September Stars

Awwh Laura, that's so tough :(

Yay Louise so so exiting!!!! Seriously camping trip at yours ;)
Teeny - my sweep I've progressed since last week, had a contraction during the procedure, 2cm dilated about 1cm thick so about 50% effaced but still slightly posterior. From when I woke yesterday I had tightenings and dh got called home as works good 1 1/2 hrs away, bouncing on the ball was making them stronger and by time I went for sweep dh had to drive. It was once again painful and started to lose plug and bleed immediatly. Got home and within half an hour they started coming string and about 6 mins that progressed to 2-3 for good couple of hours . Decided to take paracetamol and warm shower as knew if I rang l&d they would ask me if that's what I'd done. Continued to bounce in my ball and march up and down but they had slowed to about 4-6 mins and not as intense as earlier. By 11 last night they had slowed and was shattered so went to bed.

Been getting stronger tightenings this morning but not as regular as yesterday, aim
Today is keep active to try and ramp things up again. Got consultant at 3pm today with possible booking in for induction later this week
Oh I am so excited for you. It looks like things are definately moving in the right direction. I wish you an easy, speedy labour honey. Perhaps today is the day! Xx
Oh jelly how exciting, sounds like its going to happen for you very soon! Best of luck, speedy painless labour vibes coming your way! Xx
Yay Louise, it's an amazing house so jealous.

Jelly- sounds like things are heading in the right direction, hopefully today or tomorrow, sending labour dust and a speedy labour and delivery.
Hey guys,

Just popping in with birth story if anyone wanted to know while its fresh in my mind

Thurs 37+6 weeks I woke up with a massive BH and cramping which didn't seem to go, phoned delivery ward who said they were going to call me amberlance as they wanted me there within 10 mins.. Parents managed to get to my house and as we pulled up to the hospital the tightening I had for about 45 mins went, I was monitored and was told I was having contractions and was 3cm dilated, but had no pains just BH.. Got onto birthing ward and they sent me home saying I had to wait for it to progress.

It all died off and nothing happens all night or all Friday, I gave up getting excited by Saturday morning, got up to wash my hair and leaked what I thought was just discharge, it wasn't until I was leaking through the pad I realised it wasn't just discharge and phoned grant who had just got to work. Still no pain at all, another trip to the hospital and being monitored, confirmed waters had gone but didn't check me just told to wait at home and have to come back in 24 to be monitored again and if nothing in 48 hours ill be put on a drip went home to wait.

At my hospital u can give birth two ways, delivery ward were all the drugs you want can be given but your moved onto another ward after u have the baby, its awful, and I wanted to do anything to avoid it as I wanted to give birth on the new birthing ward, MW led, posh hotel like rooms with private bathroom and you stay there until going home and u can go home almost straight away if things are all ok, it's only for low risk pregnancies but limited to pain relieve but they do have birthing pools.

Leaking fluids all day but still no sign of things happening, I sat in the birthing ball and bounced for ages.. Gave up and went to bed in a mood. Had a shower and as I sat up I heard a pop and more waters leaked out, BH started but no pain, grant decided he would time them while I was more worried about sleeping, he then told me they were 3 mins apart and I told him its fine its just BH, but he phoned hospital anyway, they said its best to come in as I have a history of quick labours. Grant was rushing thinking this was the start and I was just taking my time thinking it was nothing... The BH started to get more cramping. Just about to get in the car and this sudden dropping feeling hit me and the pain went from a 0 to a 10.... It was after midnight so no traffic, I told grant to pull over as the baby was coming and I wasn't going to make it to the hospital... He wouldn't listen told me not to be silly.. Got into the birthing ward and told the MW I think I'm going to die ( as you do in labour) she examined me and said I was 9cm and I said I needed to push just as grant walked back in the room... I grabbed grants head and held on for dear life and pushed. Think it was about 4 pushes and he was out.... Had no injection for the placenta and it popped out 16 mins later, sister didn't make it to be my birthing partner.

They checked Taylor over but noticed his foreskin isn't normal, I can't remember the medical term but his foreskin doesn't go all round and has a gap, so instead of a flower bud looking one his looks like a open flower as his pee hole is slightly longer down the side. So we couldn't go home and every specialist in the hospital wanted to look, they wanted to see he could pee ok or he would have had to had a operation straight away, it was a very stressful for hours but luckily I was in my own private room which mAde it easier. He finally weed and was told we could go home but would get getting a appointment for a scan and to see a specialist about what they want to do with it. It could just be cosmetic.

