September Sweet Peas (Our 2015 Rainbows)

Oh Bug, I'm sorry you seem to be having a rough few days while still adjusting :hugs: Things will definitely get better from now on :hugs:

We've been dealing with an ant invasion in the house in the last couple of days, which isn't helped by the fact that we're having YET another heat wave in So Cal :wacko: We're hesitant to call an exterminator as I could be going into labor any day now, so we might not even be home to meet him, so DH has been spraying all around the house with moderate success, and we've been doing all we can on our own to keep them away, again with some but not total success. This has been stressful and upsetting and very time consuming, and I feel like it's the last thing I need right now (I'd been hoping to be completely relaxed to focus on caring for baby, breastfeeding and recovering from delivery whenever it happens, and I'm not sure this will be happening at this rate :cry:). In any event, I'm trying to keep calm and hoping things will get better as well :flower:

On a different note, I'm officially overdue now (it's still 10pm here, but there's no way I'll be going into labor AND delivering in the next two hours, lol :haha:)

Good luck tomorrow carebear! Keep us posted! :flower:
Bug - it's always the first day is the worst I bet. Hope things will settle for you.

Christi- ugh. Sorry you are going through that when I'm sure all you need is to relax! We've just had a heat wave here in southern Ontario and there's no infestation but there are soooo many house flies!! I've been staying inside (since I swell so quickly) with a fly swatter. They are just so annoying. We put the car seat in last night and the flies were everywhere outside! Was getting so agitated since I was sweaty and gross and they kept landing on me.

I've been super sore in my lower belly and achy (period like cramps) but haven't had any loss of mucus plug or bloody show. For those that know, do you lose mucus plug as soon as you start dilating? Does this mean I haven't yet?
Carebear when I had my daughter I didn't lose my mucus plug until a few hours before she was born and I had been in labour a while before that. I think it varies for everyone.

Christi I'm sure baby will arrive soon, keep walking around and try to keep occupied.

Well after baby being a bit quieter and not as vigorous with movements I tthought I'd be heading to the hospital today but he/she has perked up today...Ahh they do like to worry us.
I'm really sore today, feel like I'm walking around with a melon between my legs!!
Thanks yazzy!! Glad to hear baby perked up, they sure do like to stress us out!! Haha, I told DH it felt like a 10 lb bowling ball between my legs... let's hope he's not 10 lbs though. I'll go with melon from now on ;)
Good luck tomorrow Christi and Carebear!

Today was my first day on my own with my boys- I'm absolutely drained. Brodie was unsettled all day and barely slept, Iain spent the day telling me that he was too sad to do anything and acting out for attention. We are still having feeding issues with Brodie so I'm pumping and bottle feeding- but finding the time to pump is proving difficult. I accidentally left the door open and my dog got out- luckily my wonderful neighbour found him. So I figure it can only get better from here lol.

I'm sorry you're day has been rough. I'm nervous about being alone with 2 soon. DH goes back to work on Monday. My 2 yo son has been acting out as well. It's been a challenge.
Oh Bug, I'm sorry you seem to be having a rough few days while still adjusting :hugs: Things will definitely get better from now on :hugs:

We've been dealing with an ant invasion in the house in the last couple of days, which isn't helped by the fact that we're having YET another heat wave in So Cal :wacko: We're hesitant to call an exterminator as I could be going into labor any day now, so we might not even be home to meet him, so DH has been spraying all around the house with moderate success, and we've been doing all we can on our own to keep them away, again with some but not total success. This has been stressful and upsetting and very time consuming, and I feel like it's the last thing I need right now (I'd been hoping to be completely relaxed to focus on caring for baby, breastfeeding and recovering from delivery whenever it happens, and I'm not sure this will be happening at this rate :cry:). In any event, I'm trying to keep calm and hoping things will get better as well :flower:

On a different note, I'm officially overdue now (it's still 10pm here, but there's no way I'll be going into labor AND delivering in the next two hours, lol :haha:)

Good luck tomorrow carebear! Keep us posted! :flower:

Sorry to hear about the ant invasion. I just heard about this on the news last night. Apparently they are looking for water. We're I'm the middle of a heat wave as well in the Bay Area. It's supposed to be 100 degrees today!

