It's so exciting jelly! Love the photos on fb. X
Exciting stuff about the house too, Blob. Just a shame about Tabs and school, things never go smoothly do they?
Well, I am in a shocker of a mood. DH is working overtime this morning, could really do with him around! Sam is also in a mood, and the other two are just rubbing him up the wrong way!! I am trying to do my cleaning, have done downstairs and heading up now, but really really can't be bothered, bloody hormones. Argh. And now the washer and dryer have both beeped to say they've finished at the same time! So they need sorting too!! Grrrrrrrrrrr!! I need to sort my head out!!
Hope everyone has a nice Saturday. Teeny, hope little Elsie cheers up soon so you can get on. Xx