. I really hope by you having to wait that you will go into labour on your own. I'm sure ladyK had the same issue with having to wait for a free bed. That's the thing I suppose you can never know who is in labour. Who has H?
My parents. Apparently there are only two ladies still labouring downstairs and the others are recovering and waiting for paperwork etc to be completed but we were told this hours ago.
This hospital is so incredibly busy as it's the only one with a labour ward in the county.
Is D still allowed to wait with you? Surely they wouldn't start you off this evening now this late. Really hope you can come home this evening and at least sleep in your own bed.
Rubbish like jelly said I can't imagine they'd start you now? Sorry honey, must be a shitty feeling after waiting so long and all that apprehension and anticipation surrounding today xx
Finally fell asleep at about 1.30am after crying and asking for a different room. The woman next to me was in early stages of labour and they were checking her regularly.
I've now woken to significant cramps that are every 3 minutes. Not sure when to call my husband back though as they're still manageable.
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