Aww bless her, both mine had a size 3 foot for their first shoes

rosalie got a pair of lelikellys for hers hehehe.
Im pretty lucky with rosalies sleeping normally, Tabs is getting really clingy just now, I think it's something to do with being at school but she really gets upset when I leave her for any reason once she is home.
Robin I think is pretty good when he is home, we had lots of conversations on how it was going to work when he worked offshore and I think mostly its paid off. He does his share (in a shit man way) of chores around the house - by half doing jobs ha ha. But if I want to sleep or what ever he will take the girls and has no problem with my lying in every day he's home ha ha ha. He has to get tab ready for school while I lie in bed waiting for my cup of tea

I will not be getting out of my bed once baby is here ha ha ha. He has been told and agreed on this
Aww Asher he sounds still like he is being a star, are you really enjoying him?
Rosalie is being a pest too,
I cleaned the playroom, she decided to 'pour' herself milk all over the kitchen
I went upstairs to Hoover, she left said kitchen with cereal all over the floor, with hand prints "because I wanted to"
Made food, she pulls a head off a Barbie and trashes the nice clean playroom... I could go on.
Oh and she has been potty trained since she was under 2 and she still somedays decides she can't actually go to the toilet and crawls along the floor shouting for me...then will pee all over the floor - I think to spite me
They are so much fun just now huh
Sorry Lilia I didn't know you were single now