September Stars

Congrats Laura on passing your test. Will / have you got a car?

Congrats Louise on the new job its fantastic news! Hope you enjoy it

Teeny how's the poo situation ? Any ?

I've had little sleep this week as F has a blazing high temp , taking her to the doctors to see if its nothing that needs antibiotics.
Good afternoon all,
Thanks for asking Jelly about the toilet situation. Riley has done amazingly well and now poos on the potty! :-) No nappies whatsoever and he has only had one overnight accident when he had a lie in until 10am. He is usually up about 7am so I think that's why. He has stunned me with how awesome he has been. I am so proud of him. We are hoping to move on from the potty to the toilet over summer so that he is ready for school in September.
On the subject of potty training, Elsie has decided that she now wants to so it too and so without any persuasion from me she now uses the potty too! She wants to wear knickers all the time which is great. However, she is another one that won't use the potty for poo poo! :-( we have plenty of time to work on it but again, she has amazed me too. We are saving lots of money not buying nappies all the time.

We are off to Haven Monday so I can't wait for that. Things are getting easier now. Ask me in a few weeks and I might tell a different story! I will try and survive the summer holidays as best I can. ;-) xx
Hellooooooo ! ��

Great news about the potty training perfect for Riley starting school.

You've got a big week ahead of you haven't you teeny! Hope all goes smoothly

JJ was hurt at soft play yesterday by another older child but I didn't see so assumed it was an accident wasn't until later anitger mum told me she saw the whole thing and the older kid had hurt him on purpose by that point it was too late for me to discipline or inform the parents all I wanted to do was tell the kid he was a little s&@t. He's getting his eyes checked out again in 6 weeks I think his sight has got worse as he's started being clumsy falling over and bumping into things so won't be surprised if he will need glasses.

My friend has gone into hospital to be induced today after being two weeks overdue I just hope she copes ok. They have been TTC for 7 yrs and this was their second ivf. Can't wait to know all is ok and meet the baby
It's awful when other children hurt your own. Poor little JJ.
Is his sight problem inherited honey or just one of those things? I do think kids in glasses are super cute, but it is hard work I imagine getting them to wear them and keep them safe.

How did your friend get on with the induction? Any talk of babies at the moment is making me broody! ;-) xx
Dh and I are both short sighted and dh had a squint , but JJ is long sighted which isn't unusual.

My friend went for induction last Sunday not much happened after less art and popping her waters so on the Monday morning decided to have csec but wasn't an emergency so went in two hours later vs mad rush and panic. They had a big chunky boy just below 9lbs. I've been trying to give them space after I've been telling her for months to not get bombarded with visitors but its so difficult because I just want to see her and make sure she's doing ok and hold the baby. I'm terribly broody if I had the money I would have a baby every two years and a live in nanny too so I manage to have showers everyday. We still haven't said no to a 3rd but I think in my heart I know it will be unlikely..... Kind of hoping for a whoopsie so the decision is taken out of our hands - then you just make things work.

JJ wet himself twice this week it's so unlike him as he hasn't had an accident in months I'm thinking its just he was busy playing as once was at nursery while waiting for a free loo and the other was when the grandparents visited.
Hello lovelies!
Stopping in to say :hi: and the happiest of fourth birthdays to the lovely Stars! I've been seriously crappy at staying in touch, but I love the updates on FB! So here's a quick update from me:
Tobe is a strapping young lad these days, still such a sweetie pie, but lots more piss and vinegar thrown in. Oh mama, does that boy have a stubborn streak! :haha:
We had him assessed for his speech impairment and he qualified for a full-time (FT for his pre-school hours, so about 10 hours per week) team of regular assistant, speech therapist and occupational therapist. It's a fantastic program that's run provincially, aimed at assessing and dealing with delays as early as possible, and the agency we're with is excellent, so really more relief and excitement that he's going to be getting so much therapy and support over the next year than anything else. Tobes is full of ideas, stories, and things to say - neither comprehension nor expression is the problem - it's that he can't make the proper sounds to make all his ideas understood. So, the plan is to work on that aspect mainly, and we're pretty stoked about the program.
Otherwise, Tobe is very excited about year two of playschool and the start of his ballet classes at the Alberta Ballet School - it's a great dance class for little boys and he's loving it. His mother may have had a crush on Baryshnikov since she was four years old, so there's a bit of parental enthusiasm firing him up, too. I die of cute when he demonstrates what he learns at ballet each week. :cloud9:
Anyway, busy busy life here - full of joys. Hoping you are all well and thriving and enjoying your Stars as much as I am mine! :)
Lovely to see you Sarah , its been very quiet on here for awhile now so your not the only one who has been AWOL.

That's sounds great the support To be us getting for his speech hopefully things will start to progress really well this year . not sure here in the uk there would be such support

We have been the house of illness this week JJ has had high temps aching limbs and tonsillitis, he's finished his antibiotics but still has a pussy throat. Today's the first cday I think he's finally on the mend. Floflo had a mild vomit bug and I got tonsillitis too. Dreading going to work tomorrow as have so many deadlines I missed last week

Floflo is now walking and getting into everything her favourite hobby seems to be climbing - can't leave her for a minute

Had car accident last Monday so picked up my rubbish seat mii courtesy car its the worst drive its like being in my first metro 20 years ago. Wind up windows no central locking tiny bit that only holds my coat handbag and changing bvag didn't even bother trying to got the pram as was obvious it wouldnt fit .

