September Stars

I love this group, the amount of times i have read your posts about something your LO’s do or done and i laugh because paige does the exact same thing.. she has a bottle in the evening, I dont have a clue how much she should have.. i was only giving her 3oz but recently i give 4-5 oz, she cries when i take bottle away and unsure if i should be feeding her more... its so hard to know when you breastfeed.

Jelly- sorry to hear your OH is being difficult, mine never goes out much without me, he doesnt drink but being in a team full of men its causing problems because they rib him about nothing going out for piss ups with them... So he told me he has to go out one night with them.. well i said it wasnt problem as i wouldnt mind going out for a night with my mates... wooooooo did that cause problems.. apparently he wouldnt be happy with me going out with the girls as they go to bars.. we are one of those couples who dont go out with each other..would love to see photo of the crib.

Asher- Paige is exactly the same.. she sleeps for no more than 20 min left anywhere, but will sleep longer if i hold her, im normally stuck on the sofa with her on my lap sleeping for hours (to be honest i love it but its not practical ).. and omg the pain in my legs when i get up. Does the control crying help? i may try it but she cries so hard she sounds like she cant breath..

Genies- babiesrus was doing a great deal on mattresses.. it was a few months ago but worth looking still, i got a cotbed mattress was £130 down to £49 from babies r us.. hope layla gets better soon x

Lilia- funny you mention early memories, i tasted gripe water the other day, and it reminded of this taste i have always remembered since i can remember.. i spoke to my mum who said she gave me it when i was 2 weeks old to 12 weeks old... that has to be my earliest memory

louise- it was me who said about at 6 months they should be able to hold enough milk to last 11=12 hours..It was in the last issue of mother and baby, but all babies are different

Carley,stmw, louise,beks- i gave up smoking and have craved it badly, even more so since LO was born, im always threatening to buy some... hubby now and then says i would be allowed.... If i knew i could keep to one when it gets to much for me i would go back but i know i would end up smoking just as many as i did before

Carley- i was BF, FF and expressing for the first 3 weeks but now i BF and give a bottle in the evening of formula as she doesnt want to breast feed.. have you thought about expressing a few bottles a day if you hate breast it might be the best option if you feel bad giving it up. BF isnt for everyone and i remember i hated BF with my son as it was too painful and i hated him waking up as i knew i had to feed him, i wasnt enjoying him as much as i wanted.. Its different with paige as i dont even feel her and she drinks quicker from me than a bottle...
Evening all! Emzy, what a scare you had, so happy to hear you're all okay!

Carley, BFing is made out to be a lovely thing which is easy etc, etc, and it's not! I love the bonding thing and the cuddles that can only be had by me. I also love the fact I don't have to mess with bottles and things in the night, but sometimes I get fed up that only I can feed Sam, which limits me. It's not like I want to go off for hours somewhere, but a couple of hours would be nice. You've given Jayden the best for this long, maybe it's time to do something for you? x

Becs, enjoy your time with Hope and the furries!!

Blob, Sam's actually quite a good little thing. He seems to somehow get that I am running around like a blue arsed fly and can't pick him up all the time. He does get fed up, and he does get lots of cuddles, but he's nothing like Jack was, he would just never be put down. It really got me down. Big hugs xx

Louise, sorry to hear about Wayne going off to Afghanistan. Big old hugs to you too. x

I am rubbish tonight, can't remember anything else. Will head over to FB to see if I can catch up anymore there.

As far as things with us, we're all good today. Can't believe another school week is finished. Am at the docs tomorrow with Jack and Sam. Jack's got his MMR pre-school booster, and Sam his 3 month injections which I am dreading after the reactions he had last time. I am going to mention it to the doc and see what she says. I might just give him a dose of calpol before he has the jabs and see if that helps. I may well have to hold Jack down in order for him to get jabbed, he's a little horror!!

Right, off to FB. xx
Hee I must have posted the same time as you Kara!! I don't even know if it's proper controlled crying I'm doing with Sam. I think what I'm doing is picking up on his different cries and whinges, and differentiating between him needing something and just having a moan whilst he settles. If I put him to bed and I know he's full, clean and healthy, chances are he just moans for a couple of minutes. He gets lots of cuddles and reassurance, and then seems fairly happy to nod off. Tonight it only took about 3 minutes for him to fall asleep. I really have no chance during the day though, he needs cuddles or to be out in the pram or car to go to sleep properly, and it doesn't last long when he does sleep!!

