September Stars

Oh blob you look fantastic ! You've always looked good pregnant!

Laura - I don't think it's overly an issue not talking yet but if it was me I'd probably go to the doctors not because I thought anything was wrong more peace of mind and to stop me worrying..... If you are worrying book an appointment
Blob what a gorgeous bump! I can't decide what I think it is! I'm tempted to say boy!

Laura there are a couple of soft play centres in haverhill so about a 3 mile drive, not far, the sure start is near Alex school so 25 minute drive? And don't worry, I will wash my hair for you! I do it when people are about just when I have days of no plans and no one to see I get a bit bleugh and can't even motivate myself to do that. I do wash though!!!

Emma that is shocking that they still haven't sorted that for you. How long do they need?! Your knitting sounds fab, you'll have to post a photo of flo in her leg warmers, I bet she'll look so cute!

Laura I wouldn't worry about Noah's talking, like Sarah said second children tend to talk less so i have heard, he will get there he's still just a baby. Heidi says mama and that's all really, she will copy ba bye but no sign of dada yet! Lilia had a few more words by this stage x
Just made my babies cord tie :cloud9: will put it in a bag now until baby arrives. Eek!!

It's a pretty huge bump, does it look like its low or just normal? I've never had a low bump before but a few people have said it looks low?

Tabs spoke very little words when she was that age, she said her first word at around a year but then didnt add many more? But then she but suddenly started talking in sentences :wacko:
Instead of a cord clamp you can really use what you want and I've made my baby one with rosalie like a friendship bracelet :) so nice and soft on babies skin.
Oh blob I like the sound of that

Day 2 of JJ being totally dry and he has done two poos today. I really can not believe how quickly he's picked it all up. Felt strange taking out his nappies from
My bag and replacing with a change of clothes instead.
Well done JJ! He was obviously completely ready Emma, they do say if they are just ready it will be a very easy transition for them. A bit strange at first isn't it with no nappies.. Plus their clothes get a new lease of life! Lilia is still wearing all the trousers she had on this time last year when she stopped wearing nappies because there was suddenly a lot more room in them!
Well that was a mistake lol!

Blob I love the idea of a cord tie! The clips they use are really hard to clean and awkward, if I have another I will definitely do that! I think your bump is fairly low, it looks similar to mine with the girls I think. I felt like they were sitting really high but bump felt low!
I do feel like baby is going to fall out and I get proper daggers when I move, I just wonder because even tab the day before she was born she was only just starting to engage and rosalie never even got to 'brim'. So I just have no clue....really should go to the mw soon.

I thought the cord ties were a great thing, I don't like the plastic things and I don't really know why they put them on babies? My mw also said there is no need to sterilise them or anything, it's really nice. Some people totally turn their noses up at them and look grossed out :shrug: I don't really understand why though.
Best of luck with the birth, Blob!

I am watching a big snowstorm hit town as I drink a cup of coffee and le tmy children run wild.
It has been a very hard three weeks. We went on a holiday to BC where my parents live, and while we were gone, my youngest brother died suddenly of an accidental overdose. He had been struggling the last few years with drug and alcohol addiction, but he had gone to detox and rehab and was trying to get sober. He relapsed and this time it killed him. We were really close and I am absolutely devastated to have lost him. Just so so sad right now. :(
Sarah, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your brother. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time. Xxx

Blob, the cord tie sounds like a lovely idea. I cannot believe you are so close to the end. Your bump is lovely and so perfect you lucky thing. Xx

Louise, I am glad to hear that you are able to get help with your feelings. I hope it all goes well and you feel more like yourself soon. Xx

Jelly, we must arrange a meet up. JJ's potty training sounds like its going fabulously well. What a good boy. My DS, will not poo anywhere but a nappy. :-( it's soooo frustrating. X

It's been a horror week with Chance this week. We are 4 weeks into the parenting classes and I'm obviously crap as he is worse.
On a brighter note, he is doing really well at his new school and loves it. He has made lots if friends and actually likes going! :-)
I am on a mad one at the moment. Tidying and chucking stuff out. I hate it, as all I think about is doing it. Today I sorted all the cupboards and draws in the living room, the wardrobe and draws in the bedroom and then 2 hrs in the loft. Aarrgghh! Must stop! Lol xx

I send my love to all you ladies that may need it and hope that life gets easier. To everyone else, I hope I find you all well. Xxxxx
Oh Sarah I saw your Facebook, I'm so sorry for your loss I really am :hugs: :hugs:
Eep a snowstorm sounds really exiting!!