Back on my sw diet tomorrow getting bored of being overweight and need to lose _a good few stone
Heyyyyy - I'm still here :o)

Good to hear everything is good at your end Sarah. What a fantastic program that sounds like - I am sure that it will do him the world of good xx

Jelly - sorry to hear you had car accident - hope your back with a decent car soon. Hope you guys are all feeling better soon. Flo sounds like fun !! I love that age :o) xx

Not a lot going on here. Am off to Louise's in 2 weeks for a long weekend. Kids are both now in nursery so getting a few hours to myself so am ramping up the job hunting. I need to diet too Jelly and shift at least 5 stone :o(

Love to anyone else that might be stopping by xxxxx
Im getting concerned how big I've got . I need to lose at least 6 stone but to be 'healthy' 8 stone.... I don't know why I keep sabotaging myself.

Job hunting is exciting especially as you are no it set into a field like me and accountancy. As Louise said the world is your oyster!

I wouldn't mind the car if I didn't drive to work two hours a day and a lot of stopping starting - at least it will make me appreciate my focus more once I get it back
Oh Jelly, I'm a steadily expanding lump, myself. I keep swearing I will leave off the wine and bonbons and get my ass to the gym, but the projected start date for my new fitness regime has been moving mysteriously into the future for the past two years ago... :blush: And the larger clothes sizes are clear testament to my current couch potato activity levels.
I thought about putting on one of my dusty fitness DVDs this morning, so baby steps.... :haha:
But honestly? I have been putting off making my annual physical appointment because I really don't want to hear my doctor give me the unhealthy weight lecture. That's pretty bad. :blush:
:hi: I'm still here every now and then ;-)

Got issues with JJ at the moment with night terrors :-( every night an hour after going to bed he cries hysterically for 10 minutes then goes back to sleep straight away its_so bizarre
Hey Teeny !! Xx

That's not good Jelly - do you think anything has possibly triggered it ? I haven't got any experience but really hope it's a phase and passes as quickly as it's started xx
Hey Louise! I'm good thank you. Xx
How are you feeling my darling? Xx
I am browsing the TTC sections on here too now. ;-) However, I think we are out this month anyways. So my new cycle will be middle of November. I am a little worried I am more into it than DH, hence being out this month. I didn't want to push DTD at what may be my fertile time so I am guessing we have missed it. Oh well. There is still plenty of time.
You never know Tina, you can still conceive days before or after ovulation so never say never! I'm sure mark is into it too, it becomes such a stressful time, I do feel for you xx

I still feel so guilty with how this pregnancy came about especially with so many ladies ttc at the moment.. Don't think that will go away any time soon. Also feel ridiculously guilty and worried about having taken the morning after pill, I didn't think for a second there could be a chance I would actually be pregnant and now I'm scared it might have damaged the baby. Wayne is presuming we are further along than I thought and that's why the pill didn't work but he was in Canada before so I think I would know if I was 4 weeks further on!! I'm not really having any sickness or anything, very bloated though and feel sicky but eating fixes it! I was so ill with the girls I'm just not feeling very confident about it at the moment. I'm sorry to go on about it please tell me to stop if I'm irritating you!!

Heidi is a whirlwind child at the moment... I just can't keep up with her, she's such hard work!!
Grrrr, just wrote a long post and lost it.
Louise, please don't feel guilty. I am so super happy for you. It gives me hope that one day we may get our BFP too. Don't let other people ruin the excitement.
Did you have an 'oops' moment the month before too? If there is a chance you are further along you should request a scan as you may miss your crucial 12 week scan if you are.
As for the MAP, you have a tough little bean in there. Perhaps the lack of symptoms are you are carrying a boy this time?!
We must be out this month as we didn't DTD for at least 5 days before and 2 days after ovulation. This is said lightly as that is based on the presumption that I am in fact ovulating. Due to my PCOS, there is no guarantee that I am. I will book a GP appointment soon which will probably mean scans and blood tests to find out whether we have a chance.
I really do want to say that I am really happy for you honey. You shouldn't feel like you can't talk about it because you feel guilty. I love hearing all about pregnancy!

Chances Dad has his baby boy this morning. What a great birthday to have.. Halloween! Mum and baby are doing well.

Take care ladies. Happy Halloween. Xxx
Thanks Tina it means a lot, no one has said anything so think it's just in my head but it must be irritating if you're actively trying and then someone like me comes along like that!
It will happen for you, you never know if you're out, we had sex once in about 5 weeks as Wayne was away and still caught despite protection and double protection lol!

Suddenly this weekend I have been feeling like absolute SHIT, had forgotten how sick early pregnancy makes me feel! Got doctors on Friday as we have no midwife at my surgery, they'll refer me to the Rosie which is at addenbrokes so I presume they will book me in, hope it's not too long winded I'm desperate for my scan!
Congratulations to chances dad.. What a birthday!!

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