September Stars

Blurt away Sarah K, we are all here to listen and support you. Of course you too Jelly. Xx

It was lovely to meet you and James and Florence yesterday... For those of you who haven't met her and the kids they are such a nice family! Xx

Blob, how is Ivy settling in? She is such a gorgeous little thing. Xx

Louise, did you decide on taking the meds honey? Whenever you need a chat I am here. Of course you are always welcome to visit too. Xx

Got a few more Christmas bits today without meaning to. It's great when you go out for one thing and stumble across some unexpected gift ideas!
Still stressing, still busy busy and just about managing to get on top of everything. Must start some wrapping soon otherwise it will be a Christmas Eve marathon session!

Sending my love to all you ladies. Enjoy your weekends. Xx
I can second that Tina! Love jelly to bits, she is just lovely, JJ is hilarious and Florence is uber cute!!

Yes I decided to take the meds. I started today. I feel so much better already, not down to the tablet I know but maybe finally accepting the diagnosis? A doctor telling me it is a physical condition and not just 'a state of mind' helped. First step in a long journey perhaps. I've felt brighter and like there was just so slightly less weight on my shoulders. I think the kids may have noticed.. Well Alex certainly, as he asked me for a cuddle earlier, and again tonight and say and snuggled with me x
Sarah and y, I can't quite imagine the pain you feel :( I think losing any member of immediate family must be awful, and this time of year must make it worse. Big hugs to you both xx

My dad has something wrong with his heart, a blocked valve they said I think, my mum is very vague (not to worry me perhaps?! Ha!) so he's awaiting a scan to find out what the course if action will be, whether it's surgery or medication etc. scary stuff :( don't know if you remember but he was in hospital in intensive care with blood clots in his lungs and heart when I was pregnant with Lilia. Thought we might lose him then. Wayne's mum is also in hospital and has been now for about 6 weeks, and possibly will still be in over Xmas. She has chrones disease, and over the past couple of years had to have some bowel removed as it was so diseased, then there was a leak at the join and she was in intensive care with suspected septicaemia, then she ended oh with a stoma and colostomy bag for a year. She had it reversed earlier in the year nth hasn't been right since, well it has flared up again and the chrones has eaten through her abdomen wall and out through her y so she now has 4 inches of bowel in a bag outside her body. She's been transferred to London awaiting treatment. But because the chrones causes ulcers all the way down her oesophagus she hasn't eaten properly for so long she is so thin and weak they can't operate yet. So they may send her home over Christmas to build up a bit, with a hold in her stomach, awaiting an operation in the new year!!!! Undecided as yet. It's all go here as you can imagine! Poor Wayne, being so far away it must be awful for him x

Sorry that was long-winded but in summary, our parents are stressing us out! Xx
Sarah - We are always here for you xx

Teeny - Loved meeting you guys and will definitely have to meet up again in the new year. Think Riley and JJ are so alike in many ways.

Louise - Did you get my text today not sure if I've text you or wayne. Glad to hear you've started taking the meds and that Alex is being supportive, hes such a good lad he will make someone a very lucky lady in years to come.

DH and I went to the cinema last night, first time out the two of us in absolutely ages and both were really looking forward to just having time on our own........ unfortunately it was a big fat fail of an evening. Flo is usually really good to settle for bed on the evenings give bottle, wind, lay her down in crib play music sit with her less than 5 minutes to put back dummy and shes asleep..... well last night she just cried and cried, I changed nappy, gave her more milk, winded her, cuddled her, left her alone, calpol etc and still wouldn't settle. We ended up leaving with her still crying so I spent half of the film constantly texting my friend to see if she had settled or telling her things to try. Flo cried herself to sleep after two hours of crying :-( I text to say give it 20 minutes more otherwise we will come home (as only 5 mins down the road) and in that time she settled........ its almost as of she knows I want to go out. My friend thinks she just wanted me. Tonight as shes teething was expecting similar but instead its the usual bottle, wind, cuddle and sleep...... definitely think she has me wrapped around her little finger

Christmas decorations up today im really loving the whole crimbo build up
Oh Louise, didn't realise parents were sick too no wonder you are feeling stretched at the moment and with Lilia ill this week too. Hopefully your dad can be easily treated with a simple procedure (if there is such a thing when it comes to the heart?) Sometimes the waiting is worse than actually knowing what the path of treatment will be.