Can't wait to hear more birth announcements soon from those of you still waiting.
Just back from my appointment. I'm 1cm dilated :wohoo: I know I can be that way awhile but I'm still excited for progress.
My little guy does not like the OB taking his heart rate. This is 2 weeks in a row he kicked and pushed her away while she was trying to get it.
:cry: I got some horrible news last night. My aunt passed away suddenly (she was only 55) and has 3 mostly grown children (youngest is 17). She was like a second mom to me growing up. My mom was so worried about the stress it was going to cause me she almost didn't tell me!! I mean, I'm really upset but it's kind of a need to know! My little boy seems to be doing ok. He's still kicking away so hoping my stress isn't affecting him. I did have my bloody show overnight. Huge glob of plug streaked with blood. So now I'm worried my stress is inducing me! No contractions yet, just awful cramps. I'd love to have him now, just to add a little joy to this very sad family time but it also seems like a bad time...
Oh no Carebear that's awful news, I'm so sorry for your loss. And for your cousins to lose their mum at that age :(

You never know, baby might be on their way soon after having a bloody show!

How is everyone else doing? How many of us are still waiting for our babies?!

I had another appointment today, all seems ok and baby is getting more engaged each week...I wasn't sure that happens with 2nd babies. Have been in so much pain today with this spd...I want baby here soon!
So sorry for your loss carebear :( hope your ok.

Good luck to everyone still waiting! Cannot wait for your announcements!
I thought something might have been starting today as I lost some more mucus plug and was getting really period pain crampy that was coming and going but nope it all stopped lol! Fingers crossed baby decides to come out soon!

Any other news ladies?
I've had cramps since I lost my plug/show on Thursday night/ Friday morning. But no progress at all!!! Now I'm getting annoyed. I had my hopes set on this weekend (I read 24-48 hrs after the show labour should start!!). I would hate to go into labour on Tuesday or Wednesday and then my mom would have to decide on her sister's funeral or the birth of her first grandson. I'm already upset that I'm missing it but everyone has told me to stay home since its 2 hrs away and I'm too close to delivery and it would be too stressful :(
Come on baby!! You have 1 day or I'll have to cross my legs until Thursday.
Hi all,
For those of you who don't follow our Facebook group, I had baby Hector last Wednesday, September 9 at 9:47pm local time. I'd been having cramps since 2am that morning and they weren't going away, though they were not exactly regular. I also had an OB appointment later that afternoon, but in the late morning cramps started to get more intense and prolonged and I also started seeing brown discharge with every wipe, so I called my doctor's office and was told to go to the hospital instead. There they found I was 4cm dilated and with almost no cervix left, so I was admitted. The cramps were getting longer and more intense and I realized I needed pain relief, so I took an epidural once at 5cm. That helped a lot, I relaxed, and I went from 5 to 10 and being ready to push within less than 6 hours :thumbup: That's where things went south though. I did a few trial pushes with the nurse and baby's oxygen levels and heart rate went way down, as low as 60. Then they went back up. Then they decided to let me wait a bit longer, since baby was still at +1 station in the birth canal, so fairly high up still (+4 being the crowning stage). Half an hour later they got me pushing again and with the first 3 or so pushes it was obvious that the baby was in distress. Heart rate went way down again, and so did oxygen levels. The doctor came in to check the monitor and they weren't going back up. At some point they did rise to normal levels and then went down into the red zone again, at which point my doctor flat out told me that if I wanted to have this baby, I'd have to consent to an emergency c-section right there and then, otherwise the risk was too high for me to continue with a vaginal delivery. We basically had no choice. So they wheeled me to the OR and within minutes I was being cut open and the baby was there before we knew it. He was given a relatively poor initial APGAR score of 6, but 5 minutes later it had improved to 8, yet they still took him to the nursery for heart and oxygen monitoring for 2 hours. I'm kinda glad I was out of it due to all the medication they gave me, because otherwise it would have been terrifying (and it still was). DH went to the nursery with him and he told me the whole experience was very traumatizing for him. But anyway, all is well that ends well. Baby was deemed to be well enough to join us in our room after the initial nursery monitoring (in the beginning we were told that even the NICU was a possibility) and he's been doing well ever since. We were discharged yesterday after spending 4 nights at the hospital (terrible experience, but that's another story) and we've been trying to get a hang on breastfeeding and establish some sort of a routine at home.
He's been an absolute pleasure. He was born at 40 weeks & 1 day weighing 7lbs 6 oz and 21 inches and he seems to have grown already :hugs:
Thanks for sharing you birth story christi!! And huge congrats!! So glad to hear you are home and hopefully your routine gets all settled.
Congratulations Christi, so glad to hear that everything ended well and you are all home together.
Congrats Christi. Sorry to hear about the emergency c section but glad to hear you and baby Hector are ok.
Well its due date today for me and baby is still in there!
I have a midwife appointment today so will ask what happens now, although here in the UK they leave you to go 2 weeks over before intervening. I haven't tried anything natural to get baby out yet...I did warn my neighbours they might see me bouncing on the trampoline soon lol!

I hope everyone else is doing well and those with babies are enjoying every minute :)

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