September Stars

Aw olly sounds lovely <3 <3

I think rosalie was about 6 months when she gave up :cry: and tabs was about the same as you are now? I've been pretty lucky and both have mine have stopped no their own. Although I did stop them feeding at certain times?

My two are being a pain at the moment with sleeping teeny it's a royal pain when they are bad sleepers. I'm fine being on my own pregnant..util I get no sleep!!!! :rofl:
Sorry some of you are struggling with sleep! I've always been lucky with that, if I had another I think it would be a bad sleeper just to even things out!!

Just wanted to share, got Heidi's first pair of shoes the other say, she's a 2 1/2 bless her, I always thought her feet were quite diddy! She looks so cute in them.
Well I jinxed myself saying he was doing good cos he wouldn't settle after that 3.30 feed this morning! Typical! He's been good today again though. Midwife came early the I goodness, did his heel prick and weighed him, he's 7lb now so has lost 5 oz but she's happy with that. We picked Sam up from nursery and went to sainsburys for our lunch, so I picked up a few nice bits of clothes for him. Had a couple of gorgeous pressies from school mums today too! Nice little surprises!

Bloody DH.... Slept all night when I was up and has been moaning all day about being tired! He's now asleep on the sofa, it must be hard work being a bloke!

Aw Louise, little Heidi! Diddly feet! My babies are all born with massive hooves bless em! :)
Oh goodness tell me about it! If we have a bad night here with Heidi teething (when I say bad I mean having to go in to her maybe 3/4 times to pop her dummy in but she normally settles back off on her own anyway.. So not the end of the world!) Wayne will complain about how tired he is and he will often take himself off for a nap even though he doesn't get out of bed to her.. In fact he only knows how many times she was up because I tell him! It really is very hard being a bloke!!

Lilia has big feet, they're a 7 1/2 now, Shea so skinny her shoes look like boats on her feet haha bless her! Heidi has such chubby legs her small feet look so tiny!
Jelly I hope your shins aren't too badly hurt :(

Asher i'm sooo jealous of that newborn time, even though I don't want another, your posts remind me of night feeds and newborn cuddles !

Charlie-Jack has got massive trotters, hes a size 10 now, quite annoying really cos the bigger the shoe the higher the price in some shops!!
Hes a little bloody terror, he doesn't eat at all at home, and will only go to the toilet if he has a bare bum and doesn't have to pull his trousers down, otherwise he just wees where he is. He had his first long day in nursery today and he has eaten all his meals and took himself to the toilet whenever hes needed it!! He is playing me for a fool haha !

It feels very strange being back on here and its proper shit that I can go in the single parents bit now :( :( Ah well!

Off now to do some cleaning while the king himself is going to sleep haha! hope everyone is well x x
Aww bless her, both mine had a size 3 foot for their first shoes <3 rosalie got a pair of lelikellys for hers hehehe.

Im pretty lucky with rosalies sleeping normally, Tabs is getting really clingy just now, I think it's something to do with being at school but she really gets upset when I leave her for any reason once she is home.

Robin I think is pretty good when he is home, we had lots of conversations on how it was going to work when he worked offshore and I think mostly its paid off. He does his share (in a shit man way) of chores around the house - by half doing jobs ha ha. But if I want to sleep or what ever he will take the girls and has no problem with my lying in every day he's home ha ha ha. He has to get tab ready for school while I lie in bed waiting for my cup of tea :rofl: I will not be getting out of my bed once baby is here ha ha ha. He has been told and agreed on this :wohoo:

Aww Asher he sounds still like he is being a star, are you really enjoying him?

Rosalie is being a pest too,
I cleaned the playroom, she decided to 'pour' herself milk all over the kitchen
I went upstairs to Hoover, she left said kitchen with cereal all over the floor, with hand prints "because I wanted to"
Made food, she pulls a head off a Barbie and trashes the nice clean playroom... I could go on.
Oh and she has been potty trained since she was under 2 and she still somedays decides she can't actually go to the toilet and crawls along the floor shouting for me...then will pee all over the floor - I think to spite me :dohh:

They are so much fun just now huh ;)

Sorry Lilia I didn't know you were single now :hugs: :hugs:
Just popping on quickly to say hi and congrats to Asher on sweet baby Olly!
I was right - the fall schedule of school and activities is kicking my ass! But at least the boys are so tired from all the frantic fun that they are passing out at 8/8:30 every night with no problems! :sleep: Is it wrong to look forward to their bedtime this much? :haha:
Quiet in here ladies. How are we all?

