Sarah, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your brother. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time. Xxx
Blob, the cord tie sounds like a lovely idea. I cannot believe you are so close to the end. Your bump is lovely and so perfect you lucky thing. Xx
Louise, I am glad to hear that you are able to get help with your feelings. I hope it all goes well and you feel more like yourself soon. Xx
Jelly, we must arrange a meet up. JJ's potty training sounds like its going fabulously well. What a good boy. My DS, will not poo anywhere but a nappy.

it's soooo frustrating. X
It's been a horror week with Chance this week. We are 4 weeks into the parenting classes and I'm obviously crap as he is worse.
On a brighter note, he is doing really well at his new school and loves it. He has made lots if friends and actually likes going!
I am on a mad one at the moment. Tidying and chucking stuff out. I hate it, as all I think about is doing it. Today I sorted all the cupboards and draws in the living room, the wardrobe and draws in the bedroom and then 2 hrs in the loft. Aarrgghh! Must stop! Lol xx
I send my love to all you ladies that may need it and hope that life gets easier. To everyone else, I hope I find you all well. Xxxxx