September Stars

I saw those casts advertised in mothercare and they are gorgeous. Well worth the money Jelly. X

Blob, your picture of bubba is amazing. I do think baby looks pretty so I say girl, but you may in fact just be baking a fabulously handsome little man! It must be funny to you that we are all guessing gender and may be completely wrong! X your bump is lovely but the way. X

Asher, it doesn't sound like you'll be pregnant much longer honey. I guess it's bittersweet as it will be the last time of being pregnant. I guess you are enjoying little baby kicks and all baby related excitement, and on the other hand excitedly waiting for labour. X

I have always said and will say again, that if we go with number 4 eventually I will not find out gender and try and enjoy every day of the pregnancy knowing it will be my last. X
Blob - I think girl for the same reason as Teeny, baby just looks so pretty! but like she's said, maybe just a very pretty boy ;) either way it's a gorgeous picture and baby looks lovely.

Asher - Can't wait to see whether baby is a boy or girl now and I keep checking to see if there's any news of baby arriving! keep us updated :-o
Hehe I love hearing your guesses but I just want to tell you ha ha buuuuut I can't :lol:

Asher I can't believe we are counting down to you having your baby any day now it's insane. I cannot wait to hear boy or girl and see photos, I need someone to have a baby here so I can have new baby snuggles.

I keep thinking about the last baby thing too, I hope this isn't my last but if it is I'm SO enjoying it this time. Appreciating everything about being pregnant and growing my baby, I think maybe some is to do with my bestest losing her little girl and that I think has changed everything about how I think.
Are you having a home birth again blob ? I think your having a boy this time.... A very pretty one at that !! In sorry about your friends little girl. Losing any child is tragic : o ( xx

I can't wait for this next wave of babies and hearing the name choices etc - exciting times !! Makes me sad that there will be no more babies for me as I would of loved a third.....
Never say never Laura! Wayne has started saying that he might want one last one... I'm not 100% yet, and certainly not for another year or two but.. Well, never say never!

Blob you're just a big tease!
So sorry to hear about your friend's baby, Blob. It does make you enjoy what you have so much more.

I'm not sure how much I've actually enjoyed this pregnancy. I wasn't able to discuss it at work hardly as another girl in the office was having problems and waiting for surgery/IVF. She found out she was pregnant two weeks before I finished and apparently all they talk about in the office now is her being pregnant! I'm not bitter...... I think it's flown so fast with being busy maybe. I'm now feeling ready to not be pregnant but I know I should enjoy the whole baby movement thing for a wee while longer as it is definitely the last time for me. :(

One day of school hols left. Taking the boys for haircuts this morning, then swimming lessons start again tonight. Cubs and beavers both start back this week, so will see how DH copes with all that if I do go into labour!! We spent an hour and a half in a and e with Jack yesterday afternoon after he swallowed a 1p coin!! What on earth he was doing with a coin, let alone one in his mouth, we will never know. Anyway, he was part proud and part sheepish when it showed up of the x ray in his tummy, just got to let it come out naturally now and watch for any signs of him becoming unwell. What a nightmare! And not at all how I pictured my next hospital trip to be!!
Lol Louise - a big house like that needs a big family to fill it :o ) xx

I've got to meet someone first and that's the furthest thing from my mind right now.... Got to get myself sorted out first. Xx
Oh dear Asher !! My little sister was a serial swallower when she was younger. Her favourite thing to chew was pen lids !! Hope the coin passes with ease x enjoy this last little bit of pregnant as I'm sure it will be over soon xx
Asher- hope baby decides to come for you soon, I think your having a girl this time.

Blob- sorry about your friend, must of been awful. Gorgeous scan picture, I think boy.

