gg - your mum is so brave. What a wonderful lady for your girls to look up to! I hope she gets to see their little faces for a good long while yet.
stmw -

I agree with the advice given - if there is any possibility of spending the weekend in bed and relaxing, do it! Try not to think too much about it (yeah, right, eh?

) and hope that this is one of those unexplained bleeds that so many other pregnancies have survived. This does not automatically mean it's over.

The only way I would be able to deal with that kind of anxiety is curling up with a good book or film and trying to distract myself for as long as possible. Wishing you and that little bean all the best!
Jelly - I agree with Louise. The internet can offer up its own little slice of justice these days. If he does not get that album sorted out immediately (with apologies and something for your headache, I might add), make sure you name and shame on every public site and forum you can think of. Don't forget the Better Business Bureau (or whatever it is in the UK). What a pain in the ass, though.
As for me, running around like a headless chicken trying to keep house, make sure no toddlers are performing death-defying feats, etc. This seems to now be my normal state of being - navigating utter chaos. My girlfriend came over for dinner the other night and could not believe how energetic and noisy the boys were. It made me laugh. They always get the evening crazies, so I suppose they are pretty nuts after dinner, but I really barely notice it. Which of course makes me all paranoid that they are a pair of desperate hellions and I've done a terrible job on them....

Or it might just be a shock of noise to a young single gal who is used to most evenings being at home?
Hopefully the latter....
I decided to bite the bullet today and start the ball rolling to get Tobe some speech therapy. He has maybe 10-15 words now and a couple of little sentences, but it is very hard for anyone but me and his dad to understand him. I am not particularly worried. I just think it is wise to deal with it now. Anyway, I might as well have saved my time and just done another load of laundry or something, because the line was busy all day. I called eight different times and got nothing but a busy signal. I could not even leave a message.
