September Stars

Yep I'd say so Youngmummy, 2.5 times her weight is 25oz, so 22oz is pretty close!!

Becs I don't get a check up... maybe I should see the doctor and get them to have a look just in case. I really thought it should have healed by now. It feels really sore today, like it's been stretched iykwim? x
I've got a few bits for sale in the buy, swap, sell section if anyone is interested! Bouncer chair, baba sling, breastpumps, bras, Christmas outfit, etc Xx
Worth getting looked at, if you really don't want to try plenty of lube and possibly a different position so you don't get so much pressure on that part of you.
I still got achy forever after my first birth, where i was stitched would ache when my period was due, and i can still feel that at times.
I went for my swabs today b4 my coil fit, we have not dtd since trying to b4 Rosie was born, we decided it was not worth the risk even though i am feeding and its not likely i get pregnant, i am allergic to condoms and dh is not keen on them even if i get the non rubber ones.
They cant fit my coil til 15th Dec with a doctor that did my 6 week check and i don't like, ahhhhhhhhhhh!! I said to the nurse i was available at the drop of a hat if they get a cancelation!!:haha: I said its my birthday 10th dec and it would be nice to have sex!!

YoungMummy, hope Kimi's ear infection gets better soon, poor buba xx I think Rosie is about 10lb, a bit smaller, she was 9lb 4oz 2 weeks ago anyway so i think about that! :hugs:

Off to peel and chop for tea, full house tonight my step son is over so that is 6 kids 2 adults tonight! Ah I love it really!:thumbup:
The best bit is when i am out with the youngest 2 and people say, 'is she your 2nd?' and i say 'no, my 5th' ha, ha I love to see their faces! xx:hugs:
Christmas prezzie idea post!!:thumbup:

Just wanted to say, if you have a grandparent or dh who is difficult to get gifts for, snapfish (photos) are doing some money off their calenders atm, they do other gifts too, or you can just order some pics and fill a little flip album for them, i have done this for my mil and both my 10 and 7yr olds, they love looking at pictures of the family, and my mil i have just done pics of her granddaughters to show off!
I got some stamps also, just as a little extra thing!
The postage they charge for each item so watch for that at the end!
atm a £14.99 calender i think is about £10 plus £1.99 p&p so not bad for a year of pics of your lovely baby!
Will be better next year as we will have more pics, i used a scan pic in one of mine, you can put pics in the day squares as well as the main pic, a pic every day of the year if you have enough!!:thumbup:
BTP what a nice pressie idea! I'm pretty sure I'd have enough for every day of the year, I take hundreds of photos of Holly lol! x
Okay, it's -25C here today. :cold:
Too cold to take little ones out and Simon is bouncing off the walls being kept inside.
Fingers crossed that I survive the day. :(

On a happier note, we got our new snazzy snow tires on the car yesterday and they rock! I could feel the difference while driving. Definitely a must have in this city!
well James has had his ears checked by the doctor who said it was just a lot of wax then decided these was yellow rubbish which he thinks is cradle cap! Wtf!?!? Popped into town and bought some dentinox for £1.97 from Wilkinsons! Bargain! Iv had a leaflet through today for 3 photo calendars for 9.99 from vistaprint! X
Emzy great idea on the secret Santa

Becs your banana and chocolate cake sounds yum ... Where did you get the recipe from been trying to find a decent banana cake recipe for weeks now

Lady k - I've stopped bleeding now and possibly had a period last week but was very light but that gave me bad back ache. I just have a lot if discharge now obviously not as much as when I was pregnant

JJ has between 5 and 7oz bottles depending on time of day

Lbb hope he feels better soon xxx

Stupid question is cradle cap just dry skin ??

Felt fed up yesterday our crib arrived but they forgot to deliver the mattress so had to wait in all day today for the second delivery. JJ was crying all day and then DH came home to say he's going to poker Thursday (as he always does) and Friday wet the babys head but will stay at our friends house..... So I'm on my own two nights in a row. He then had the cheek to say he had only been out 4 times in past 7 weeks ( rubbish ). I then planned to cooked stuffed chicken with Parma ham to find the chicken had turned again (twice in 2 weeks). By this point I felt completely fed up, I really need to have time for myself I'm starting to go stir crazy especially as I've had to stay in two days in z row for deliverys........ Ahh feel better now after that rant!

