[It's a boy for moi!! I know im not very active on the forums here. but i read more then what i post. WE ARE HAVING A BOY..... This was U/S at 18 weeks.. my lil angel was kind of hiding in a frog position facing my back and his BUM was towards my stomach..
Ill have another one in 2-3 weeks just to double check everything. So they can see him more turned properly haha
Tech. said everything looks normal great and fine. I have like 50 pics of my little one. I saw his lil heart beat.Kidneys, feet, stomach, head , spine, heart . His hand moved up and down until it was in his mouth hahaha (thumb).
155 bpm.
It was amazing, i was crying happy tears all day on monday.
I have a follow up with my OB GYN on Tuesday, i know he will order another one just so everything can be seen 100% hehe.
Im so excited and so loving this little angel. My husband very excited as well and melting (in a manly way) haha
I felt tiny little movement 2 nights in row, felt like bubbles popping. I guess its just the beginning... ill be 19 weeks on monday.