Yes Alyssa is 18 months in a couple of weeks its scary. She's still quite dinky though so still very baby like to me. Shes still not walking properly. She can walk but she refuses to lol.
Tyler starts pre-school in september that i'll be paying for and then he gets his free hours from January. He's looking forward to it though.
I dont think getting 3 out the door is much harder than 2 to be honest but maybe thats because only 1 of them is actually going to school. Tyler is starting to want to dress himself though which is taking a lot longer and then he gets stressed if i have to help him. Generally it takes me an hour to get them all up dressed, breakfast and out the door which isn't too bad.
Louise i know how you feel, i gave up my career for Tarron I was going to go to uni and train to be a midwife but i decided to follow him up to Lossie instead and then we started our family and he sometimes says things like 'all you do is sit around all day' and it makes me angry since we have this lifestyle because of his job that i've followed him around for for the past 7 years! If he ever said anything to me like wayne said to you then i would've been out the door and back at my mums as soon as Jayden finished school lol. I hope you manage to sort things out though
My BIL has just pissed me off big time! Hes been having an argument with Tarron on Facebook about dangerous dogs. As some of you know we have a Japanese Akita. My BIL has a beagle. Anyway he seems to think that Akitas should be on the dangerous dogs act and basically called us irresponsible parents for having an Akita in the house with our Kids!
Akitas used to bred to hunt bears (around 1000-2000 years ago) but they are now bred as protectors and the Japanese used to leave them at home with the kids to protect them and the house whilst they went to work. However beagles are bred for fox hunting still to this day!
I dont see how any dog can be anymore dangerous than any other breed, in my eyes all dogs can be dangerous with the wrong people and the wrong upbringing!
Sorry for my rant he just really got on my nerves! hes one of these people that always has to be right as well! Can i point out he has no problems bringing his kids round here where my dog is and he always goes to see her and make a fuss of her!