Hope you've had a nice last day at work Asher! Not long til baby now
I had my consultant appointment and 28 week growth scan today due to the gestational diabetes in last pregnancy and whatever else there was! Haven't had the GTT yet, I go on Monday but I have been having high blood sugar readings over the last few weeks

I keep getting 8 and over for eating a chicken salad sandwhich at dinner the last week, makes me so sad! Especially since with Ellie I basically cut down my food intake so much to control the GD through diet that I felt physically ill. This time I'm going to eat sensibly and then if I have to move on to tablets to control it better, try that.
Anyway cutting a long story short the same thing happened today as happened with Ellie, growth scan to make sure baby is okay due to the GD but small baby! I don't know whether to worry or not....I mean...I am obviously concerned as the baby is below the 10th percentile, which means the consultants have means to worry and be concerned that I have intrauterine growth restriction and baby isn't growing properly. She is estimated 2lb on the dot today at 28 weeks so a bit smaller than Ellie, I think at this stage. Ellie was born at 6lb 2oz at 38+4 which isnt all that small really! I just hope this baby goes along the same lines as Ellie and is small, but shows frequent growth every two weeks that's sufficient enough to say they'll leave her in there until 38 weeks otherwise last time they explained they'd have to take her out as soon as possible if she's not showing proper growth

slow and steady wins the race I guess! so 10 weeks until 38 weeks and most likely my induction, hoping baby stays happy and safe and continues to grow in there until then.
I am trying my best not to google, as I don't want to scare myself. And since I had similar with Ellie and she was born okay I'm trying to remember that but I'm pretty sure the term "intrauterine growth restriction" wasn't thrown around with Ellie and I'm sure she was just a bit bigger!