*~*~*September Sweetpeas 2013 - 120 preggos - 21 Babies Born So Far*~*~*

Mine was 15 minutes (my tech was seriously a superstar). He checked my cervix length, where my placenta is, confirmed the cord was 3 vessels, and the amniotic fluid level. As for baby, he measured brain circumfrance, her upper lip (for cleft lip), the spine (from a couple angles), made sure it was a four chamber heart with proper blood flow, looked at several organs (liver, stomach, lungs, both kidneys), measured limbs, looked at hands/feet for proper development of fingers/toes, and ended with the gender check. He also told me baby's weight, length, and how far ahead of my due date she was measuring. It was so cool to see all the little parts of baby! Have fun!!
Oh, and some advice I got was if you have a quiet tech, don't be afraid to ask what they're doing/measuring. It's all very interesting!
Morning all, love hearing what you're all having :) I think we are Definately majority little boys aren't we? It's so exciting, hope there's not long left until all those that want to know can have their gender scans! Anyone else worried about shifting this baby weight afterwards? Celebs make it look so easy but I've put a stone on already & dreadding it!! Haha. Hope you're all good xx

I am!!! It is just odd to gain so much weight?!! I have never been this heavy,but I know it is all for good. I am really trying to stay active during the pregnancy, but sometimes it is hard..especially when the weather doesn't cooperate. I made an excel spreadsheet tracking my weight gain! <nerd> Lol!!:bodyb:
Oh, and some advice I got was if you have a quiet tech, don't be afraid to ask what they're doing/measuring. It's all very interesting!

I got a rather uncooperative tech at my last scan. She kept telling me to stay quiet...sheesh I wanna know what you're seeing! It's MY baby!
All have mine have been about 30-45 minutes. They all did fab jobs

RE: weight gain

I gained almost 14lbs w DS1. literally the day i gave birth i was back to prepregnancy weight. Within two weeks i was 10lbs under preprefnancy weight (bc i threw up so much when i was pregnant that i lost 10lbs before gaining the 14lbs)

got pregnant about 7 months later w DS2. I gained almost 20lbs. I was 15lbs down with a day of giving birth. I was back to prepregnancy weight by one-2 weeks PP. after I had my 6 week check up I started my fitness pal and lost about 5lbs over 3 months. It wasn't working well for me so I switched to weight watchers online and I was able to lost about 30lbs over 5 months. Bc I was BFing I was only advised to lose 1-2lb per week instead of 2-3

Got pregnant again about 10 months later. Not sure how it will go but I've lost a bunch of weight due to Hypermesis. I'm 22 weeks today and finally put on 3lbs (still so sick though :( ) I didn't get back to prepregnancy weight until about 2ish weeks ago bc if the HG. I'm confident ill lose fairly quickly given my PP history. I'm significantly overweight to begin with but its still very possible to lose the baby weight in a timely manner! I BFed all of them too so I'm sure that helped to a certain extent. Any if the weight I tried losing through dietary changes was that of prepregnancy weight. I didn't have to do anything to rid the baby weight. I had a goal after DS2 to get to a healthy weight. Which is what I was working on PP (as I said the baby weight just famished without effort. The only thing I had to do was give birth). I will be going back on weight watchers once I get BFing established so that I can work towards my goal weight and actually get there this time.... I can't wait for DH to get sterilized haha
Anake-wow that is annoying!!!!!!!

You're not kidding! They're not allowed to tell us the sex or even whether they can see it or not....I was so excited to find out when I went for my prenatal and it was a big let down when my doctor told me "gender undetermined". I was pretty upset because there was a huge family dinner that night and I couldn't tell them. I mean they should be allowed to say whether they can see it or not so we don't get our hopes up only to have them crushed. Thankfully they need a re-scan of a few things or I would have to pay for another ultrasound. I may still pay for one if I don't get an answer from this one. I want to know so bad!
Oh wow. You have to be so annoyed/frustrated!! Esp. if you end up paying for it..I guess it just shows that there are no guarantees with these screens.
That is annoying. I love my tech (she did my dating scan and the unexpected one last week and will be the one to do my 20 week on the 8th). She tells me what she's doing and what I'm looking at without being asked.

