September Stars

Morning ladies (I was going to type evening but then I actually noticed the time eeeek - I've not got to bed yet!!!)
I must get in the pc, I can't reply as I read on iPod so iforget what I've read ggrrr!
Kara, twin A is doing fantastic thanks - I must post an up to date piccy on here & see if they still look alike. Yes my profile piccy was the day we were going home so 52 hours post section!
Amelia has also stopped crying as soon as she wakes up in the morning & she is also at her smiliest. I caught a gorgeous shot of her laughing the other day - she looks soo cute.
Well I was going to post loads but I forget what I was going to say :-( suppose I'd better get madam into her own bed & get some sleep. I'll try & get on the pc tomorrow :-S
night ladies xxx
Paige didnt cry for a whole hour this evening , i was shocked, she just sat there watching tv and then i got 15 mins of smiling from sooooooo happy, she normally starts crying after 10 mins but she just sat there, i even got her to play in her gym for a bit.

I still cant get her in her cot before middight, and takes us 3 hours to get her to sleep, its like she wants to stay up with us. I posted about having a grotty baby and there are others like her, i dont feel so alone. I read your posts about your babies smiling and talking to themselves and i dont get any of that from paige, she only started smiling a couple of weeks ago and even now it hard to get even half a smile out of her.

asher- my neighbour found a mouse in her slipper last week, the cat brought it in. Its enough for me to never get a cat x

Laura-she is stunning, but she looks like she knows where she was going, bless her x

Louise- i dont sleep till about 1-3am its the only time paige sleeps in her cot so i am up on FB or here and dont want to sleep, i also cant even thought im tired.. really strange.
Morning ladies (I was going to type evening but then I actually noticed the time eeeek - I've not got to bed yet!!!)
I must get in the pc, I can't reply as I read on iPod so iforget what I've read ggrrr!
Kara, twin A is doing fantastic thanks - I must post an up to date piccy on here & see if they still look alike. Yes my profile piccy was the day we were going home so 52 hours post section!
Amelia has also stopped crying as soon as she wakes up in the morning & she is also at her smiliest. I caught a gorgeous shot of her laughing the other day - she looks soo cute.
Well I was going to post loads but I forget what I was going to say :-( suppose I'd better get madam into her own bed & get some sleep. I'll try & get on the pc tomorrow :-S
night ladies xxx

Our girls are looking more like little people now... Paige can look completley different depending on if she has her double chin showing, if she hold her head up she looks more like her dad. You need to post more photos of her !!! I might post some on photo bucket, rather than boring everyone on FB every day. I take a photo of her in every outfit.

We have been given 15 boxes of gaviscon, we ran out last saturday and OMG she was awful,i give her two lots of two and start earlier in the day. I think it must be working because as you can see from my other post i had a whole hour of her being happy... normally i dont even get 10 mins. xx
Oh I forgot the best bit.... lunchtime, DH came home for his lunch... Sam was asleep in pram in utility room after the walk back from nursery, I was moving DH's slippers out of my fecking way AGAIN.... I kicked a slipper, and A MOUSE RAN OUT OF IT!!!!!!! I was jumping up and down so high, screaming like a proper girl!! I ran over to the worktop and jumped on it. DH was laughing so hard he said he nearly peed himself.
:rofl: just had to thank you for this, funny!!!!!

Louise, not shaving for months is what i call growing fallow! Just leaving it all!
I must admit i seem to be getting less hairy as i get older, not sure what that is all about! I have asked for an epilator for christmas, not sure if i am being brave, lots of people say you get used to it, and its got to be better than shaving all the bloody time!!

Sorry just reading and running, what a scrummy pic of Olivia, (a name we had picked when Sophie was born, it was Olivia or Sophie, but she just looked like a Sophie as soon as we saw her!) What a pretty baby xxxx:hugs:

Gotta dash, hope to be back later, have a great day all :hugs::hugs:xxxx
I would have been so shocked if Lilia hadn't had much hair! I had loads as a baby, even more than Lilia really plus when I had my growth scan we could actually see it! my emergency growth scan the sonographer said can you see the fuzzy bits there its hair! Me and Chris both have really thick hair! Although mine is falling out lol! X

kara you have to put them on Facebook so we can see them! Im sure people get fed up of me with photos but Chris has family in Kent London south Wales and Scotland so it keeps them updated! X
iv really struggled to get James to sleep the past 2 nights and its been after midnight before he is completely asleep! Little monkey although to be fair last night i think he had tummy ache cos he was thrashing himself about in my arms and arching his back! X
Laura, lovely pic of LO she's adorable !!

Lady k maybe Paige will begin to settle more easily if she's starting to have quiet times not quite sure how you manage to cope xx

Good to see you back again limpets !!

Asher hope Archie is feeling better this morning big hugs to the boyo xx

Question ladies.... What are your Lo's eyes like.... I know babys can go crossed eyed upto four months but this week James has started to have his right eye look inwards... Not constantly but every now and again. Wondered if any of your little ones do something similar?

