Another guilty rubbish threadmate here - I'm sorry. 2 under 2 is damn hardwork !!! Its not even that either of them are that hardwork but just the regular day to day stuff seems to overcome me and most nights I don't sit down until 10pm !!! Were all good though - Noah is thriving and seems to be developing fine - hes rolling and at the chatty stage

Olivia continues to be awesome with him. I love watching them together she is obsessed with holding his hands !! Loving her personality at the moment - she's chayyu and wants to learn about everything. I can't believe our "babies" are all turning 2

It's gone so quick. xx
So what I can remember.......
F&C : Glad that the work stuff wasn't serious and that the money stuff is getting sorted. I can't believe how quick the time is coming round for new babies !! Have you got a name shortlist yet ? xx
stmw : Glad scan showed that baby was fine and dandy. Fingers crossed that all goes well from now on. xx
Louise : Sorry about your grandad hun. I hope you get to say your final goodbyes. Re : "Heidi Isobel" LOVE IT !!! The end is in sight hun for your girly. I hated being pregnant with Noah - nothing went right from start to finish. I really do feel your pain. xx
Kara : fingers crossed for you scan next week hun. xx
Emzy : Hope your enjoying Wales - Poor Holly bumping her head. I am so hoping that nothing like that happens to Olivia as I am no good with blood at all. Fingers crossed for the business venture. Have you got a FB page yet ?? xx
Sarahkka : Love the "zizzors" !! Too cute xx
Jelly : Yay for weight loss, house news and a new assistant. Boo on the sleeping front. I have given up with Olivia. She goes to bed fine but between 4am and 5am she is in our bed EVERY night. Its either get up at that time, leave her to scream (and she will scream for over an hour) or make room for her in our bed !! xx
Becs : Glad your all settled in. Will have to sort meeting up soon. Iv'e damaged my foot so can't go far at the moment but will have to do something soon. xx
Blob : Yay for holiday !! Where are you going ? Wev'e booked 10 days in the South of France for next year - I'm saving for it now though as money is so tight here at the moment. xx
FB : It's so sweet seeing your kids bonding isn't it

Jessmckeiver : Congrats to you hun !!!! xx
Teeny :

Are you still bfing ? Noah seems to want to be on my boob constantly in the afternoon..... I'm really hoping that I don't need to start weaning yet but it's in the back of my head that he might need more. xx
I hope that I haven't missed anyone off and hope everybody else is well and enjoying the snippets of heat were getiing here and there. Olivia is loving all the garden time and playing in the local outdooe paddling pool.
We also had to make the really hard decision to rehome our labrador Jess. I am heartbroken about it and really struggling with the decision we made. She has gone to an absolutely awesome home but I feel emotionally ruined about it. were going to see her next week (shes about 70 miles away in Fakenham) and I am dreading seeing her and being an emotional wreck in front of everybody.
Right x-factor has been on pause for 45 mins so best get off here !! Promise to try better. xxx