Good morning lovely ladies! Thanks for all your gorgeous comment. I can't quite believe he's here, and 24 hours+ old already! It didn't half go off quick when it happened!
I went for my swim as planned, and had some discomfort whilst I was swimming, only planned to do 30 but ended up doing 50 instead to try and get more discomfort! Then I came home and was a little bit achy but nothing more. DH suggested DTD to help if I had managed to get things moving, so we did. Had some tea and then went to bed about 11, with a bit of discomfort but went to sleep. Woke up at 12.15am with mild pain but thought it was nothing much, went to the loo and had a pink show, then from 12.25-12.30 they got quite strong and I finished packing my bag, told DH to ring his mum quick and rang the hospital. Literally 12.45 ish I was saying it was getting bad and we really needed to go. Waters started breaking on the loo and then carried on in the car (car seat was sopping wet!), had to ring triage on the way in to tell them that there would be no way I could get into them as I was scared things were happening really quickly. They said they would get a delivery bed ready and met me at the door. Water all over the lift, the reception, the corridor, had to take my shoes off and wade in!! Got examined at 1.30 on arrival, and was 8-9 cm. She advised me to lie on my back so they could attempt to slow things down slightly in the hope of getting the antibiotics in for the group b strep, but even when they got the drip up I was too sweaty for the plasters to stick so the cannula kept coming out and the drip wouldn't run through. At about 2.10 I said I needed to get onto my (scabby) knees, cos I was resisting pushing really badly, party through fear! In the end I just went with it, and out flew Olly! Midwife didn't even have her gloves on, delivered him with a towel that DH ran out to get!! And there he was, little Olly Thomas (I got my way with the name). It was all very surreal, I didn't expect it to happen quite so quickly, I had very little control over the whole thing. I missed a few things out of my bag because leaving the house was so rushed and frantic!!
So we got home about 5.45 yesterday evening. DH and the boys came to pick us up from hospital, it was very sweet. My parents and the in laws came round for the quickest squeezes of Olly in his first day, then me and the boys bathed and changed him into clean clothes which they loved. Then the little horror decided to be awake and not put down til midnight! Bless, he slept then til 5.15, fed, then went back down and is still there squeaking away in his crib. He's a little star, it's odd having 4 children! Sam's not doing too badly, a little jealous and a bit like a bull in a china shop, but we'll get there.
Thanks again so much for all your lovely comments and well wishes! We did it! Woo hoo! SR and blob, your turn next!