On a positive the crib is hopefully being built tonight!!!
Aww jelly you poor thing id make a complaint tell them you lost a days Pay for their incompetance! Have a good rant and when you get a giftcard through it will cheer you up! I recommend Saturday night meal with the girls while Hubby sits James! Cradle cap is dry skin but some babies have more oily excretions from their skin which causes the skin to thicken or something like that lol x
Jelly, would you like me to send you the recipe, its really easy!!!Go out with the girlies!!

Jayne, glad you got little man to the Drs and fx'd that the dentinox works xx

Emzy, go to the Dr's and get checked out xx
I am sat here in the kitchen and Sam is whingeing away in bed on the monitor. I am trying to be tough but it's hard. He's full and clean and just needs sleep now. He's right on the edge of sleep but not nodding off. The problem is that if I pick him up, he'll fall asleep straight away, I'll put him down and then two mins later he'll jump in his sleep and wake himself up. Then he won't know where he is cos it's not where he fell asleep, so he'll be upset again! So I am being tough, reassuring him he's ok and giving him big kisses and hugs every couple of minutes, and walking out of the room. Ah it's hard. But I've been there before with Jack and it was a 2 and a half year nightmare in the end!! :cry:

Jayne, I bought some dentinox today too for Sam's cradle cap, as it looked blooming awful this morning when he got up. I've used it once tonight and it already looks a little bit better. FX'd it clears up soon! I hope James' ear is okay too! Poor love!

Aw Jelly, sounds super frustrating!! It's awful being cooped up when you don't have to be. These crisp winters days are sometimes the best for getting out with little one all bundled up in the pram, nice fresh air into everyone's lungs! I hope your crib does the job once it's up! Which one did you get in the end? Loving your most recent FB pics of JJ, he's a right cutie, loving his gorgeous outfits too! I think I'm always asking where you get stuff from!!

Ouch Emzy, worth getting checked out if so uncomfortable. :blush:

We've DTD a fair few times now, and I have a little sore area which feels as though it's stretching. I don't remember it being this bad after the other two boys, so maybe it's just an accumulation of births or because Sam was bigger than the other 2. How delightful, I don't think the OHs get just how uncomfortable it can be. I'm sure they just think we're trying to make excuses to get out of DTD. My OH always goes on about how women want to DTD every night if they're TTC, but as soon as that's done they can't be bothered anymore. Blah blah blah it does my head in!!

I just googled cradle cap to learn a bit more about it. It seems it's basically just baby dermatitis. Leftover pregnancy hormones in the baby make them secrete more oil, which skin cells then stick to, hence the yellowy flaky scaly stuff. Weird eh?

Am going to pop up to check on little legs, he's gone quiet so I think he's nodded off. Will give him a sneaky kiss and come back down. Secretly I just want to pick him up and get in bed for cuddles with him, but I'll resist!!!
Asher, good for you for being tough, its so hard when they are young but I guess you just have to think of the bigger and that!! Everyone says that you should leave them to have a grizzle but its so hard, I mean how long do you leave them before they become too upset?!!!

Hope is fast alseep, I am relaxing with a hot chocolate!! Its flipping freezing outside!! Has anyone got snow yet??
So true Becs. Jack would never ever settle on his own, he wouldn't even grizzle, he would flat out scream! I think Sam's just a different, better (don't like that word but you know what I mean!) baby than Jack. Maybe I'm more confident too, so I know that he's not crying crying, just moaning. I am showering the love and kisses on him but giving him the chance to go to sleep in his own bed without needing me to do it. It might not even work!! I've learnt that every day with a baby is different than the one before! And last night, Sam was quite snuffly, so he would never have gone to sleep without my help, but tonight he's been settled and happy. This mother lark is hard!

We've no snow yet but blimey it's cold out there! Brrrr!
Hope likes to be cuddled to sleep which is fine but during the day she hates being put down but night times she is fine!!
It's weird but good isn't it how they know the difference between night and day. Sam's not good at being put down in the day but good at night. When he feeds in the night he goes straight back down 9 times out of 10 without any fuss at all and goes right back to sleep! In the day he can be awful!
Ive got a Layla with a cold she has screamed and has refused bottles all day , the house is all upside down from decorating and i must admit i felt stressed out today!

does anyone know where i can get a reasonably priced crib mattress from?? my friend has leant me her crib because Amelia is getting to big for her basket

Asher- hope Sam is settling ?

