Hello lovelies!
Stopping in to say

and the happiest of fourth birthdays to the lovely Stars! I've been seriously crappy at staying in touch, but I love the updates on FB! So here's a quick update from me:
Tobe is a strapping young lad these days, still such a sweetie pie, but lots more piss and vinegar thrown in. Oh mama, does that boy have a stubborn streak!

We had him assessed for his speech impairment and he qualified for a full-time (FT for his pre-school hours, so about 10 hours per week) team of regular assistant, speech therapist and occupational therapist. It's a fantastic program that's run provincially, aimed at assessing and dealing with delays as early as possible, and the agency we're with is excellent, so really more relief and excitement that he's going to be getting so much therapy and support over the next year than anything else. Tobes is full of ideas, stories, and things to say - neither comprehension nor expression is the problem - it's that he can't make the proper sounds to make all his ideas understood. So, the plan is to work on that aspect mainly, and we're pretty stoked about the program.
Otherwise, Tobe is very excited about year two of playschool and the start of his ballet classes at the Alberta Ballet School - it's a great dance class for little boys and he's loving it. His mother may have had a crush on Baryshnikov since she was four years old, so there's a bit of parental enthusiasm firing him up, too. I die of cute when he demonstrates what he learns at ballet each week.

Anyway, busy busy life here - full of joys. Hoping you are all well and thriving and enjoying your Stars as much as I am mine!