weelllll may or may not know but can't tell either way
Does anyone else feel like the third tri board on here is awful now? So many American ladies all so medicalised, it's just poop I want it back to how it was.
Yep blob I agree. I don't go in it at all. I can't be doing with it! We were far more normal!
Ha ha teeny!
Just a random fact... On this day on my pregnancy with Jack, he was born! 36 weeks 5 days! If I make it to this time next week, it will be the most pregnant I've ever been! My record is 37 weeks 4 days! Come on baby whenever you want!
Asher that would be great if baby stays put just one more week. No dtd for you ..... Not with your track record! I can't wait to see what you are having and seeing a pic of the boys with the new addition..... How long we're u in labour with Sam?
Blob u big tease lol - this one will surprise u and come early
Teeny - cant update my ticker on phone or tablet so waiting to find time to get on laptop only 9 weeks and counting lol
JJ has been ill past couple of days with high temp and wheezing doctor says it's a virus, been up most of the nights with him whilst Flo has slept through hoping she knows how to sleep through once JJ is better!
It's dh 40th next month so am trying to compile a photo book of pictures of him through the years I'm loving seeing pics of him as a child . Hoping I get time to put it all together.
Jelly what a nightmare! One child settling and the other not! Hopefully both JJ and Flo will settle once JJ is better.
Labour wise with Sam, it was under 3 hours from waters breaking to birth! It's been noted on my notes that I've had fast labours. I'm now half scared to death and half excited about the big event. I'm looking forward to seeing what this baby is and who he looks like! It's becoming very real at the same time as being completely surreal!
Jelly what a nightmare! I'm looking forward to seeing what this baby is and who he looks like! It's becoming very real at the same time as being completely surreal!
Grr technology teeny! Ha ha.
I have been feeling super hormonal today, which probably means nothing. We'll see. Everything is winding me up. Everything. Especially the kids. Argh.
It's Riley's birthday today. He has opened all of his presents and is currently playing his new innotab game. Not doing too much today as his daddy is working but tomorrow I think we are having a family picnic at the deer park. xx
You must be feeling really pregnant now then Asher! All mine were late so I never felt like the end of pregnancy until their due dates!
I guess you had best DTD today if you want baby now! That seems to work for you. Nothing worked for me. I am so excited for you. Xx
Ahhh happy birthday chance - you going to knowle park? I work about 5minutes drive from there it's lovely place.
Asher happy full term - I'm on tender hooks now of when you will labour - phone at the ready
Went to bluewater today and got flo's hand and footprint made in clay, will be ready in 5-6 weeks to pick up. It's expensive but one of those things I did for JJ so felt I should do the same for her. It's lovely they frame it to put on your wall.
Think my period is on its way as been getting stomach cramps and feeling thirsty which is usually a sign for me . Finding the contraception situation a little difficult at the moment, think we need to use something more longterm as keep having whoopsie situations.
Just have another Jelly! Lol
Yes, we are off to Knole park sweetie. A family picnic. X
Any news Asher? Xx
Riley has had the loveliest day playing with family that have come bearing gifts and cake! I cannot quite believe he is 3 already. This time 3 years ago I had been having contractions for 40 mins. Little did I know he would be born before midnight!
A busy but lovely day has been had by all, but by heck I'm starving! Just waiting for my DH to come down from putting little man to bed and takeaway it is! X
That pic is so gorgeous blob! I reckon your number 3 is another girlie... I'm always wrong though!
No signs of anything changing except I feel super tired and hormonal this last couple of days. I think in it's own way my body is starting to get ready, but not sure. Am equally excited and scared now!
Glad riley had a good day teeny. How weird to think our little babies are now 3 or almost 3 and lots of them have got little siblings too. Who would have thought it 3 years ago??
Aw jelly the cast for Flo sounds nice. I've seen them and love the thought of them but never actually done one for any of mine, oops. Oh yeah get your contraception sorted or we'll be getting excited about another pregnancy!!
I think the "natural" eviction method is going to be tried today, see what happens. I think it's more likely to be towards weekend though, although even that's hopeful! Wishful thinking!
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