I am still in my pjs, all the housework is done, Hope is dressed and asleep!!!!

LBB, poor little man, sounds like he has trapped wind. Like I was saying to Louise we learnt some really good techniques at massage for wind etc!!!

Limpets, good to hear from you xx

Its quite foggy here and really icey, Ian has taken Murphy to work as I darent risk walking him on the ice, he is far too strong at the best of times!! Dont fancy a broken leg!!!
Jelly, Lilia was cross eyed load when she was first born! She still does occasionally when looking at close toys, or sometimes she watches her hand as she brings it to her face, her eyes go crossed, it's really cute! I wouldnt worry x

Just put Holly down for her little nap. Another good night, 11 til 8.45 and I actually went to bed at 11.30 so had a lovely long sleep!

Funny you said about shaving legs, last night I thought I'd better shave my legs seeing as I'm going to the doctors this afternoon to have my bits checked and I thought, how funny, I'll do it for the doctor but I don't bother doing them for Matt anymore! But then I thought, after over 9 years together he has seen a lot worse than my hairy legs, not to mention seeing me bright red, sweating, growling and howling with a baby coming out of me, so I really don't think hairy legs bother him anymore!!

LadyK I can sympathise with you, when Holly had colic it felt like all she did was cry and be unsettled. She never seemed happy and I felt like a bad mum. Around 11 weeks it was like someone had flicked a switch and I had a different baby, smiling, settled and playful. She still crys sometimes, like all babies do, but not inconsolably for no reason. It is really, really hard and it doesn't seem fair when you put in so much effort to care for them and they always seem unhappy, so big hugs. How many weeks is Paige now hun?

Jelly Holly sometimes goes cross eyed, especially like Louise said if she is looking at something close up or if she is particularly windy! My mum said me and my sister always went cross eyed when we had wind too!

I'm feeling all festive now! Going to start my Christmas shopping soon and not to mention my secret santa gift! How exciting!

Like I said before, I'm off to the docs this afternoon to have where I was stitched checked. I'm actually dreading it... have to walk down a big icy hill to get there and have to take Holly with me, so hope she doesn't kick off whilst I have my legs in stirrups!! Cringe!

Oh and I sold a bunch of stuff on ebay recently and I can't get over this one cheeky person. They bid on my electric breast pump several times and took it up to £21. Just before I listed it on ebay I advertised it on here and after I listed it on ebay someone messaged me and offered me £20 for it, but I said that as I'd received bids on ebay for it, it wouldn't be fair to take it down so I said no. So, this person won it at £21 then messaged me and said actually I've just read the reviews and they are poor so I don't want it anymore so I'm not paying for it! I said errrm no sorry you can't do that, if you win an auction you have to pay for it, it's in ebays rules. This was a few days ago and she still hasn't paid and hasn't replied to any of my messages! I'm sooo annoyed! Just pay for it you silly cow!! She should have read the reviews before she bid on it 10 times! Grrr.

Emma, people like that piss me off!! Have you reported her to ebay?? I have my hospital app in 2 weeks to check I have healed lol!! Good luck xx
Jelly as Louise said already i would'nt worry its because he is beginning to see things better and is learning to focus on things! x

Becs i know poor lil man, but he is fine now let out the biggest longest wet trump ever and filled his nappy covering his vest, baby grow and even went through to his growbag!!! I have phoned the local sure start centre but they never sent me the activities gonna ring them now! x

Report her Emzy i bloody would!! x
LBB, what about trying some gripe water or something!!!!??
No Becs I haven't yet. I'll give her up to 7 days to pay then I'll report her and leave her bad feedback. Grr!

Agree with the baby massage thing, it really helps with wind here are a couple of vids:

Iv got some infacol but i am going to get some gripe water i think...i dont drive so would have to walk with James and its very slippy here now the snow has basically turned to a solid block of ice! :( x
LBB I'm scared of walking to the doctors today, I saw someone walk past my house and fall on their arse! I have some bright pink snowboots so I will wear those. I also have yak tracks! They are these things you put over your shoes that have metal coils on them so you can walk on ice. I might actually put those on! I look like a right burke but I don't care! I had a nasty fall on the ice a couple of years ago, fell and hit my head on a garden wall and knocked myself unconscious on the pavement. I damaged my neck and couldn't move my head for 3 weeks! So I'm TERRIFIED of the ice!
Oh and LBB I find cooled boiled water (still a bit warm) can also help with wind, as can bicycle legs, tummy massage, warm bath, warm flannel across the belly and sitting up! My favourite at the moment is to sit Holly on my knee and do "horsey" bouncing her up and down. Works every time! x
Here you go ladies iv just come across these baby massage techniques...
Thanks Emzy you take care on the ice it is lethal! ...does anyone ever think to themselves, we are home alone with baby what is i fell and knocked myself out baby would just be left screaming until OH comes home! I dont know why it keeps going through my head! x

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