September Stars

Friday is good with me, I'll come over sometime after 10 x

Up with Lilia at the moment, she woke up crying and she was shaking and shivering uncontrollably, never done it before, her temperature was 38.5 then, it's slowly risen and is now 39.2, not sure what to do? She seems ok ish other than that and has stopped shivering which I believe means it has stopped rising, but it's been 39.2 for quite a while now and calpol hasn't brought it down. She seems to be settling back off to sleep now at last so I think I'll just leave her body to fight whatever it is and see how she is the rest of the night and in the morning. I was debating taking her to a&e but not sure what they would so as she seems ok other than the temperature now. She has had diarrhea and conjunctivitis but can't see they are linked! Plus the diarrhoea has settled right down now, no episodes since lunchtime. Been a while since she has done this to me!
Oh no poor Lilia. I always go with paracetamol and ibuprofen for my little ones which usually does the trick. If she carries on with the high temperatures perhaps a little trip to the GP. Perhaps there is something going round?
I hope she is on the mend soon. Xx
As teeny says if JJ temp high I alternate ibuprofen and paracetamol every 2 hrs, if shivering and high temp we still strip JJ down to nappy and encourage drinking water
How bizarre Louise! But good! At least she's not woken up full of some nasty bug. X
Sorry for the selfish post ladies, I will catch up soon! Just really angry today about my MIL and got nobody else to tell really or rant to :(

I rang to chase up DD's blood test results yesterday and got the results, apparently she is allergic to just about everything they tested for! about 8 different varieties of nuts, milk, eggs, kiwi, coconut. I really didn't think that it would come back showing that she's allergic to milk as she has it every morning with her breakfast and she's never come out in any rashes or shown any reaction to it.

Anyway, in the end MIL decided she had to stick her nose in right away and asked OH to call her more or less as soon as he got back from work. Id only briefly called him myself to let him know that she had positive results for allergies but obviously couldnt talk to him about it properly while he was at work and so was waiting for him to come home. So obviously MIL thinks she's the most important person in the situation and deserves to know anything about it before anybody else, before me and OH had even sat down and discussed what we think is best to do for her now as parents, so he called her after he'd eaten his tea. She then told us what we should do with DD and how we should altar her diet, not what she thinks we should do or offering advice...just telling us what to do as usual with her...well OH was saying "mmm ok, ok" on the phone and she decided to go mental and shout at him "WHAT DO YOU MEAN MMM OK?" what the fuck! she needs to sort herself out and realise that her son is a 28 year old man, with a family and has the right to make his own choices without her telling us what to do all of the time and I'm sick of it. She's already dictated to us what nursery she thinks we should send her to, what school she thinks we should send her to, more or less everything else we do with her she tells us what to do and Im sick of listening to her now. IM her parent, IM the one who makes the final decisions about what is best for her and she needs to realize this quickly and back off a bit before things all end in tears.

In the end she send about 4 more nasty texts, basically saying that it was only because of her that Ellie got to have blood tests anyway(yes, thanks for making me sound like a failure as a parent and incapable of making sure she gets help when she needs it) and that she's sick of us taking her for granted( can not see any part in the situation she's being taken for granted to be fair, so that's a load of balls) and that she's not bothering any more with us about things. It's pathetic! OH even text her back before she said all of this saying he was going to ring her back and apologize but we weren't home, Ellie wasnt in bed and OH and me hadnt discussed it together yet either. Apparently she's more important to let to know first though over me and my OH discussing it as her parents. I also posted on facebook a general status about ellies results coming back positive and what she was allergic to AFTER id rang OH and let him know about it and she's made some nasty comment about me posting it on facebook before I'd let her know. She isn't even on my facebook friends so god knows how she's spying on my feeds but it's got absoloutely nothing to do with her, am I supposed to ring her and let her know that I'm going to be making a status about Ellie on facebook every time I want to post? I am liiiivvvid as you can all tell. I went to bed reallllly angry and ive woken up really angry about it.