Becs- hot chocolate sounds fab , no snow here i dont really expect any either
My Gosh it took me ages to catch up the other day and now its just taken me another half hour to catch up again you girlies talk too much :haha:

re cradlecap i have vivid memories of my mum dousing my hair in baby oil then scratching away with a credit card :wacko: yeouuchh!!

Emzy is it really bad that when you mentioned Hollys exzema i thought 'Wow! we have proper babies with their own little bodies/exzema!' weird to explain what i mean but such a miracle that we created these little things with there own individual skin types, personalities etc. I dont know i'm rambling haha!

Sarahhka i dont know how you manage with your tough canadian winters, last winter we had quite a heavy snowfall and it was like the whole country came to a standstill!!

Jelly i have had a similar couple of days to you i think i have been waiting in for a argos delivery and OH has been doing things after work each day, so the days have been lonely and dragged liked mad, really not good!

Asher & Emzy i think i may tag along to your northwest mini-meet if you don't mind?! I live in the same place as Asher and i think there was someone else on here as well??

Hope everyone is good tonight, i have been for a lovely meal now just relaxing with OH! charlie-jack has been a bit whingy think its his teeth :(
Well this post has taken forever to write whilst feeding one handed! :(

:hugs: to all x xx
Lilia definitely tag along! I think there was someone else who lived near you two... can't remember who it was though? Will be great to meet up!

Asher aww it's so hard to leave them to cry! I'm too soft and can't do it! I have been able to put Holly down drowsy but awake for her daytime naps and she's fallen asleep the last 2 days though. If she crys though I can't leave her I'm too soft!! Hope Sam settled off to sleep for you.

Holly has been grizzly all day today, having crying fits on and off. She had a bit of a runny bum as well and has bright red cheeks and dribbling so I checked her gums again... she now has 2 toothy pegs poking through, one on top one on bottom on her right hand side. It really seems to be bothering her poor lamb! I've rubbed teething gel on every few hours and given her calpol twice today but she's just really grumpy. Poor thing, it must really hurt them when they teeth! I can't believe she has 2 teeth through already!!

We now have 10 people for Secret Santa so far! :happydance: I'll give it til Sunday and then Matt is going to draw them and reply to all the messages for me, so I don't know who got who and then who gets me is still a secret! Is that alright with everyone?

Matt's just feeding Holly and then I'm hoping she'll go off to sleep not long after this bottle so we can all get some much needed sleep, it's been a long day!

Hiya Mummies :)

Had such a busy day with Kimi today!! Went to see an old work friend that has recently had a little girl and then to an old school friend so she has been cuddled all day by alot of people :)

She has had 22.5oz today and has been very alert and happy and I'm taking her to be weighed again tomorrow :)

Asher - sometimes i do the 'bad mummy' thing....and leave kimi to cry...eventually she will cry herself so she is knackered and falls asleep. Obviously i stay and comfort her but i will not cuddle her as I know she will get used to it.

Sarahhka - I'd love your winters!!!!!! I'm so very jealous!!!

Becs - No snow in my part of essex....

Hope you're all okay!!

Jelly, would you like me to send you the recipe, its really easy!!!Go out with the girlies!!

Oh yes please that would be great!

I am sat here in the kitchen and Sam is whingeing away in bed on the monitor. I am trying to be tough but it's hard. He's full and clean and just needs sleep now. He's right on the edge of sleep but not nodding off. The problem is that if I pick him up, he'll fall asleep straight away, I'll put him down and then two mins later he'll jump in his sleep and wake himself up. Then he won't know where he is cos it's not where he fell asleep, so he'll be upset again !!

Hope likes to be cuddled to sleep which is fine but during the day she hates being put down but night times she is fine!!

Asher / Becs this is exactly what JJ is like, I though I was doing something wrong!

Asher I'll rake a look at the pics I posted on fb to see what he was wearing

JJ had his first night in his crib and loved it, so much more room for him. We got it on 20 % discount too. Thanks guys for recommending it was the best decision I could make. I can go out the house today so shopping it is !!!

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