I have half an hour to laze around and chat on BnB, so thought I would do a quick catch-up with my lovely fellow stars!

We just had a lovely visit with my parents for the long weekend, and I have a few days to catch my breath from the nutty schedule of two jobs and family. Lots of fun work projects, lots of professional nature nerd work, lots of very cute, funny little boys keeping me hopping. Life is pretty good.

We will be travelling a lot this summer, it looks like. Lots of camping planned and a trip back to Ontario to visit my husband's family.
Tobe is chatting up a storm these days. I can't believe I used to be worried about a speech delay with that boy. He truly never stops chattering away. It can still be quite difficult to understand him, but the sounds seem to improve every week. He sure is in a stubborn little bug phase, though! Holy dinah, can that boy dig his heels in! Simon is such a sweetie pie these days. Still naughty once in awhile, but generally so much fun to be around. I can tell that Tobe is going to have a similar pattern: relatively mellow until about 2.5, then holy terror until about 3.5/4...

Anyway, he's all signed up for playschool next September and is currently enjoying weekly gymnastics classes. I am hoping to do some swim lessons with him this summer, too. Potty training-wise... nowhere near it. I don't think he's at all aware of when he needs to go. I am going to learn from Simon's long journey there and not even attempt it until I get much stronger cues from him.
Other than that, he is spending most days in the sandbox or playing with his favourite cars and is usually pretty good company.
Still totally on the fence about baby#3. I was so sure that I wanted another. Now, I really can't make up my mind....