Good luck Blob!
Glad you managed to get your money in the end Emzy.
Jelly - It's ridiculous. I'd take it with a pinch of salt if I were you. Then they wonder why young children end up anorexic! the amount of people I know who're basically walking twigs who have come back from the doctors and been told that they need to lose weight is shocking. Glad JJ is feeling better.
Asher - how're you feeling? Just wondering when we'll all get a peek at your first scan?
Over the last 6 months I've been doing courses at my local childrens centre and Ellie has either been going in to creche or in to the nursery while I do them.
I started a new course today - mentoring. It was a bit dull but it's only week 1 and I'm happy to be doing something not stuck at home.
Anyway - this afternoon I've never been so scared, thankful and just terrified! OH's grandad takes me and picks us up as I dont drive and it's too far to walk. I'd just picked Ellie up out of the nursery and finished my course. Picture me packed up with a hand bag, nappy bag, a coat, a folder full of work and some paintings ellies done for me in both hands. Ellie ran up to her great grandad and they went out first to the car and i was behind them. Anyway next thing I know he isn't holding her hand and shes RUNNING as fast as she can away down a little ramp outside the center towards the pavement/road, laughing while im shouting for her to stop. I've never been so scared in my life. I dropped all of the bags i was holding and just ran for her as fast as i could and caught her as she was half way in to the road. Im so thankful that nothing was coming
I just feel like an absoloute failure as a mother and cant stop thinking what if she'd been hit and ended up as another statistic i wouldnt forgive myself. Obviously at 82 her great grandad cant run after her but he should have been holding the bags in that case and it shouldve been me holding her hand, i always make sure im holding her hand!

I've sat her down twice and told her over and over again that you shouldnt run by the road, not run in to the road, always hold mummies hand. Ive told her before but when she does it she laughs like its a game. I think the reigns are going on her until shes old enough to understand properly now.