I dont know what to do now because she hasnt apologized and we're supposed to be going to tea on friday but there's no way in hell im going if nothing has been said between now and then about last night, she can forget it. Im also worried im going to end up saying something I regret in the end, like I don't know who she thinks she is and she might try to control Ben at his age but there's no way in hell she can control me and tell me what to do and she needs to know her place. :/

Also she is trying to pressure me in to breast feeding and the whole allergy thing with Ellie is going to be her catalyst now to push me even harder. When I got bottles the other week she questioned why I'd got them as "you're breast feeding arent you'?" when I said I was looking forward to a glass of wine at christmas it was "You cant do that because you're breast feeding you sound like an alky" and she keeps on going on and on about how I need to breast feed and how because Ellie has eczema and allergies it'll stop this baby from getting them if I breast feed and that I need to do it.
I am going to breast feed for as long as I can, but if I'm physically to exhausted to do it or it's making me ill, or im struggling I will move to bottle like I did with Ellie as it isnt fair on me making myself ill and becoming useless to the baby and Ellie as a mother. I just feel like she's going to put loads of pressure on me and if I stop doing it she's going to make me feel like Im being a bad mother and try to tell me Im doing it wrong :( Im just so sick of her telling me what to do all of the time :cry:
SR - :hugs: what does Ben say about what had been happening with mil? In laws are a difficult one and think every has their ups and downs with relatives. Would you ba able to speak calmly to mil on Friday about what she says making you feel bad , and that as a parent you don't appreciate to be questioned
Ben isn't happy about it and he really wants her to lay off his case a bit but she treats him like he's still a child. He's 28 years old but she tells him what to do about everything. She tells him how to manage money, what he should be doing with the bank, when to mow the lawn or do some gardening, what we should do with Ellie, what she thinks I should do during the week with ELlie she is just a complete and utter control freak. She tells us when she thinks that we should say thank you to people, if Ellie is ill she texts every hour for updates! it's just too much.

We're in a dodgy situation though because when we moved house it was because MIL didnt like where we were living before, she said the area wasnt nice enough to raise Ellie in and it was rough so they bought us a house, we pay rent but not a large amount so we feel like we're completely debted to them to be honest and which is why we've agreed to more or less everything shes saying but now its starting to feel like she's holding it over our head that they've done us this huge deed, and she gets to pull the strings else they're not helping us at all :-s so it's touchy.

I do even like MIL but I don't like how she is trying to control our lives. If she backed off and let us do what we think is best more without intefering and throwing in what she wants us to do I wouldnt be able to complain but I think it's just how she is. I think if she hasnt got control over someone then she isnt happy, and Bens brother doesn't get any of this apparently because we've asked him if she tries to run his life too and he said she doesn't :-s I feel like she's just targeted OH as he says he's always been the one who she's moaned at and took things out on.
Hi ladies, sorry for selfish post, but I've been having this strange weakness in my hands for a good few months and about a month ago Wayne forced me to see a doctor. I did, and he thought it was most likely carpel tunnel so referred me for nerve tests, but the hospital couldn't get me in before we move. He also took bloods. A day or two later I got a phone call asking to repeat bloods in a fortnight because my b12 levels were low. I did that and today at last got the results, a week and a half later (whilst symptoms have got much worse.. cant open jars, or hold a coffee cup with one hand) that I have a vitamin b12 defiency which has obviously been so prolonged that it has causes nerve damage that would well be irreversible :( does anyone know anything about vitamin b12 defiency? I'm going in to sort out treatment on Monday but seems it won't just be taking some vitamin tablets, because the most common cause is that your body is unable to absorb the vitamin so possibly will be injections for life?! This is what I have read anyway, anyone know anything better than this? X
Louise - I have no advice to offer you I'm afriad, but I can provide hugs :hugs: I hope the treatment is a lot simpler than you imagine it might be.

Teeny - Nope, not today. We're going over tomorrow. She did apologize in the end but instead of just saying sorry she apologized and guilt tripped us at the same time and then OH's dad text to say how much we'd upset her. they not consider how it made us feel and how upset it's making me? lol. Oh well, I will just follow suit as usual for now but do what I please anyway.
Louise, that runs in my Dads side. I will ask my Mum tomorrow about it as I know a few of my relatives have had it. Xx
Wow Louise, hope it gets sorted more easily than you are expecting! Xx
Thanks ladies, I'm probably being a total worry wart haha but struggling so much with my hands at the moment and also showing signs of it in my feet too! We will see x thanks teeny would appreciate it x
Louise, my mum wasn't much help! She did say that they had injections every month but this was a long time ago. I think medicines have progressed and oral medication is sometimes used now. Sorry for being no help! Try not to worry and ask your doctor for the best treatment available nowadays. Xx
Louise - hope they manage to sort things out quickly and easily for you xxx

Blob - are you going to tell us the sex of the baby or did you not find out?
I was wondering if she'd found out too jelly!

Thanks teeny, everything I've read suggests its most likely injections. I'll wait and see what the doctor says on Monday, thanks for asking though x
I'm not sure, but I think Blob mentioned they won't tell you the gender of baby there? Hope I'm wrong ;) x

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