September Stars

Blob, I feel sad for you that Robin is away at Christmas. I hope you have a lovely Christmas time with your family though. Xx

Mark thought we were trying again for number 4 soon! Lol
Until I put him straight that its not until at least late next year! Silly man!

I am wondering whether I will ever be ready for Christmas at this rate! Only about a tenth of the presents wrapped and still so much to organise too. :(
Could you wrap with Ivy in the sling Blob? Xx

So far this year, I have one missing present as I have obviously put it somewhere too safe! That's before I look for the childrens! Also, Marks present from the kids is broken but as its a frame and I had opened it to out pics in before checking they will say I did it. :-(
Aargghhhh! Stress!

Also having a really tough time with Chance. Don't know where to start in telling the story!

Enough about me! How's everyone else. Xx
Ivy has decided the sling is not for sleeping in.

Teeny I always lose presents haha I have boxes left from last year :shock:

:hugs: I hope it's not too bad, I thought his moving school had helped?

Actually cried today because I just wanted her to stop screaming at me :( I've not eaten since robin left, not more than biscuits and so far 2 slices of toast. I'm so hungry but she screams and screams and I can't ever put her down. Normal bf baby who thinks if she is awake she should be being fed.
Bad day today :haha:
Oh blob :hugs: you can't live on biscuits -can a friend not bring food for you? How is ivy at night times? I know how tough the constant screaming can be as flo was like that for the first 9 weeks.

Teeny - hope everything is OK with chance xx

Tried to catch up on sorting out the house today but flo wouldn't let me put her down as anytime I left her she would start coughing and choking on phlegm from her cold.
Oh blob, you must eat. She will be okay for 5 mins whilst you make a sandwich or something. You need to keep your strength up as she is relying on you for good quality milk. Xx
Elsie thinks that if I sit down it means a feed! I try not to sit down too often! Lol! She is an absolute nightmare with feeding still. :-(

Just been a very hard week with Chance this week. He has gone out of his way to cause mayhem and upset. He never learns!

I can officially say that all presents that are in the house have been wrapped. It's such a weight off my mind. For some reason this year has been a really expensive year for Christmas. Not so much for the kids, but food and family presents. I am skint now.
We have a busy few days ahead of us now. Tonight is visiting Santa, tomorrow Riley has a party and then we have friends over for dinner. Sunday we are having all of Marks family over for dinner and then it's Christmas week. Aarrgghh!

I hope you are all well. Xx
Well I thought ivy was going to be a reflux baby she really shows all the signs and then the next day..nothing. This girl is here to test me :lol: she has been fab the past 2 days, shows just how much more enjoyable they are when they don't just scream and scream.

My friends came the next day and took over, they were amazingly lovely :cloud9:

Teeny, it must be hard with Chance, having his dad against you too can't make it easy. In your photo he looks like butter wouldn't melt lol. Sorry you are having a hard time :hugs: :hugs:

I have some presents wrapped, mostly because my friend wrapped lots for me :haha:
Ahhh blob I like the sound of your friend , just what you needed.

I've wrapped the stocking fillers and got everything out to check I've got what I needed but haven't wrapped. We are hoping to take JJ to the acquarium this weekend as a surprise for JJ he will love it as he spends ages in our local pet shop looking at the tiny fish.
Your friend sounds fab Blob. I am so pleased that things have been easier for you. Xx
Jelly, that is so cute about JJ loving the little fish! I hope you have a lovely time at the aquarium this weekend. Xx
Oww hope JJ likes the aquarium :wohoo: love taking the girls to see fishes :)

I've got everything out and split it all up... Tomorrow is my wrapping day!!!
Is anyone else not feeling Christmassy at all? I feel like its the weather? It's so strangely warm :(

They are amazing, nearly cried when they brought me soup etc :)
I said the weather is not right for Christmas either Blob!
However, my house looks like Santas Grotto so there is lots of excitement in the air here. I can't wait for the kids to open their presents. I am excited! Soooo tired though. Xx
Hello ladies! I feel like I have neglected this page this week since Wayne has been home! I will catch up properly in a bit but Heidi being a monkey ATM x
Hi Louise!
We will let you off, you have your husband home! You can't go neglecting him for us! Lol xx
That's allowed Louise!

Teeny loved the pic of the empty advent calender.

