September Stars

All my pics of Hope are on facebook!! If I havent got everyone feel free to add me, Becki Dockree.

Been out for a walk and now munchkin is fast asleep, the paths are bloody leathel!
Hi all..

Becs I'd also love the recipe for that cake please!

Did someone say their stomachs are big enough to hold enough milk for 10/11 hours by 6 months?! That makes me worry, Lilia has been sleeping through for quite a few weeks now, and for the last 4 weeks hasn't woken up in the night once... but she goes from 9pm to 9am pretty much, sometimes goes to bed a bit later but then gets up later!

She is now on 4 x 7oz although she doesn't always drain the bottle, she's only been on 7oz for a few days and normally has 6ozs so between 24 and 28oz a day... she was weighed at 10 weeks and was 10lb 15oz so I suppose as she is 11 1/2 weeks now she will be possibly 11lb and a half ish?!

Wayne went off last night to Afghanistan... watching him say goodbye to Lilia was just horrible to be honest, feel surprisingly upbeat today though, my mum is coming down tonight to keep me company which will be nice....

I have to ask, have any of the ladies who quit smoking when pregnant sarted up again? I feel awful but with the stress of the last few weeks, I have started having a few and I feel horrible for it, I've made sure I've changed clothes and washed hands etc before going near Lilia afterwards and never do it in the house, but still, feel so guilty. Now wayne has gone I can stop again hopefully!

Oh by the way, I'm well up for secret santa! Will pm now! x
hey everyone! sorry I havent been on here for a while again. I will reply with what I remember reading, but there wont be any personals sorry! Roxy is grizzling in her bouncer so im trying to type fast haha!!

That dentinox shampoo is fab! Considering its so cheap aswell! Very nicely suprised!

-25c?? Jesssssuuuuuuuussssssssssss I thought it was cold here! I hate being cold!

Ummmm trying to remember things!

I cant leave Roxy cry - I dont jump the moment she starts making noises as she normally settles herself back down, but if she ios proper crying, I just have to give her big cuddles!

We finally had our windows fixed! When we moved in, back in August, we noticed that the windows in Roxy's room, the spare room (office) and living room didnt close properly. We spoke to our lanlord about it, and fair play to him, he got on the ball and contacted someone to come and fix them, the stupid company took forever though and only came yesterday! Its nice not having a constant breeze in the air upstairs!! You notice it especially when you get out of the shower!

I think Roxy is teething? She has the red cheeks, the dribbling, the sucking of everything! It may be linked with her cold but im not sure!

Ummm one personal I remember - young mummy - your HV sounds lovely and your LO seems to be drinking the perfect amount!!

Hope everyone else is ok, im sorry for being ignorant and not getting on here much - I read most of your updates and see all your pics on facebook! I will get on here more though!!

Much love

louise - I started smoking again - no where near as much, but when I first had princess, I felt so overwhelmed and upset - I didnt put it on here as I wasnt sure what I was feeling, but I seriously was down and it wasnt very good, so I found going outside for 10 mins when the DH got home, having a nice hot coffee and a cigarette made me feel so much better and gave me time to chill and think!! I used to be a ridiculous smoker before though, I hardly do it, but sometimes it needs to be done. I cant relax with a glass of wine or anything as I dont drink! Everyone has their vices!! xxx
stmw..... i havent started smoking again yet... but REALLY crave it. As you say just to have that 15 mins to myself when DH comes home would be great but i do drink so a glass of wine is just about cutting it at the moment... lol

Anyone else combination feeding? Jay has 5 feeds a day and one of them is a bottle... the only thing is i really dont like breastfeeding and i feel really bad about it because i know its the best thing for him. i just cant seem to get my head around it, i feel like ive got something leaching on me and hate the time it takes to do when a bottle only takes 10 mins to drink. i know theres the washing and sterilizing which is a pain but id rather do that... the only reason i carry on is to try and lose weight... i dont get the feeling of closeness or bonding through it and if anything it makes me upset and angry when im feeding, maybe i should stop. anyone else feel this way or is it just me?

sorry about the bfing rant especially when some people would have liked to be able to do it and couldnt i do feel bad, but want to know if im the only one?
Louise - :hugs: must be very hard for you and knowing that your OH had to go away. I quit smoking when I got preggo too but I smoke when I go out for a drink. I also never smoke in the house or around Ellie, just when I go out for a drink I can't say no! so I always buy a packet before I go :dohh: Lila sounds like she's coming on really well :)

Ellie was weighed again yesterday. She is 12 weeks old and a little 10lb 4oz! I was a bit worried though because she's only gained 4oz in two weeks but they said that was fine right now. She's just dropped down halfway on the steady growth line.
I was only feeding her 5oz feeds and she was having 25oz a day and since she sleeps through the whole night now I guess she has been missing one feed or more over the last few weeks and she is 3 months old almost! so I've upped her feeds to 6oz now. I can't believe thinking about it that our babies will be on solids in a few months! Wow!
ive been using the cartons when i do a bottle but he'll happily polish the whole 8oz off! should i only be giving him 5-6? hes 2 month old and probably about 11lbs 7oz in weight.
Carley, give him as much as he needs, babies can't over feed!! At night Hope will polish off 2 bottles back to back before going to bed!!

