September Stars

Not a chance ttc at the moment! I still don't feel I'm properly back to my old self since having Heidi. I'm quite down still at times and still 0% sex drive. I have come off the pill and hoping that might help but after 4 weeks I still haven't had a period yet! If this doesn't work I'll be off to the doctors! But.. Never say never. I can't see us having any more to be honest. But, if we were to have another, it would not be until Heidi is about 3 as nursery fees are just so high and lilia has nearly 2 years until she's at school! X

Blob, he's cutting it fine not home until 39+3! Haha I'm glad you're feeling good, doesn't mean anything though you could go into labour any time! I bet the girls are so excited!! Do they know the sex?
I cannot even imagine how hard it was for you Louise. Life can be so cruel. Xx

I have no sex drive either. :-( We do it at least once a week but I feel guilty as Mark would like it far more and he always has to instigate it. I think perhaps its my implant as I can often feel depressed at times too. I completely understand why people use natural family planning as these artificial hormones just mess with your body.

We are having a little fireworks party tonight so I have to clean and tidy the house AGAIN! For about the hundredth time! I feel stressed about it. It must be the idea of cooking, cleaning, hosting perhaps. It is one if those times when the idea sounded good but in reality I wish we hadn't! Not to mention the cost. Fireworks are so expensive and I feel like its just burning money! Lol I sound like a moany old git.

I am just going to make a cup of tea and relax for 5 before my day begins properly. I hope you are all well. Xx
I don't blame you teeny.. You are burning money i suppose! It's easy to get all excited over an idea but the reality hits and you wish you had just said no! I'm sure when it all starts you will enjoy it and be fine, it's just the prep x

Wayne suggested we go all natural with family planning for a while to see if it helps me. I struggle with once a week tbh but am going to make more of an effort once Wayne is home. X kind of nice to know im not the only one!
I find I am just so tired. Going to bed early only means one thing to me... Sleep! Lol xx

How typical is this?... Riley has without any warning been poorly today. :-( My poor little boy has been sick a few times. I have never known him poorly, and the one night we arrange something he gets a bug. I'll just have to keep an eye on him and see if he feels any better after his nap. It's sad when they get poorly. Especially when they think you can make them better and you can't. Xx
Oh poor Riley hope its short lived. Enjoy tonight , we had a display last night near us where dh, jj and I stood watching from jjs window. Jj loved them but not sure he would of felt the same closer to them.

We are about once a fortnight at the moment and even then I'm finding it all a chore but then dh and I seem to be snapping at each other recently and really not sure why so I'm not really in the mood when hes annoying me

First day of potty training jj and had one accident this afternoon but otherwise its been going better than expected. Just not sure when I need to stop taking him to the potty every 20-50 minutes but suppose its trial and error.

Louise - I love hearing about spiritual happenings reinforces my faith of there being something else out there..... I'm pleased this happened for your friends at such a sad and testing time.
Fireworks are so expensive it's mad!! Hopefully Riley feels better soon :hugs:

Well done JJ :wohoo: that's really good!!

Rosalie is on her 3rd dummy free night!!!!!!!! She has only asked once for it when w stayed with my mum last night and didnt make any fuss. So proud of her, we really thought it would be a nightmare because she was insanely attached to it.

We got a tumble dryer the other day...ridiculously happy :blush:
So much still to get for this baby it's scary, not sure how the pennies are actually going to add up.

Louise :hugs: :hugs: I'm sorry you are having such a hard time lovely. I also went to my friends babies funeral on my own, it was really hard. Rosalie and tab are so clued up and said when I got home 'mummy did you say goodbye to baby Chloe :cloud9:' they visit her grave and look through her pictures, makes me sad because they really should have been friends.

I feel quite lucky DH and I have a pretty matching sex drive, but also it's easier when he goes away quite a lot so you never get into the daily 9-5 routine? If he is home he is helping me with the girls and making dinner and making me tea (obviously not perfect all the time) but its not the same as a tired husband coming home and a tired wife...
Oh blob I'm getting so excited now to think baby blob will be here in just a few short weeks! What things do you need to still get ? Did you keep most things after Rosalie?

Potty training day 3 , yesterday we had a lot of accidents but hopingbthats a good thing, so far today we've had one big wee/poo, then a small wee where I think he stopped himself and looked a bit confused whether he had am accident or not. Jj has nursery tomorrow for three days so they can hopefully have a few tricks up their sleeve to get jj dry....... Also what do people do out and about? Do you take a potty with you (which is what a friend has told me to do), or just prepare and know where toilets are in places ?