Ollie started his 15 hours at nursery school last Wednesday and all was going great until this week, I have gone in a few times to pick him up and he has been told off for a few things one for not saying thank you after his milk, so she didn't give him any, which I agree with, the next day he went for a wee and when washing his hands he had put toilet roll in the sink and left the tap on so it flooded the toilet and then yesterday he was his usual grumpy stubborn self and wouldn't take his socks and shoes off so he couldn't do P.e and then when they had finished he decided he wanted to do P.E, I don't think he quite understood what P.E was :haha: hen this morning for the first time he has cried when I left him was awful I was nearly in tears walking out I do think its cos he is getting told off a lot that's why he didn't want to stay this morning.
Anyway just needed to get that off my chest as I am sat here thinking off his little face when I had to leave, hopefully he starts getting back to the not crying I can handle him been a little bit naughty :winkwink:
Aw poor Ollie. I think it's quite tough on them you know. Like the milk thing, surely better to give him the milk and teach him how the whole routine works. Sammy is loving nursery but doesn't start the full 3 hour sessions until next week. When I had his meeting with his teacher, the main point I made to her was that he was only 3 on the 25th August and that the whole potty thing is still quite new. She reassured me that they would prompt him to go to the toilet as well as going with him to give a little help, but twice this week he's come out with the morrisons bag with wet undies in. It just irritates me and I know it upset Sammy. I just think after seeing lots of little three year olds over the years they'd be a bit more sensitive! I hope Ollie is okay today. Xx
Poor Ollie and the milk. :-( I hope he has had a better day today. Xx

Asher, Riley has poo phobia still and wee phobia anywhere other than home/Nannys! He still sometimes comes out with wet trousers in a bag but school are very good and he is never upset about it.
I do think it takes a whole for them to settle in. Riley has been at nursery a year now but the first week after summer I had tears and tantrums every day. He has now got back into the routine and pretty much ran in this morning with no backward glance!!

I have done Riley's primary school application. I think it's weird that some of us do it now and the other half do it next year. My baby boy is not a baby anymore. Xx
Not only that, I have done Chances secondary school application too. Scary scary stuff! Xx
Thanks ladies he has had a much better day today and after crying he stopped as soon as I left and then they said he had a really good day and was much better and she said he is just settling in so they expect these things I was worried about his toileting but he is okay with that apart from the flooding :haha: I feel better after chatting with her I just think it was quite harsh not letting him have his milk.
I am so glad to hear he is now settling in well. The flooding fiasco made me laugh! I too think the milk was harsh... Did you mention that? Before you know it he will running in without so much as a 'bye Mum!'.

A quick question for everyone... If any of your little ones had a poo phobia how did you overcome it? Riley will not poo on the potty or toilet. He has to wear a nappy and hide! Lol
I don't know what to do. Xx
Yay FB, glad Ollie was better today!

Teeny, Archie had terrible constipation as a baby/toddler for which he was really heavily medicated. It delayed his potty training by a lot and he wouldn't go anywhere except in a nappy. We moved him nearer to the potty as time went on, and then said for him to try and poo on the potty but in a nappy. After he'd done that a few times, we said he should see if he could do a really big poo and burst the nappy, which we had pre cut a hole in.... So when he pood it went into the potty. We did that for a few days and then went onto trying to poor straight into the potty. It sounds daft but it did work in the end. :)

Little glass of wine for me tonight, am giddy with excitement! It's been a while. :)
Sounds like a really good way Asher :thumbup: going to keep that in mind if this one has problems.

Loool hope you're enjoying your wine Asher :wine:

Poor Ollie, he will get there soon I'm sure :flower: it's awful when they cry. When I was sending rosalie to nursery they had to phone me once and I could hear her screaming in the background :cry: I drove straight there and picked her up, but this was when she was 1 and also I didn't need to even send her.

Rosalie isn't even old enough here to go to nursery, all this talk on enrolling for schools :shock: . I feel like tabs is a baby, if she was in a bigger school (rather than only 5 in her year) I would worry ha ha. It's mad how much difference only a few months makes at this age.
Hee hee I know, it's mad as a box of frogs. The weirdest things work!! :) x
Asher when was is that Olly turned? Just wondering as this baby shows no sign, it goes from full breech to half way to being transverse then back again :dohh: I don't honestly remember when rosalie turned just that I have a photo going to my 33 week appointment and she had turned. I'm not 'worrying' I feel 3rd time there is maybe quite a lot of space in there ha ha ha x
My bump changed shape around week 32, but the only thing I know for sure is that he turned between 28 and 34 weeks as they were my MW appointments. I was less wide if that makes sense? Less bits pushing out to the sides! MW said they wouldn't have had any concerns until at least 36 weeks. I think my insides were fairly baggy!! :)
Blob - my friend had transverse baby most of her pregnancy , she was booked in for a csection then at 38weeks she moved to head down so c section was cancelled. Has no one said what to expect?

FB I don't think that's right not allowing the milk at our nursery the parent decides what the child has and when
I guess transverse is the worst? You can have a breech baby vaginally but I guess not with a sideways baby? I do hope that this naughty baby turns for you soon Blob. Xx

I am outside in the garden whilst Elsie is asleep, Riley is at school and Chance is in France. The sun is beating down and for a whole 5 mins I can relax! :-) xx

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