I know what else I wanted to say! i managed to get Sam to take 3oz of expressed milk from a nuk bottle with latex teat last night and tonight!! Woo hoo!! Breakthrough!
Asher and Kara, that sounds just like Harry! During the day he either sleeps on me or in his swing. Every time I try and put him down he wakes up. I've stopped trying now to be honest. Evenings were ok but they've changed recently. Last night thought after lots of ups and downs, he was crying so I went up and cuddled him and he fell asleep instantly. Think we are going to have to be tougher with him soon though.
I am shocked Hope has been in her cot asleep since 7.30!! I think she will wake up for her last bottle in a bit till the morning!!
I pray for the day she goes fully through the night but in another way I love having a snuggle at 4am!!
Wow that's impressive. I'm very jealous! Harry went down at 6.50pm as he was shattered but woke up about an hour later. We've been up and down since. He's up now but keeps making noises so not sure how long it will last.
what time does everyone start the night time routine and what time do you try to have them in their cot by ?

paige normally sleeps from 6pm till 8-9pm but we didnt class this as her night time sleep as she wakes up and does not settle till about middnight (but saying that i finally got her down 5 mins ago after singing westlife songs over and over again, which is strange as i am not a fan) then she sleeps till 8am and if i wanted to i could keep her in bed with me till midday... The strange thing is i am sooooooooo tired all the time but just cant sleep once i get to bed and normally still up at 3am playing on my phone.
Lady Kara - I have tried expressing but i dont think the pump that i had was any good as it took me 3x as long to express and i only got off 2-3 oz per time which was depressing. I have changed to giving him a bottle in the evening now as otherwise he'll feed for 2 hours given the chance. its weird how everyone is so different and each baby so unique, Jay will do an 8oz bottle in 10 mins whereas he'll feed on boob for 45!! the only reason im carrying on with it is to lose weight for my wedding in June, i think ill give it up well beofre then but want to try and tolerate is as much as possible to give him the best stuff...

At the moment we have a routine of :

7am feed.... 11am feed.... 3pm feed... 7pm feed then 11pm bottlefeed... then he sleeps through, although sometimes he leaves his 7am feed for a 10 am feed and then we have to move it about a bit. We normally get him awake and active from 8pm onwards with either my dreadful singing, a bath or something to get him nice and tired before his last feed.

anyway night night from me boy is asleep and i should be too!!!
ladyk paige has excellent taste...i was hoping James would be a fan considering he went to their concert in may...i was 5 months pregnant lol! But he takes after daddy and Does not like them!

Cant believe i never mentioned this to you ladies but when your bubs go to sleep in the day as you jay them down shush and pat their chest or back gently...this patting represents your heartbeat and settles them back off, well it Does for James and the thousands of children iv looked after in my job lol x

Not sure if i mentioned or not but i wanted to see my hospital notes and get them copied for my scrapbook so i av had to put in an application to see them, if i want a copy of them iv got to pay £50!!! Luckily its not what you know but who you know and iv known the chief executive of the hospital and she is going to try and get me a copy at no charge hopefully! :) x
Well, vaccinations seemed to go just fine, but I think my eldest is having a slight reaction to the flu shot. He had a mild temp this morning and threw up (on me. delightful.), but that could just as easily have been some bug he picked up while playing at the clinic. :shrug: His arm is quite red and puffy at the injection site, though, so I am wondering if it is the flu shot.
I feel like the world's worst mother, too. He was being so clingy and whiny this morning and I was so tired and had so much to get done, and I snapped at him several times to behave himself and stop whining. :( Then he was sick and I realized why he'd been that way and felt so badly for being short with him. :cry:

Otherwise, Calgary is having one of it's famous Chinook winds. After these cold snaps, we often get this wonderful warm air that blows over the Rockies. Temps go from -25 to +5 or higher. It's like a spring thaw - very invigorating. It is hovering around 0, so we should keep the snow. But we can get outside now! :happydance:

I got an early combined birthday and xmas present today. My amazing husband bought me the new Macbook Air. It's partly a tool for my writing contracts and partly a way to give me some space of my own without trying to use our family computer with the babies tugging at me. I can whip off to a cafe and write undisturbed for an hour. Bliss! I LOVE that man! What a gift! :cloud9:
I tried to take a copy of my hospital notes before they took them back, the MW took them on her last visit but i couldnt get my scanner to work.. bit gutted really as i wanted to keep them too

Interesting about the patting, it works for paige too..

We only got a light dusting of snow here, im happy for it to snow when im not working, i was at work in the snow last year and after the second day it turned to ice on the pavement and there was no way you can walk on it without killing yourself.

