September Stars

Emzy, Lilia is like that with her timings too! She wakes up in a morning between 9-9.30am despite when she goes to bed! We've managed to get her bedtime to between 8-9am but morning wake up time is still the same!
Poor poorly babies. Youngmummy, good for you for taking her to be checked. FX the anti-bs will kick in soon. The poor thing having jabs as well!

Asher that sounds like a blocked duct. Try and get sam to suck hard ie put him on when he's really hungry, otherwise it might get infected.

Janeydee, Harry has started waking every 3 hours again.. grr. I think it's as he's recovering from a mild cold. Well, I'm hoping it's that!

Ladyk, I'm not sure about thrush, but those symptoms do sound like it from what I've heard. Harry was doing something similar a little while back and everyone said it could be thrush.

I'm so jealous of all your sleeping babies :dohh: Roaslie goes to sleep around 9pm which was better than Tabs who went to sleep at midnight :shock:

:hugs: for all the sick babies :hugs:

Just need to work through it i think Asher :hugs: but you'll know that.
Hi all, does anyone know how spot on time the 2nd lot of jabs have to be? I ask because she was 12 weeks yesterday so due them this week, but it's snowing so heavily here and we're about 7 miles from town and they don't grit the roads on the estate and I'm not sure I want to drive in these conditions! I worry that I'll get out but not get back! We're in the middle of nowhere, it's times like this I hate being so cut off! I was going to chance it today but it's now snowing very heavily! Would next week be too late for these jabs?

It's doubly annoying because the last date to send parcels to Afghan is this Friday and if i can't get into town by then, I can't send Wayne any parcels for christmas :( I just received an e-bluey from him (letter) and he tells me that he's going out on the ground after christmas, which I was kind of hoping he wouldn't be doing! He's a RESA you see, which is the counter IED taskforce - in normal terms, he leads a search team in looking for bombs. It's a very dangerous job but there was a chance he'd just stay at Bastian, but no, he's going to be going to one of the little FOBs out there and doing horrible dangerous things! Plus I'll barely be able to contact him out there either! Argh! It's all so worrying! If he stayed in bastian I would miss him but wouldn't really need to worry. The thing is, he's now doing this job because the last guy that was leading this particular job has come home injured last week, after losing his legs. It's awful.

Sorry for putting a downer on things! Just need to get it off my chest as I can't vent to him, it's his job and I know that deep down he'd much rather do the job he trained for rather than sit in Bastian making numbers up.
Louise, I so know how you feel, Ian was out on the ground and contact was very patchy, my neighbours hubby was at Bastion for the whole 8 mths and they spoke on skype all the time, it really annoyed me especially when I went 6 weeks with no contact and all she kept saying was 'he is ok!'. Maybe he was but she was speakinh to her hubby all the bloody time!!!
Horibble isn't it! I'm going to make the most of the contact with him while I can! I know they always say no news is good news but nothing can make up for not being able to speak to him for so long! You are a strong woman Becs, I hope I can make it through like you did! x
I don't know how you girls do it, I admire you! I don't like being away from Matt for a weekend never mind him being all that way away, no contact, dangerous job etc. You must be so strong to be able to deal with it. When is he due back Louise? One of my friends has just gone out too. He isn't married and doesn't have a girlfriend, but it's heartbreaking for his mum, dad and sister every time he goes.

Funny that our girls like getting up late! To be honest so do I, I've always preferred to go to bed late and get up late so she must take after me! Great that Lilia goes to bed at 9ish! She has a big long sleep! Holly has her bottles 3 hourly now so that she can sleep for longer at night, it's clever how they adjust things themselves isn't it?!

Has anyone elses baby started shouting?! Holly has really found her voice this week and shouts ALL the time! She gives me a headache!! She screaches and yells and shouts on her playmat and I've noticed especially when music is on the telly or the radio. Matt said she is singing lol! She goes "aaaaaahhhh bbbaaaaaaaa aaaaaaahhhh aggooooooooooooo aaaaaaahhhhhh baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" REALLY loudly all day long!

I don't think Iam strong, just took each day as it came!! You get thro it because you have to!!
Louise your post made me cry. You must be so worried. You are so strong, I really admire you. I don't know how I would cope without my dh for a long period of time. He's going away for 4-5 days in a few months and the thought is scaring the living daylights out of me! :hugs:
Sorry forgot the whole point of my post! Louise, no the jabs don't have to be spot on as if a baby is sick they can't have the jabs so have to re-schedule. x
Agree with F&C I dont think they have to be bang on.

