I just have to post to say I'm excited today as I started my first pack of Clearblue digital OPKS!
I've never used any OPKS before, or temped or tracked my cycles and havent a clue when I ovulate or whatnot(or even how long my cycles actually are)
I am CD10 today and I decided to test in a morning and in the afternoon/evening so that I dont miss a surge as I heard this helps.
I tested this morning at 10:30am - No smiley.
I tested this afternoon at 4:30pm, after holding my pee since 10:30am! - And I got my first smiley face!
I wouldnt have thought that I'd have impending OV this early in my cycle, so Im happy I decided to start at CD10!
So my plan is to bed tonight, do the OPKS same time again tomorrow, bed tomorrow night, and then repeat the day after. Then every other day in to mid next week.
We did

last night and the night before too, but I thought that was just for fun as I didnt think I'd ov so soon
Im just a bit worried as we havent left a day or so gap Ive used all his good spermies and there wont be as good ones tonight, tomorrow and the next day!