Teeny yep the longest I've gone is 37 weeks, I think it will be between 36-38 this time. Am starting to get quite strong BHs so I know things are gearing up! We get back from hols on the 10th August when I'll be 34 weeks, so will have a couple of weeks to sort out all the school uniform etc, then I can be ready. Am pretty much organised now, just need some more nursing bras and need to wash all the baby's stuff so it's nice and clean.
Louise I never managed the HB last time cos it all happened a bit quick and I ended up going in. I was home within 4 hours of leaving home, so if it could happen the same I'd be happy. My main concern at the moment is that at 28 weeks the baby was transverse and I think it's still in the same position now. MW said they won't be bothered about it until 36 weeks, but I just think this baby is stubborn! After 3 fairly good births I really don't want to have section, mainly for selfish reasons! I don't want to have a few days away from the boys, I want to be back home as soon as possible so they can be as little disrupted as they can be and don't feel pushed out. I know there's not much I can do apart from think positive! Fingers crossed!!