ha ha! I don't post that much, do I??!

Obviously have far too much time on my hands!!
Jelly, big hugs hun xx
Louise how awful for your cousin

OMG can not believe you're 35 weeks already, time is flying!! I dont miss the late pregnancy lack of sleep!! At least when you have a baby waking you, you have a reason to be awake instead of sore hips and toilet trips! I used to wish the days away til Hollys nap time lol
Jelly great idea, I hadn't thought of that! I haven't had many orders yet to be honest, a few, but trying to spread the word by advertising lots at the mo. I've also just added 2 cheaper bags for sale, so hopefully that'll encourage people to buy. I should have a stall at an NCT baby fair next month too
LBB that's interesting about potty training, as there are 2 near us that say no unless fully potty trained!! But that's a good point about discrimination!
Teeny Evie is random, she goes from sleeping 9-7 some nights to randomly waking in the night. She normally either does 9-7 or 9-5.30 then back down til 8.30 but this week she started waking at 3 again!! 4 month sleep regression I guess, never got it with Holly :/ How did Riley get on?
SO much bad news around the the moment, I got really upset reading about that 3 year old girl who died on the slide on her first day at nursery. I had just picked Holly up from Playschool when I read it, really makes you think and count your blessings
Holly is loving playschool. She's only been going for 2 weeks and already her speech has come on leaps and bounds. She can all of a sudden count to ten as well, whereas before she started at 3 lol I was so lucky to find such a cheap place that's so good!!