As for weight gain, I put on weight after my wedding in October (I went crazy this holiday season with eating what I wanted and how much I wanted, first time doing that in years). I gained an extra 5 lbs after becoming pregnant for a total weight gain of 20 pounds. I have not put on any weight since my 12 week appt (actually, they weighed me last Monday and I had actually lost a pound). But I've dealt with late onset morning sickness and some major food aversions this time. I threw up every morning until 20 weeks with my DD, but that was the end of it everyday. I only got sick once a day. This time I don't throw up much but always feel like I might any second for most of the day. I gained 23 pounds while pregnant with my DD and over the course of a year after her birth lost an additional 20 pounds after that (I dropped about 13 just giving birth, but a total weight loss after birth of 43 pounds).
I'll be interested to see how my weight gain goes this time and how things go afterwards.
gatorj good luck with your scan

No idea how long my scan will be

2 days until my scan :D
monday is the anatmoy scan! can anyone tell me what all they are going to be looking at? and how long it might be?

Mine was about 40 minutes. They checked organ structures to make sure kidneys weren't dilated too much (they weren't but apparently for boys a little dilation is normal due to their growing prostate and stuff). They checked that all 4 heart chambers were there, bladder functionality, other organs. They also checked for cleft lip and missing body parts (arms legs fingers toes ears etc) and also that the umbilical cord had all the proper veins going in and out. And gender determination as well. We got a legit toilet shot, he sat on the camera as soon as we started looking for it! Also got brain and body part sizes, placenta placement and cervix length. Mine was 5.3 but I have no idea what that means
Scan on Monday so excited!! Bit nervous, can't really remember my 20 weeks scan with Emma apart from I had an awful scanner who didn't seem to like pregnant women. I have come up against her already this pregnancy and have refused to let her scan me anymore as I will not be treated like a problem. Sorry for the rant!! Hope everyone feeling better? Xxx
Kaili: 5.3 is good. They like it to be 3 or more. I think under 3cm puts you at higher risk for preterm labor.

Caz: It's a wonder that some people get into the jobs that they do. If you don't like pregnant women, why be an ultrasound tech? Silly... Good for you refusing to be subjected to that!
Guppy I don't think you look significantly overweight like you put it judging by your profile pic!
Guppy I don't think you look significantly overweight like you put it judging by your profile pic!

Due to hypothyroidism I have been overweight my entire life. Pictures are deceiving bc I mainly carry my weight in my stomach not face. I weighed 197 after my thyroid went nuts PP adding a 35lb weight gain. Typically I'm 165 when my thyroid doesn't add weight. Very hard to lose tho. I'm only 5 foot 1 so yeah that is significant. I got down to 174 on weight watchers before I got pregnant again
hmmm...may have experienced my first braxton hicks today...the whole right side of my stomach tightened up a few times when we were at Costco today. Only lasted for 10 or so minutes, but it wasn't very comfortable!
Ladies, this is so neat!
Im especially interested in it because even though i am a well seasoned BFer, because of a congenital issues with my breasts it is extremly hard to nurse in public without a pillow/boppy/laying down. It's essential a small purse that can hold a few diapers, wet wipes, a small outfit, your wallet/cell phone, and it's sort of like a boppy. It even clips around the back when you want to use it for nursing. it comes w a matching nursing cover too. But the greatest thing is that it wears just like a smaller purse.
It's half off on babysteals right now, so i went ahead and got one. I really love the idea of the pillow thingy in it, given my nursing discomfort bc of breast shape/size. Very neat!


(the item will change at 9pm MT, so hurry over. If not you can purchase new at their site: https://www.peekaway.com/)
:wacko:I think my hormones are playing havoc :wacko:

Even though my partner and I are having a baby and in the process of trying to buy a house. I still get somewhat edgy or feel threatened if he texts or messages his friends (girls). Maybe I am just extra insecure now, not sure. But its hard to shake it off, I have to tell myself he wouldnt be buying a home with me if there was something to worry about. Am I being silly? Also do other people go through this and how do you cope???? :hugs:

How do you get rid of the insecure feeling?
:wacko:I think my hormones are playing havoc :wacko:

Even though my partner and I are having a baby and in the process of trying to buy a house. I still get somewhat edgy or feel threatened if he texts or messages his friends (girls). Maybe I am just extra insecure now, not sure. But its hard to shake it off, I have to tell myself he wouldnt be buying a home with me if there was something to worry about. Am I being silly? Also do other people go through this and how do you cope???? :hugs:

How do you get rid of the insecure feeling?

lmao you are in the same boat I am, I've never been that way, but then a coworker bought him a gift from a vacation and I was all =.=. then I just see anyone tag him in a work photo and I'm all HE'S SITTING NEXT TO A GIRL!!!! I even called and he missed the call and one of the girls in his office told him, and my first thought was D: how dare she tell you. I just remind myself that this has never bothered me before, and I'm being stupid. and just find something shiny to distract me till I forget about it

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