So back home, everything was great, didn't get sleep though as he wanted to only sleep on me. MW came and she sent me to hospital as he seemed a bit jaundice , results showed he had some jaundice but nothing to worry about but blood level sugars were low... My milk had not come in yet and its normal for babies to get low levels before this happens, but due to stupid hospital policy they had to had to give him formula and check him after each feed to make sure they are above 3.... So I ended up having to stay the night in the special care ward with him, by now I have had to sleep at all so I was really ill, breast feeding had been screwed up and I was still suffering from major after pains, I was so angry and upset with them.... Had no sleep but he passed all three tests and grant finally took me home at 9am, by now he was in bottles so we have stuck to that while I get some rest and I'm pumping till I can get back to breast feeding and my milk is in.

Paige isn't too keen on him, one look and threw herself on the sofa as I think she was expecting something more fun. All I can say is I'm pleased to have been early, he would have been much bigger, although I did think they had my dates wrong, 3d scan EDD said 15th of June, my maternity leave didn't official start until Monday... So pleased I took a/l.


P.s Louise, I'm so coming to visit you with my tent !!! X
Teeny forgot to update - found leukcytes and protein in wee so sent off to be tested, hear back in 2 days but could be water infection or kidneys. She didn't check me or anything and just booked me for an induction next week - but now home I'm wondering if it's not going to be better to wait to see if baby arrives naturally as I can't see how a week early would effect the weight of the baby that much. I went 12 days over with JJ so inducing 5 days before that doesn't sound like any point?

Explained as cervix already favourable they would pop my waters and leave me only 2hrs to contract myself before starting the hormone drug :-(. I would also have to be monitored throughout and this is what I dread as I have to lay on the bed for this as I'm overweight it's difficult to monitor with the pads when upright and this was the main issue with JJs delivery. I've got sweep Friday at our local birthing centre do going to talk it through with one of the midwives there.

Dh tried to work out sex Sunday night could of triggered my tightenings the following day so gave it another try last night and had a few tightenings throughout the night do hoping walking and going on my ball today will start things up. Also middle of night got a strong painful tightening and lost a big bit of my mucous plug which more and more is coming away so this indicates my cervix is changing .
Wow kara amazing birth story, sounds so stressful too though. Are they going to circumcise him? Ps you're welcome with your tent!

Jelly I was hoping the silence meant you were having the baby or had had the baby! Hopefully things will get moving soon. Are you wanting to use the birthing centre?
I see your point Jelly. I was induced with Riley and was so restricted. I hated not being able to move around. A week will probably make no difference at all and by the sounds of it you are already on your way anyways!
I keep my fingers crossed you go naturally. Xx
Louise I'm under consultant care so I've never had the birthing centre as an option. With the assisted delivery, high bmi, risk of large baby the only option is hospital as I'm
Classed as high risk :-(

Teeny think I'll see what they say Friday and see if I can postpone induction by a couple more days and just try everything possible for this baby to arrive on its own accord
Kara congratulations, your hospital sounds mental :flower: he is gorgeous!!!!!

Jelly fx you get your birth, you can postpone as long as you think is right, trust yourself. You don't have to get made to get an induction they cannot force you ;) they don't 'let' you it's your choice. You're mummy you do what you think is best for you an baby :hugs:
Of course I remember you saying. Such a shame as the birthing centre is gorgeous, I was hoping we would have has out babies in the same room! Fingers crossed you start on your own xx
Congratulations Kara!! :D

I think if I was in your position Jelly, I'd be thinking the same as you and would postpone it if possible x
Had another false alarm last night so frustrating. Was getting the odd pain every now and then for a couple of hours so ignored it then at 10ish all of a sudden it came on really quick and strong every 2-3 minutes lasting a minute. Had 2 massive toilet trips and pains continued to get stronger. Rang l&d who said to wait an hour take paracetamol and hot bath. Rang our childcare to give heads up as didn't think I'd last another half an hour . By the time I got out of my hot shower they had slowed down and dropped in intensity to about once every 10. Bounced on ball till 1 this morning to see if they'd come back and didn't so went to bed. We were convinced this was the real deal, got the bags in the car all ready .

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