment with DH. Don't want to be nosey and ask what his medical issues are, but are the chances that the op, if successful, will make a big difference to his health? Fingers crossed things settle for you soon. Scarlett sounds as though she's doing great!

Sam is also a pain with his feeding at the moment. He is super distractable and sometimes won't feed even though I know he's hungry. Jack was the same, and it was just a change in his feeding pattern. He would always feed better during the night or when he was sleepy, but was a little horror during the day. Being out and about made it so much worse too. :hugs:

Right, I'm off for some supper and then to bed. I aim to be in bed by 10 tonight. Sam went up before 9 awake and went to sleep on his own. I am not anticipating a good night tonight though, given how bad the last couple of nights have been!!
Evening all x

Hope is quite restless tonight and Ian is trying to settle her. She is so dribbly and very fuzzy today I am sure she is teething, her gums are hard and look sore, also she has had some funny poos today!!
I am in bed on my phone, I feel shattered tonight.
paige has started to dribble and puts her hand in her mouth a lot but i dont feel any teeth coming through .. but she was sucking her thumb today so maybe it was the whole effort of managing this.

No 4 hours screaming session tonight woop woop, paige was in such a good mood and found out she feeds better when im walking with her.. and she now can latch on with out me helping her......hurts very slightly than when i help her latch but i dont feel her at all when she is feeding so its not a problem...
wow its all go here today, im sorry i dont get as many personals done as id like ya know what its like , right ill have a little read....

Sisterrose- i agree the smell is a pampers thing but i still think they are the best nappies i find huggies leak and a tescos own the other day was a disaster! Love your signature by the way.

Fishy- sorry im not bf so i cant help but hope it gets better soon

Youngmummy- im sure the help will be there if you ask for it , try not to worry

Asher- i really hope you get a good night

becs- i hope you also have a good night and feel less shattered tommorow

Amelia rolled over today in the play gym i think its complete flook because she was having a strop but we will see what she does tommorow, Layla is being fussy with her eating again she will only take two onces at a time now and refuses any more and just screams , i think she is suffering with a bit of a cold.
I have found some brilliant nappies yesterday that haven't leaked with my little boy (yet!!) they are called Nature Babycare and found them in Waitrose. He always seemed to leak to the right every day and every nappy even though I tucked his bits in properly!!

I have now decided I need to have a new changing bag as my OiOi one won't fit over the handlebars on my twin buggy. Can anyone recommend one that either velcros on or with a long enough handle to stretch over but still has little compartments in? Someone on here said they had bought a really expensive one which had loads of storage in but can't remember the make, can anyone help please?

BTW Ben has had two teeth buds sticking out since he was born and they are now poking through a bit more. My daughter also had teeth about this time too and had two at the same time. Ben chews his fists all the time and his cheek is also very red and a bit fussy. I had to take Ben to dr's today as he has been vomiting alot after feeds and have now been given baby Gaviscon which I hope will help.

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