Ollie starts his 15hours at pre-school next Tuesday, I am feeling quite nervous he is my little shadow and are not often away from each other as I have been a sahm since he was born, I know he is ready for it now though and he will love it, the school is a minute walk away and every time we go past he says it school time yet so he is looking forward to it, and it will give me one on one time with Rosie.
Blob sorry I missed that, how awful for your friend, certainly makes you realise what you have xx

Laura... Still definitely no chance of a future with ste? Even I'm the distance? He seemed nice when I met him x

Claire I did giggle a little at the thought of poor jack! And yes I imagine not how you thought your next hospital trip would be! I was in hospital at 6 days overdue when Alex fell off a wall and gouged his face if you remember, I had Heidi the next day!
Wow. I normally try and catch up with the posts that I have missed but the last time I was on here was October 2010 so I don't think I want to recap on the last 3 years that I have missed! I'm back though and in a limbo of very imminently starting TTC again....starting from next month
Was back in January, it's not for me to talk about and she is a very private person so I don't like to say anything really. She was one beautiful little girl <3

I really wonder if some people ever feel 'done' having babies? I know I would love 4 and would know that was me finished but I'm not sure i won't want more even still? Ha ha.

Ha ha ha I saw that on fb Asher hehe that's rubbish, bet he thinks its pretty cool ;) feels like we are well into the term now even though its not even been a month.

FB I'm going to be on my own with just a baby for the first time in 5yrs in January :shock: it's going to be strange. I'm not sure i know how to entertain a small person anymore ha tabs normally does that for me.
I just hope it doesn't take as long as last time. We had a MC in March 2009 and then it took us from May 2009 to Dec 2009 to get Ellie. It was only 7 months, but OMG I got totally addicted to charting, temps, testing...I'm hoping to be less of a nutcase this time around. The conversation came about on our spa weekend when we were 'careless' on the night we were there. So once I get through this months AF (I am doubtful that that one accident was enough for it to happen this month, even though it was in the middle of the month and the fact it only takes one time!). So officially starting next cycle...

Its hard not to get obsessed when you go on these sites too!!

I blame the SS ladies for making me broody!!!
Good to see you Emma! And yay for TTC again! I am relying on other people to be having babies so I feel less broody after this one is born. Although I am hoping that the madness of having 4 kids under 8 in the house is enough to stop any broodiness! Haha!

Louise I'd forgotten about Alex and the face thing! Maybe today's my day then?? I'd love it if it was, especially after I've just cleaned the whole house including windows! At least I'd know the house is nice and clean! Wishful thinking!

Am off to get showered and set off with the kids for haircuts etc. I hate sitting in the barbers. Bet it's packed too with pre going back to school kids! Argh!!
Oooo! Good luck with baby making Emzy, who knows maybe the one time was enough :-o

Asher - It would be such good luck to go in to labour today now that the house is spotless, that would never happen to me - far too good to be true! unless your waters go in the barbers to even things out a little ha ha. x
You'll probably find you go into labour at the most inappropriate time Asher! Greeting the boys new teachers or something and your waters go! Lol xx

TTC, how exciting for you Emma. FX'd for a short wait this time. X

I often wonder if you stop wanting more once you have decided how many children to have. I am thinking now that we will probably have 4, I just hope that yearning for more children will just disappear!
I am broody, but my older sister is TTC at the moment. She is 40 and her youngest is 12! She is getting very disheartened every month and I am really hoping it happens for her soon. I am also selfish and know I can have baby cuddles when she has another! ;-) xx
No Louise I dont think there is any chance now. I hope that we can remain really good friends though : o ( xx
Laura :hugs:

Emmy Im so exited for you!! This time took the longest for us because of robins work pattern never being home at the right time I cried loaddsssss I don't think there is anything you can do, once you start tryin you start to go a bit crazy :lol:

Asher I love the idea of a nice clean house for when baby arrives :)

I sort of think other people having babies around me makes me worse :shock: nearly all my friends are either on their 1st or thinking about it in the future. So I kind of think that I need a number 4 so I can have at least 1 at the same time :rofl:

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