Am sat feeding so time to say hello!
Hi Lilia and Elphaba, good to see you both.
Jelly that's bad! What's your feeling about it? Has it unnerved you so much to make you think about moving JJ or do you think it's a one off and can be sorted by talking to them again? Is JJ pretty settled there?
Ooh Blob you do tease us about your gorgeous baby....
Teeny, sounds typical. Blokes. They don't change. My DH is off on paternity leave for goodness sake, and I'm sure he thinks it's actually holiday time, time to go swimming etc. you should have seen his face when I told him there's no way I can just get up and do the school runs at the moment! Anyone would think I've done far worse than ask him to take his own kids to school!! Ha ha! You have my every sympathy!
Well, little olly continues to be a settled boy in general. Feedging well, although my right nipple is sore, but we'll get past it I guess. He's sleeping well, 7 hours last night? Tonight I fed him when we came up to bed, about 10.45, then he slept til 3.30. We've fed and changed and now we're topping up, so I would think he will be back down in ten mins or so. I don't want to believe this is him and he's a settled boy, it can't be true! He's such a sweet little thing.