My morning sickness totally disappeared about three weeks ago, no sign of it. Only if I cough too hard and it starts that nausea feeling. Other than that its no existence. Hoping that's not a bad sign.
My morning sickness totally disappeared about three weeks ago, no sign of it. Only if I cough too hard and it starts that nausea feeling. Other than that its no existence. Hoping that's not a bad sign.
not a bad sign at all! In fact, pretty normal. Lucky!
My morning sickness totally disappeared about three weeks ago, no sign of it. Only if I cough too hard and it starts that nausea feeling. Other than that its no existence. Hoping that's not a bad sign.
My morning sickness totally disappeared about three weeks ago, no sign of it. Only if I cough too hard and it starts that nausea feeling. Other than that its no existence. Hoping that's not a bad sign.
Oh good so I'm not the only one. I have asthma so I get coughing fits regularly. Glad to know that feeling the urge to throw up is normal!
1 week till I find out the sex of bubs!!
This flu is driving me crazy, the congestion is so bad that the vaporisation and the saline spray is not enough and now I started to have a dry cough, because my throat is very irritated and itchy, this is the 4th day, how long should it last?
My next ob' s appt is tomorrow so I will ask, not be able to take medicines except panadol is difficult.
Tomorrow if baby collaborates will know the sex, but I am almost sure it is a boy.
Congrats on all the sex scans I've missed lol.
8 days till our scan!! Eeeeeeekkkkkkk!!!!
Congrats on all the sex scans I've missed lol.
8 days till our scan!! Eeeeeeekkkkkkk!!!!
8 days for me, too!