I have an evening on my own, Ian is at a mess do and I couldn't be bothered to go! The hassle of buying a new dress and freezing my bits off in a marquee really didnt appeal! So he os going for the meal and coming home, the weather is awful so he doesnt want to stop long. So its me, hope and the fur babies all snugled up on the sofa!!
aww look at us and our little milk guzzlers!!! he cries when hes finished a bottle but once hes adjusted to the idea that its all gone (10mins) he's ok!!
Haha! Ellie cries once the bottle is empty too. She also kicks and screams when you try to wind her half way through :D x
Carley, I'm one of those that wished I could have BFed longer but it just didnt work out! Don't feel guilty, you can't help how you feel... being 'able' to do it isn't just about physically, it's also about emotionally and if it's not enjoyable for you then to be honest I would suggest that you do what is best for you.... he obviously enjoys bottles too, so weaning him off wouldn't be a problem.. and the sterilising thing is no where near as bad as I thought it would be, plus you can still cuddle him into you while you give him a bottle!

One word of advice though is don't go cold turkey, drop a feed every 2 days maybe to give yourself chance to lesson supply naturally... I had to just stop cold turkey because of the pain and problems and OH MY GOD it hurts to just stop!! 2 days of horrible pain but then it went... but I leaked for a good week or so xx
Carley, this is what JJ would do we now make up 7 oz bottles sometimes ge necks the whole thing other time he only takes 4 oz. Maybe up the oz in the bottle so it's there if ge wants it ?

Louise I haven't started smoking again however I feel less stressed now than when I worked and have tried to give up so many times previous that I really hope I don't start up again. However if I was in your situation re DH I'd be doing exactly the same thing ( probably smoking more). Don't put extra pressure on yourself to give up if you don't feel ready xx

Becs thanks for sending recipe I'll have to take a look when I'm on my laptop
Hey girlies!

Oh my word what a crap couple of days I have had!! Well as you know we woke up with no power yesterday which meant no heating or anything. Sat in the freezing cold, me and Holly under blankets until the afternoon when the bloke came to fix it. Then our internet decided to pack up and stop working. So we all go to bed last night and the next thing I know, Matt is waking me at 6am saying he can smell gas. We walked out of our bedroom and OMG the house was full of gas!! I went downstairs and checked that I hadn't left the hob on or something but I hadn't, so Matt rang national grid whilst I got Holly's stuff together, bundled her up and walked her in the pram into town to a cafe whilst Matt waiting outside the house freezing his backside off! The gas people said to open all windows and doors and isolate the gas and Matt said it got down to minus 2 in the house! Bloody freezing. Anyway, they said it was affecting a large area of Bolton so it would take longer for the engineer to get here. It took him 4 hours!! So he came and tested everything and said it was due to a burst gas main up the road from us, which caused a surge. So most of the gas had come from outside, but some would have come through our appliances due to a surge. Fortunately we kept our bedroom door closed last night, we usually keep it open but the cat stayed in (he usually goes out all night) so we kept it shut. I can't bear to think about what would have happened if we'd have left it open, we might not have woken up and poor Holly would have breathed it in. It was so strong it made me feel sick from being in it for just 5 minutes!

Sooo we've had a bit of a day! On the plus side Matt took the rest of the day off so we spent a nice afternoon together playing with Holly.

I can't remember all the personals.... Louise I quit smoking when I found out I was pregnant and I haven't started again and I don't think I will. Before I got pregnant I wanted to quit but kept making excuses not to, so it was like the perfect reason to stop for good. I don't really think about it much any more, which I'm pleased about as I was a heavy smoker before since I was 16. I can totally see why people start up again though, I sometimes crave the 10 minutes in my own head that smoking used to give me.

I can't remember anything else!! Plenty of takers for secret santa!! Will get Matt to draw the names out of a hat on Sunday and message everyone. Excited! I wonder who I'll get!

Right going to get going for now and chill out, it's been a long day!

Hugs to all xx
Oh that was the other thing. I think Carley, if you don't enjoy BF then dont' feel bad about stopping if that's what you want to do. It has to be right for both of you, not just the baby and Jayden has had lots and lots of the good stuff from you already xx
Bloody hell what a couple of days!! Glad all is sorted now!! Enjoy your evening!!!

I am sat here with a hot chocolate, Ian is out and Hope is fast asleep upstairs, have to say its kinda nice!! I feel all relaxed, fx'd she doesn't wake up!!
Emzy thats scary so so good you're all ok though :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Becs i'm SO jeaous!!! Sat trying to rock Rosalie in her bouncer while she screams and times :nope: She just screams everytime i put her down so i've given up i cant carry her all the time :cry:
Blob I can sympathise with you, Hope was like that last week, its so hard not to get angry with them xx
Yea i dont so much get angry more just wall off to it, though i got really upset when it was Tabs
Its so hard to try and switch off from it, you know nothings wrong with them, not hungry etc!!
Harry was asleep but has woken up. Dh is upstairs changing his nappy and I can hear him laughing on the monitor so no doubt Harry is giving him lots of smiles. Not so sure he'll go back to sleep though!

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