Bragging opportunity.. I slept last night!! 9pm Heidi had her last bottle, went to sleep at 10pm (she doesn't go to sleep on the bottle!!) then started stirring around 7.15 and I got her up at 7.15am! She laid on my bed cooing and smiling away, she's just like Lilia in the fact that she doesn't cry for her first bottle at all! She's really starting to smile at us now, she's trying to make noises and she follows us around the room with her eyes, bless her! Me and Wayne have done a lot of talking and there has been effort on both sides and things are already improving lots, my mood has lifted a lot already. I'm wondering if it's more hormone related, is ongoing SPD issues. After yesterday's physio I do feel like it is improving so that helps! I've got a doctor appointment today about it and not sur what to say as I'm feeling happier?!