It's a bit of a weird one we're having Jelly. He's still asleep at the moment, I think a busy few days has got the better of all three of them! We're supposed to be all going and getting our swim in early doors, but me and DH may end up going in shifts depending on whether he wants to go. The plan was then to go for a sainsburys brekkie near the pool, then come back home and chill/ play for a bit. At 3pm I'm taking Jack and Sam to Postman Pat live at the theatre, and then we're off to the in laws for a BBQ which is doubly for FIL's 70th which was last weekend, and Sam's bday. Our friends who we went to tea at last night are coming to the BBQ too so there'll be some friends there for the boys. Should be a good day!
Woken up this morning and baby has turned, it's moved it's bum to the left side, legs to the right, and I don't think it's comfy there at all, not its usual position! It's doing some good squirming and it's bum is really stuck out! Ha ha!
Happy sunday all! Xx