September Stars

Rosalie should be my baby she is my snugly baby girl, she is going to have such a shock.

No twinges or signs :lol:
Ok today I'm Acting like a teenager - friend and I are going to Peter andres signing today in town is that really sad?
Well I'm back left an hour early and the doors shut about 10mins after we arrived , queued for almost two hours but was a good laugh ..... He's a really nice guy looks nice in real life but the pictures we got taken went weird and light so not very good :-(. Hoping hubby can work his magic on them to at least have one decent pic lol
Ow no jelly that's poop :( was that the one of fb or did your hubby make it better?
The poop one is on FB dh has said he's going to try and work on it tomorrow to make it better ..... Still can't work out what caused it to be so white all 4 pics are the same.

Been thinking alot this evening and considering to raise money whilst on maternity leave for cancer research ..... Not sure how or what yet might even do a multitude of things but think it would be good to do something to keep my mind occupied and know it will be for a good cause..... Ideas so far:
Sponsor weightloss
Making various cookies to either sell as a batch to locals or take into work for people to make donations
Knit scarves for the winter for donations
Ironing service for donations
Sponsored 5k - as totally unfit and was my achievement last maternity leave

What do you think is it best to do one thing or lots of things ?
Sounds like a great plan :) you could do a few things that wouldn't put too much it easier on, so maybe the sponsored weightless and the 5k cos they're kind of linked, if you enjoy knitting anyway then you could do some scarves, sounds like a really lovely idea x
Yea I think the 5k and weightloss sounds really good :thumbup: I think people will always buy really cute hats and scarfs especially for children...
Robins home tomorrow, feels likea relief but then since I have no signs at all its irritating because I want him to stay until Friday now :dohh:
Just relaxing knowing he is home might be enough for things to start up blob... It is better for him to be home under your feet waiting for things to happen rather than panicking at every twinge that he is going to miss it xxx
Tis true, I'm feeling grumpy today :lol: cold and tired and screaming children...
Is Robin back today Blob? Xx
So close now, I cannot wait to see what flavour this bubba is! Xx
:rofl: yes he is back and this baby didnt decide to arrive :sulk: think I'm starting to get exited now...yay!! Though its hard to during the day when the girls are screaming and fighting etc, I have no idea when my body will allow itself to go into labour when it's so stressful? Did anybody else have this? I don't remember this last time, feeling like Im not relaxed enough for the baby to come :haha:
Are you just going to wait it out Blob or are you going to book a sweep at some point honey? I think that when you least expect it to happen it does!
The last week Of pregnancy I was desperate for Elsie to come and she didn't! By the time I was due I had changed my mind and was prepared to wait it out.
I had a scan and then I asked them to see if I was favourable for a sweep and told them if I wasn't that was absolutely fine! I was and she gave me one. I was not expecting anything to happen as I had no pain, no signs nothing and carried on with my day. She was born that night!
I had my hair dyed at 5pm and she was here 4 hours after that! I really really did not realise I was in labour when it started as I did not expect it one little bit!

The day you are busy, this bubba will come! Xx
Heidi was a week late, I wasn't happy about that, I was in so much pain! Her birth was totally amazing. Would do it again in a heartbeat. I love that I had no pain relief, I think it kept me really aware of what was happening and I remember it all so vividly, even remember the feeling if her turning when her head was born (was a water birth so she turned herself)... Strangest feeling in the world!
I also loved Elsie's birth! It was so quick. We called the midwife about 7 and she as here at 9! I didn't even feel like I had just had a baby. No pains, nothing. It excites me to go through labour again! Lol xx
I also loved my birth with Rosie, I had a niggling feeling at 3am and gave the hospital a call cos I needed the antibiotics they told me to come in on the way (30min car drive) I was getting more pains but they were bearable, got checked was 5cm so got took to labour ward walked there holding onto the wall every 1min :haha: then 30 mins later had Rosie, had a bit of gas and air but was still very aware of it all, not like with Ollie where it was 25mins and I was totally out of it I couldn't remember his birth at all. I had an awful pregnancy with Rosie with bleeding and things but a brilliant labour.
I had two horrible pregnancies and two wonderful labours although lilias was a loooong process, went to be induced at 8am as waters had broken the day before but was 3-4 so no need, had her at just before 8pm (17 hours from starting at home). With Heidi after going in in the morning thinking this was it and being told nope! Everything stopped at home. Started up again in the afternoon, got to birth centre about 6 ish, got in the pool about 6.30 and out came Heidi at 7.45. The midwife thought it would be a long labour as my contractions were fairly irregular and not long but they were doing something obviously! There was the usual Wednesday night tour around the centre that evening and they just so happened to be outside my room as I have birth to Heidi's head! Lol how embarrassing!! I would do it all again in a heartbeat. If I didn't have to be pregnant first. I love the thought if being pregnant and baby growing inside me, kicks and movements and baby hiccups. I think I would be deserving of a nice easy pain free pregnancy next time! It's the main thing putting me off having another x
My second pregnancy with flo was an absolute breeze compared to jj no sickness tiredness bad skin, little issue with SPD which then passed....jj I was shattered, sick as a dog, skin like a lizard, SPD having to walk sideways, acid reflux and heartburn ..... Gosh blob I'm so excited for you

JJ has been off sick today keeps complaining if headache and pointing to his ears so possibly another infection :-( doesn't have constant high temp so hopping he can fight it off himself

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