My fiend has had crohns since she was diagnosed at 19 it is not pleasant disease and she has had numerous operaions over the years including a peg in her stomach to build her up over night and a colostomy bag (which was meant to be temporary but has kept it now for about 8 years) however these past 8 years have probably been her healthiest in 20 years as shes a good weight with very little flare up. Hope Waynes mum is able to recover the same
Oh naughty flo! It's always the same isn't it, it's like they know you want to have ice outside them and decide to ruin it! Glad there's nothing wrong with her though x

Thanks Hun. I didn't get your text, it must have been to Wayne! His phone is broken over there now. My number is 07733 128618. I haven't told Alex anything but I suppose he so gets the brunt sometimes so maybe noticed a difference today. He is such a lovely boy. He's funny and cheeky but very affectionate too, and he tells me everything! It's not easy with parents being ill, just always on your mind, as you know. There's just so much going on I don't know where to start! X
Hmm! My husband has just sent me a text from Saudi Arabia asking what I would like for Christmas, I said nothing, shall we make a pact no presents for each other. His response was how about another child...?!?!?! He said no rush but he would like us to think about it! Think being away from us must have made him decide he wants more, I thought he didn't really want more! I've said I'm in no fit state to think about it at the moment but I've never said no to any more! That was a turn up for the books eh. Is be daft to think about it now though x
Oh Louise exciting ! Even if not for 'now' but in the future. I found with dh it was on his terms ie he wanted the ages close together whereas I was happy to wait another year before trying. You just make sure you are ready especially as you suffer during pregnancyxxxx
That's my main worry jelly, that and the finances! I would happily wait another year I think!
Oh Louise, that sounds like such an amazing response! Good going Wayne! Mark and I talk about trying in about a year or so. I think it's nice to have the option if you do perhaps want more. I feel like we have kind of planned for another even if it won't be for another 18 months or more.
I think that I so sweet of him. Lucky you. Xx
Thanks Tina. I must admit he has been very supportive of me through these past few weeks, he knows I am struggling. It was a big shock for him to say that but it's nice as the door is ajar for us to think about another.. I'm nowhere near ready and imagine it would be a 2015 ttc but at least I know we are on a 'maybe' rather than no at all :) I feel very satisfied with my two but still would like more, I would just need a job this tkme and hopefully a body that doesn't fall apart!
Heidi won't leave him alone, it's all about daddy, Lilia is a bit hit and miss! She ran to him and wouldn't let go but she is reluctant to let him do certain things for her, think it's hardest for her to adjust to him being home really :)
I guess as they get older, but not old enough to really understand it must be tough for them. At least Heidi is giving you a break! ;-)
Are you feeling better now that the medication may be working? I guess a combination of having Wayne home, having some help and the medication may see you feeling better. I hope so honey. Xx
I find that Tabitha struggles the most with robin going away, she wants me to do most things for her. Though it helped at the end of this pregnancy as robin git up every morning and it was just him and tabs which was nice. She seems to miss him out, but also struggles the most with the change?

I might end up joining you with babies ;) I'm still hugely broody which is bizarre since I still have a newborn :rofl:

So this is my second day totally n my own, I think the hardest bit is making dinners and morning school so far...
I have to say I'm really sad about robin being away again again this Christmas, I wonder if its new baby, new house but he is missing it?

Also when on earth do you get to wrap presens with a newborn :haha:
Blob I can't imagine dh being away when flo was only a couple of weeks old as she was just stuck on my boobs 24/7

Louise :hugs:
Yup i feed at the table when the girls eat breakfast, dinner and then I sit on the sofa all day haha. Ivy is the hardest baby so far I think, she does lots of screaming and screaming :lol:

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