Thanks teeny :) I feel huge
So pleased chance likes his new school :thumbup: that's fab!

I'm cleaning everything just now :dohh: I have my birth space all ready, lots of candles and fairy lights :cloud9:
Can't wait for my pool, also I'm getting a birth photographer :blush:
Oh wow a birth photographer! That will be amazing! Do you still have my number? I am happy to update for you, I'm kind of 'Louise the updater' for the last round of pregnancies haha!

Tina I'm kind of with you on all of that, I feel like my house is so messy all the time although I know it's not, to anyone else they would walk in and see clean and tidy but I know what's behind some of the cupboard doors in the kitchen and utility room and it makes me feeling it's messy! But I am struggling to find the energy to do much, I fall asleep on the sofa once the girls are in bed and Alex has been having to wake me some evenings to tell me it's his bedtime! I better go and get my next b12 jab as I'm overdue. Funny because I don't remember feeling this tired before but I know I did feel ridiculously tired so I have probably just forgotten!

Sarah I'm so sorry for the loss of your brother. Alcoholism is a truly awful illness x

Jelly how is JJ doing now with his potty training? Still going well?

Love to all (even though there aren't many that come on here anymore :(
Sarah I'm so sorry for your loss especially with someone who is so young and unexpected :hugs:

Teeny - I so wish I was like you at the moment, I'm terrible at keeping things in case we will need them and never have the energy to sort through things . I would love a minimalist house instead its overtaken with toys as we have the 'space' for them which makes it worse. Definitely meet up, what days are good for you? I have jj Monday and friday.

Blob - will you be sharing your photos or just keeping them for family? Has the wrap arrived?

Louise jj has done really well over the weekend, he has had a couple of accidents but really small ones where he stops himself and asks for the loo. Been at mums today and has stayed dry and yesterday whilst saying bye to the in laws he took himself! I like our small group that still posts on bnb .
Nope wrap hasn't arrived just yet :)

I will show the photos don't worry :wohoo: they are going to be non graphic and she seems to have the same ideas as me for the photos. I want things like robin helping me during contractions, the girls faces and what they are up to, family faces as they meet the baby. My face and robins when we pull the baby out of the pool etc and hopefully she can make sure I dont look a total mess :rofl:

Louise I think I do, last time I think I came on :rofl: I didn't know what to do, robin had gone to bed, tab was tucked up and rosalie was around the clock feeding hehe. I will send you a message when things kick off eep!! I can't believe it's not far away but feels like a long long time too??
I don't dare tell some people as they look disgusted when I tell them :lol: it's funny I'm really not a hippy type at all. But it seems with birth and littles people class me as hippy or alternative or just weird.

So far friends are freaked out at
Cord ties
Delayed cord clamping (which isn't exactly abnormal now)
Home birth
The girls being there at the birth (their choice I'm not forcing them ha ha)
I use reusables (though I don't at night)
Wrapping babies
Co sleeping

The list seems to go on, thing is it sort of has starting to get to me because I don't judge anyone else on their choices. I sort of think that we all just do what's right for us and that's what being a parent is about. I don't do anything because I think it's better than someone else's choices, I just do it because its what I feel is right at the time.

I'm reall exited for the photos though <3 I can't wait to see what they come out like she is such a talented photographer and I really hope they are as amazing and emotional as the ones you see on birth pages.
I'm sure they will be perfect! They will capture the moments you wouldn't get to see otherwise, like your faces and the girls reactions. I hate that anyone should be judged on their choices with their body or baby. What is right for one is wrong for another. I hate that my girls weren't breast fed for long and that it didn't work for us, it tortured me! But I would never judge someone who made the choice not to breast feed! My sister chose to only fb the first day with her second son due to the problems she had with bfing her first. Her choice to make! Xx
I would have had a lovely birth video that we did ourselves had the midwife not walked in as I was pushing Elsie out and sat in front of the video camera! :-(
I think photography is a great idea.
I am no hippy, but the 100% completely natural birth I had was amazing. No drugs, delayed cord clamping, no injection for the placenta. I loved it. That's how babies should be born if you want it that way.
Everyone makes their own choices and none are to be judged. Xx

Perhaps next Friday Jelly? I can pick Riley up from school and perhaps drive over? I don't do school run for Chance on a Friday so makes it easier. Xx

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