Louise made your chewy cookies yesterday with jj but mine were quite thick and fluffy sjouild I use plain flour ?
Jelly, I never took a potty. I just knew where toilets would be. However, Riley never goes to the toilet when we are out so I'm no help really! He can hold it all day if needs be. :-(
Potty training sounds promising with JJ. Have you found it easier than anticipated? Xx
Teeny - its kind of easier than I thought but keep thinking hes just not going to 'get it'..... The problem is I have two friends who have boys slightly older and one not still poops regularly in his pants 10 months after being toilet trained and the other had wet accidents for 6 months every couple of days ......... So I'm feeling trapped at home thinking we will never be able to go out again every......... I know I'm only on day 3 but really hate being at home everyday......... I'm looking forward to him going to nursery and hoping it just clicks for him ......... We did only have two accidents today all day and he asked for potty before bed and did a poo and wee so think hes starting to understand
Jelly I took a potty with me, lilia sat on it in town! I think it's important they get to go quickly while they're training so think it's best. Obviously if you're by m&s or something you can just go there. He's doing great! Lilia got it on day 3, I was fighting with her a bit till then as she knew exactly ehat to do but would just hold and hold it. Then suddenly she got it. He will be fine, don't worry, I bet you by the weekend it will be second nature. I think boys need help reminding them to go more than girls do but once he starts asking to go it shows he's getting it x
I've been referred by the health visitor here for some talking therapies. I had told her about telling the gp and health visitor about feeling down after Heidi was born but nothing was done. She thinks I might have an element of depression. It would explain the sex drive, isolation, the fact that I sometimes go days without a hair wash (gross I know :() because I just can't be bothered really. It's hard to admit. She thinks that is what it is and thinks they were naughty in maidstone for not offering help. Doesn't help that I know nobody! Laura k is coming to stay the weekend after next so that should be fun x
Hope the talking therapy helps Lousie, it must be so hard not knowing anybody and Wayne been away. I know some days when Danny works late I am struggling cos I have had no adult conversation.

Jelly I didn't take a potty out with me when potty training Ollie cos like Riley he would just hold it in till we got home or till we got to some toilets he never would use a potty and went straight to using the toilet. Sounds like JJ is getting it though, Ollie had a carry on pooing for about 3month it was so frustrating he used to hold it in then that would make him really constipated.
Jelly we used to take the potty with tabs but didnt with rosalie, but she wouldn't wee in a potty ever :dohh:

Oh and with the cookies don't use plain it will make them totally different. If you like them to be flatter and crunchier, either push them down more or cook for a bit longer. I also make them chocolate by adding in cocoa and taking out some flour they are soooo yum. I make a few hundred a week at work :lol: the school children go mad for them especially when they are still warm num num.

I kept nearly everything from rosalie but still feel like there is loads to buy? We had to decorate and buy furniture and lights etc since we just moved in, mattresses etc etc etc

Louise I'm really glad they are going to send you to someone :hugs: :hugs:
Louise :hugs: can totally appreciate how you must be feeling isolated at the moment .... Also agree our service here is rubbish after eventually being signed off by the health visitor I still haven't been contacted regarding bereavement counselling. Went to drop in centre last week and felt tearful so didn't want to ask in front of loads of people. Really hope this helps things for you.

Blob - I considered making the biscuits chocolate but chickened out. JJ loved making them

Don't think I got enough sleep last night I keep moaning, moaned about the breastfeeding voucher scheme this morning then I've just written to tescos complaining about the parent parking...... I obviously have far too much time on my hands. Finished my two charity boxes for Samaritans children today I quite liked the knitted hats I made, just need to wrapnthe shoeboxes in crimbo paper now and hand in at my nursery. Then aiming to finish knitting flo some leg warmers for when I'm baby carrying her over the cold months. Next plan is to knit a cardigan. Ive got so much wool I'm contemplating knitting baby blankets and selling them as I've too much time on my hands at the moment.
You better have a wash before I come lady ;o ) joking aside that sucks - I know your a bit in the sticks but how far away is the play centre from you Louise ? What about putting an ad on net mums ? I know it seems weird putting an ad but I've met two lovely mums on there :o) (((( big hugs )))) hope the referral comes round quick xxx

Blob - I know your not gonna spill on gender or name.... But have you got something picked out ready ? Xx

Yay for JJ toilet training xx
I wouldn't Laura, it's even more common in boys to be slow to talk, my next door neighbours son for example was 3 and there is nothing wrong with him ;) often second children are slower too (apparently). Tab wasn't a huge talker until she was over 2?

Yes we have a name all ready to go...can't wait to tell you all!!!

Jelly totally do chocolate with white choc pieces mmmm....

My birth box arrived today :wohoo: but oh my I'm actually going to go through labour in the next few weeks....

Louise it must be really hard moving around and not having people near, I go to work basically because I need that social interaction. Where we moved from I saw friends every day, here they seem totally different, they don't just chat?
Oh and thought I would make you look at a half dressed bump photo.... Was taken in my sisters room I'm actually not as grossly messy :rofl:


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