Also is anyone elses baby REALLY noisy when they do a poo?! As in noisy straining noises? Or do I just have a noisy baby? lol x
Thanks Fishy :)

Emzy, Lilia is also a shouter! She's not particularly loud when going to the toilet but when she decides she is hungry for a bottle she will shout at me until she gets it! Not crying.... shouting! I have a video of it on my phone, I might post it up on facebook! I have put a few videos of her chatting away to her toys on there, she seems to be always talking and cooing unless she is asleep to be honest! It's quite funny to watch!
its snowing here now but not really settling , i havent been out for two days though so im starting to go stir crazy!
Im watching sex and the city 2 while the girls are asleep love it !!

Louise- i totally admire your strength how long is dh gone for?

Emzy- they dont make too much noise when pooing but pull some classic faces
Layla is a very shouty baby she is very loud and high pitched and already has tantrums , she is going to be a hideous two year old!
Well the snow here is getting worse, there is no let up its very annoying cant get out anywhere, people are fighting over the bread it lasts half hour in the shop after its been delivered its ridicoulous.

Louise- No they dont have to have there jabs bang on 12weeks my friends daughter had to reschedule as she was poorly.

Emzy- Ollie is a shouter he shouts for everything when he is watching tele and something comes on he likes, like music he shouts. Also he is loud when he is pooin he strains really loudly.

Hoping this snow goes away now so we can get out its my birthday on Monday and am hoping to get out of my little village on Saturday but its not looking very likely
Good morning!
Temps are dropping here again (around -10C this morning), but it sounds like many of you have us beat for snow!
Is it common to switch over to snow tires and winterize your vehicles and such, or does the snow usually only stick around for awhile?

As others have said, the vaccination schedules are approximate. We couldn't get Toby in until 10 weeks - the clinic was too booked up!

We have nicknamed Toby "Toby Teakettle" because when he gets really riled, he gets very red in the face and emits this incredibly loud, high-pitched shriek that sound just like a kettle going off. But so far, he's been keeping the noise to discreet grunts while pooping! :)

Hope everyone has a good day!
James is a very noisy poo'er! He goes red & growls then lets out an almighty wet trump! We call him 'James the ripper' :haha:

We dont change to snow tyres and we are in quite a built up place so the roads are usually fairly clear as the council grit them!

James did lots of huge smiles for his photo's i cant wait to get the proofs!!

Asher hows it going with the dentinox? We seem to have come to a bit of a standstill with it really, its not got any better since about day 2! x

Louise i dont know how you cope either, Chris' cousin was posted to afghan last year and it was so scary...he always says its not a job its a way of life! I dont know how his wife copes! x
Afternoon all, thanks for all the hugs! The booble is still very sore. I've been feeding him on that side most of the day, which is helping. Now I need to express from the other side or I'll be in dire straits there too!! I'm pretty sure it's a clogged or full duct. There's no lump, just a big sore area. When I had mastitis before I had a huge red patch and lump, and the milk was a strange colour, so I know I'm not quite at that point, although I'm not feeling 100% in myself. It's just so sore, I can't bear for it to be touched or nudged. Argh, things can't be straightforward!!

Louise, I don't know how you do it, but I guess you have no choice. I hope things go quickly and smoothly, and that Wayne is back home ASAP. xx

Jayne, the dentinox has almost got rid of the cradlecap. There's just a tiny stubborn patch at the front which is resisting, but the rest looks good.

Little one is waking up, I'll be back later, sore boob and all!!
LBB, the photos we had done of Hope are fab, I love them, just need to get them up on the wall!!

Asher, get yourself to the Dr's and get checked out xx

Fishy, got that stuff you sent, thank you, will get it back to you asap!!!

Had a lovely time at baby massage, walked home with one of the other Mums, she had the same labour and birth as me, her LO is 6 weeks older than Hope and he weighs over 18lbs and is in 6-9mths clothes!! I am going to go to the new arrivals group with her on Thursday, turns out she hasn't lived here long and doesn't know many people either,so was quite a worthwhile group to go to!! I have a yummy roast cooking in the oven, just what you need for a cold night!! I really need to get out a do a big shop but I hate driving when the roads are icy, its ok once you are off our estate but the on the estate its like a sheet of glass!! I am such a wimp!!
Asher have you also tried warming it in a hot shower and massaging it? x

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