Hey guys,
Just popping in with birth story if anyone wanted to know while its fresh in my mind
Thurs 37+6 weeks I woke up with a massive BH and cramping which didn't seem to go, phoned delivery ward who said they were going to call me amberlance as they wanted me there within 10 mins.. Parents managed to get to my house and as we pulled up to the hospital the tightening I had for about 45 mins went, I was monitored and was told I was having contractions and was 3cm dilated, but had no pains just BH.. Got onto birthing ward and they sent me home saying I had to wait for it to progress.
It all died off and nothing happens all night or all Friday, I gave up getting excited by Saturday morning, got up to wash my hair and leaked what I thought was just discharge, it wasn't until I was leaking through the pad I realised it wasn't just discharge and phoned grant who had just got to work. Still no pain at all, another trip to the hospital and being monitored, confirmed waters had gone but didn't check me just told to wait at home and have to come back in 24 to be monitored again and if nothing in 48 hours ill be put on a drip went home to wait.
At my hospital u can give birth two ways, delivery ward were all the drugs you want can be given but your moved onto another ward after u have the baby, its awful, and I wanted to do anything to avoid it as I wanted to give birth on the new birthing ward, MW led, posh hotel like rooms with private bathroom and you stay there until going home and u can go home almost straight away if things are all ok, it's only for low risk pregnancies but limited to pain relieve but they do have birthing pools.
Leaking fluids all day but still no sign of things happening, I sat in the birthing ball and bounced for ages.. Gave up and went to bed in a mood. Had a shower and as I sat up I heard a pop and more waters leaked out, BH started but no pain, grant decided he would time them while I was more worried about sleeping, he then told me they were 3 mins apart and I told him its fine its just BH, but he phoned hospital anyway, they said its best to come in as I have a history of quick labours. Grant was rushing thinking this was the start and I was just taking my time thinking it was nothing... The BH started to get more cramping. Just about to get in the car and this sudden dropping feeling hit me and the pain went from a 0 to a 10.... It was after midnight so no traffic, I told grant to pull over as the baby was coming and I wasn't going to make it to the hospital... He wouldn't listen told me not to be silly.. Got into the birthing ward and told the MW I think I'm going to die ( as you do in labour) she examined me and said I was 9cm and I said I needed to push just as grant walked back in the room... I grabbed grants head and held on for dear life and pushed. Think it was about 4 pushes and he was out.... Had no injection for the placenta and it popped out 16 mins later, sister didn't make it to be my birthing partner.
They checked Taylor over but noticed his foreskin isn't normal, I can't remember the medical term but his foreskin doesn't go all round and has a gap, so instead of a flower bud looking one his looks like a open flower as his pee hole is slightly longer down the side. So we couldn't go home and every specialist in the hospital wanted to look, they wanted to see he could pee ok or he would have had to had a operation straight away, it was a very stressful for hours but luckily I was in my own private room which mAde it easier. He finally weed and was told we could go home but would get getting a appointment for a scan and to see a specialist about what they want to do with it. It could just be cosmetic.
So back home, everything was great, didn't get sleep though as he wanted to only sleep on me. MW came and she sent me to hospital as he seemed a bit jaundice , results showed he had some jaundice but nothing to worry about but blood level sugars were low... My milk had not come in yet and its normal for babies to get low levels before this happens, but due to stupid hospital policy they had to had to give him formula and check him after each feed to make sure they are above 3.... So I ended up having to stay the night in the special care ward with him, by now I have had to sleep at all so I was really ill, breast feeding had been screwed up and I was still suffering from major after pains, I was so angry and upset with them.... Had no sleep but he passed all three tests and grant finally took me home at 9am, by now he was in bottles so we have stuck to that while I get some rest and I'm pumping till I can get back to breast feeding and my milk is in.
Paige isn't too keen on him, one look and threw herself on the sofa as I think she was expecting something more fun. All I can say is I'm pleased to have been early, he would have been much bigger, although I did think they had my dates wrong, 3d scan EDD said 15th of June, my maternity leave didn't official start until Monday... So pleased I took a/l.
P.s Louise, I'm so coming to visit you with my tent !!! X