Hi ladies,
Well, things got a little weird here. Last night I had a sudden bleed without any warning. It wasn't a ton of blood, but it was dark red and stained through my underwear and got on PJ bottoms, so that was enough to scare me. I called my OB who thankfully returned my call even though it was a Sunday night and he told me to go in this morning. Just came back and baby is looking fine judging from the scan, good heart beat and all, but of course my OB is quite quick in his scans and didn't check anything other than the baby (I was expecting him to check my cervix etc., but nope

). He did tell me that he's not worried though and that he'd let me know if he was, and they only worry if there's a ton of bleeding (like gushing red blood). And that this is normal at any point during a pregnancy and can be caused by something as simple as a burst vessel. I told him I was worried about the placenta (the worry wart in me

) but he said there's nothing they can do until you are at least 24 weeks along even if there was a problem like that. While I knew that, it still bothered me a bit. If I had a small tear in the placenta for example, I'd like to know so that I could give myself some bed rest, as those often heal on their own with some rest. Anyway, his only advice was to avoid sex and heavy weight lifting, but otherwise he said I should go on with life as normal! Still, I'm going to make sure I get more rest this week. We're moving on Saturday and I've been very stressed and more tired than normal in the past week or two running around like a headless chicken, so I wouldn't be surprised if that caused the bleed. Right now the blood has turned brown and it's more like spotting, but I do get the occasional mild cramping. Oh well, if OB wasn't concerned, I'll try not to be concerned either. I'm seeing my acupuncturist tomorrow and hopefully he'll work some of his magic to stop any bleeding
Other than that, the OB's called to check on my 2nd tri blood results (I had blood drawn a week ago), but they weren't ready yet. So more waiting for that, although I haven't been thinking about it as much. And I finally have a date booked for my anatomy scan: April 21, which is in 2 weeks

I can't wait, as the facility I go to for those is sooo thorough, unlike my OB

Unless some other wacky thing happens again (fingers crossed it doesn't) I'm not seeing the OB again until May 5.