AF has arrived and is hideously heavy remember this after JJ and took a year to improve on a good note though my cycle was 49 days so hoping they might start regulating better . Having a sort out today and sold lots of bits on FB this morning so £32 will help us over xmas
Oooh I really need to sell my crap jelly, I just seem to keep everythin.

Louise how are you doing? Has Wayne seen a difference in you?

I managed to wrap all my presents... Finally wohoooooo!!!
I've finished wrapping family prezzies and the santa gifts just need to do JJ and Flo from us so hoping another late night tonight so I can relax Xmas eve.

We were the only ones in the acquarium yesterday which was great as meant we could look at things at our own pace.... We've decided to try and visit somewhere every year the weekend before Xmas but not in London where busy with shoppers
Just finished eek!! Poor ivy wants to go to bed :lol:

Happy Christmas :hugs:
Ahhh blob the dreaded wrapping!

Hope everyone has had a great Christmas

We've been to mums crimbo and inlaws boxing, JJ has absolutely loved it all this year but think next year he will be difficult to calm down with all the excitement. Had a difficult time getting to the inlaws due to fallen trees or flood damage closing roads but finally got there. Our town is currently flooded so the only way to get to other side if town is via the motorway as the bridge is completely closed..... Louise as you will know fremlins all way to cinema is flooded with the pub flooded too and they expect more rain tonight.
Good afternoon ladies, I am hoping you all had a great Christmas. Xx

Jelly, it was flooded by my SIL too, the weather has been awful hasn't it. X

Blob, how was your first Christmas with Ivy? X

As for me, Christmas was good but very stressful. In fact, I am embarrassed to say but I had a bit of a meltdown today. :-(
I have been tidying non stop since Christmas Day and I was trying to get the house spic and span today. Well today, I was hoovering upstairs after 2 1/2 hrs of cleaning and tidying. The kids had gone behind me all day messing up my hard work. I just lost my temper and had to call my mum down to help.
I am so anxious about it all. I get stressed if I cannot get it done. It's so hard with 3 children!
I just needed to say it out loud to make myself feel better. Thank you.

I am hoping you are all keeping well. Xx
Teeny I'm the opposite I just keep thinking if all the jobs that need doing but don't do them ..... That stresses me out. Hope you manage to get on top of it soon xxx
Teeny I feel the same, i need to clean etc and 3 children hinder me slightly :( it's hard work, but this stage doesn't last long so try not to worry too much x x

Christmas was hard work. I'm I Lincoln just now and the journey was hell!!! Going to Nottingham tomorrow to get a new watch and bracelet :wohoo:
Hi ladies! Never did do that catch up did I!!!

Blob I can't believe you're in Lincoln, that's only 30 minutes from my parents in Retford, if I had known I would have travelled up to meet you! Has ivy settled a bit more now? How are the girls with her now the novelty has worn off slightly?

Jelly I saw some photos, it looks awful! Have you been ok with power etc? I think lilia only half realised what was actually going to happen on Christmas Day, she was so over excited when Father Christmas has been, think next year may be the year that the stars start finding it hard to go to sleep for the excitement!!

Teeny, big hugs. I sometimes get overwhelmed like that and feel that everything and everyone is against me doing what needs doing, often when I'm either trying to cook or cleaning/tidying. They follow you wanting to play with every item you put away! Don't feel bad honey, Christmas is a stressful enough time anyway, everything always looks messy as the tree starts looking a bit worse for wear by now (ours doesn't have decorations until half way up now thanks to Heidi!) and all the toys need new homes etc, it's a nightmare!

I am starting to feel a little better I think, I think I'm more able to realise when I'm going to get angry/upset and I am more able to control it by just taking time out or stopping myself. Me and Wayne have had long chats about it all and he is wondering if he may have some symptoms too, as he acknowledges that a lot of our issues are not just me but him being so snappy and irritable too. I think he is having bonding issues with Lilia too which he is trying very hard to overcome. He actually admitted the other day how hard it was for him to come back to a 9 month old baby after afghan when he left a tiny baby, I think he has always had in his head that she doesn't love him as much as me etc so has sometimes struggled to understand her, for example he is very quick to bite when she is just being a toddler. He is having lots of one to one time with her. He is accepting after some things she has said to him that she loves him just the same. Got to go lilia is crying upstairs x

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