Love the photo Jayne.... BTW was it you who sent me the link the foot and hand engrave pendents? i ordered two and waiting for them to arrive, they were the cheapest by far !!! I went for Jakes hand print and paiges hand and foot print.. told some of my friends who also ordered some for xmas..
Aaaah i totally want a macbook air :cloud9: though i think i'm going to get the notebook once this one is dead :lol:

Yea i pat Rosalie's back too :) works less and less though now...gutted!!

Lilbumpblue :thumbup: awesome photo!!

Rosalie seems to go to sleep about 9pm and i cuddle her until about 10pm then she goes to bed with us :lol: we do bath whith her sister around 7pm and she gets her pjs on so she has a routine...sort of :haha:
it was me who said about the pendant yes, i think im going to get a different chain for mine thou as i think it comes on a snake chain and they pinch dont they!? X

Thanks for the comments about phoenix he is lovely but can be a pain at times lol x

Well i cant believe how many clothes James has outgrown, im having a sort out at the moment, and i cant believe the sizing differences across the brands some of the boxed 0-3 stuff i am getting out! X
Hey girls

I pat Holly's bum, works every time! I also keep my hand on her chest for a bit after I put her down, seems to help her stay asleep otherwise her eyes flick open as soon as I put her down!

Our little routine is like this (changes a bit but on an average day)

Feeds at 8.30am, 11.30am, 2.30pm, 6.30pm, 9.30pm. She usually has a little nap in between the morning feeds and a big nap in between the afternoon ones, then I'll let her have a kick about with a bare bum on her changing mat in front of the fire at about 7.30, then massage and into PJs. She might have a little catnap then she'll then have her last bottle at 9.30/10 ish and be asleep for 10.30/11ish then sleep til 8/8.30am. I'm only bathing her twice a week now because of her skin and I do it in the morning in place of a top and tail as she seems to cry when I do it at night now!

Can't remember anything else... having a glass or two of red tonight in front of x factor, looking forward to it! When's everyone putting their decs up? Matt wants to do it this weekend but I don't want to do it til next really!

Tyler has slept through every night for the past couple of weeks i'm so proud of him! Although he is taking alot of milk throughout the day hes on 8oz every 3 hours and i doubt it will be long till hes up to 9 so we've had him on baby rice and rusks for the past few days he loves rusks but isnt as keen on the rice and he has some for dinner and then some with his night time bottle.

Cant believe hes 2 months old today.

My boys ar almost identical though i keep checking what weight Jayden was at Tylers age and they are always exactly the same! They look identical aswell its like i've had twins 2 years apart lol
Love the photo Jayne.... BTW was it you who sent me the link the foot and hand engrave pendents? i ordered two and waiting for them to arrive, they were the cheapest by far !!! I went for Jakes hand print and paiges hand and foot print.. told some of my friends who also ordered some for xmas..

How funny as this is something me ad my sister have started doing and I've just uploaded some photos to FB!
Ladykara would you mind sending me the link as we're researching prices?
F&C I've seen your fb page they look great!

Lady k oh ended up staying in last night and has now offered to look after JJ all day tomorrow. Think he realised he was in the dog house :)

Our routine, feed 7, 11, 3, 7, 11. JJ sleeps downstairs in his Moses basket until his 11 pm feed where he then comes to our room. However am thinking of moving him up after his 7 feed. He has longest sleep after 7 feed in morning, rest if days he's difficult to settle

Emzy - sorry you've had a shitty couple of days, did others in your street have gas leaking too?

Quick question I know we've discussed how much LO drink recently but need some clarification. JJ is on aptamil which states at 4 months he should have 7oz however at 7 weeks he has this amount already on more abd more feeds. He's also begun crying after bottle as if he wants more. Would you up his bottles to 8 oz even ifcthis is not on the table in the side of the tin? I didn't think this could be an option
Jelly yes I would say it's fine! Lilia is on 7oz too, I think it depends on the baby! 6oz wasn't listed on the side of the tin either but for every other size bottle it's one scoop per ounce of water so I go on this principal! I think they do tend to get up to 9oz quite quickly, and then just up the amount of bottles they have a day rather than up the amount in the bottles... He might only want a tiny bit mroe than 7oz but I would say better him satisfied than grumpy!! Lilia only has 4 bottles a day, at 9am, 1, 5 and again at 9pm ish, although the 1, 5 and 9pm bottles sometimes come at 12, 4 and 8 depending on how hungry she was after going all night! After 12 hours without a bottle, sometimes she's ready for her second one within 3 hours of the first!

I'm gutted as I have had a message from hubby on facebook... he was on a couple of hours ago and I missed him! I will have to keep my laptop on me at all times from now on, that might be my only contact for a few days!!

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