*~*~*September Sweetpeas 2013 - 120 preggos - 21 Babies Born So Far*~*~*

Thanks for the input, everyone. I wish the US had G&A! I'm trying to just go in with an open mind but I'm such a planner by nature -- it's so hard for me to just go with the flow! :)
Thanks for the input, everyone. I wish the US had G&A! I'm trying to just go in with an open mind but I'm such a planner by nature -- it's so hard for me to just go with the flow! :)

I wish we had G&A too! That would be my top choice if we did!
It's crazy isn't it that you don't have G&A in the US, I wonder why? I think it would make a lot more labours more bearable. There must be a good reason though.
I dont really have a birth plan...BUT

After talking to a few girls of their experiences yesterday, they said if you can avoid a epidural (personal choice of course) than you bounce back straight after you give birth, otherwise you may take a few hours to be able to walk and have to have a catheter in you for awhile to help you pee so your limited with your movement etc.

Interesting enough they said the worst part is when the "ring of fire" happens and its about 20-30 seconds of intense burning pain as the head emerges out your vajayjay but if you can manage that the baby pretty much just comes out seconds afterwards.

I am planning to try G&A, try walking and breathing through the pain and relaxing music during the first stage of labour, then maybe second stage with the G&A.

Also was told when you push to hold your breath as you do it as it strengthens those stomach muscles to push the baby out. If you push and your letting the air out it isnt as effective.

Also important factor I was told was to "listen" hard to the midwife who will tell you what to do and when.

I was informed that with epidural's you cant really feel anything, or even when your pushing you cant feel your even doing that, so it could prolong labour as its kind of like searching in the dark for something, rather than having the light on if that makes sense? Also your more likely to tear as you may rush it if you cant feel anything or have the control taken off you.

Hope this helps some of you. BUT if you have had an epidural before and know what its like and it worked for you than thats the right option for you :hugs:

But first time baby, I think I want to be relaxed and calm, dont be afraid of the pain, as that makes you tense and then makes it hard to relax and let your body work. Use hot water bottles, suck ice to distract you from pain, get your partner to talk to you, or massage you, listen to music, walk around. Also I was told if you can, when your ready to push get on your knees and hold the end of the bed and let gravity take hold and the baby comes out easier as its then easier to push with the help of gravity.
id also recommend a birthing ball, i was bouncing right up till i needed to push with my 2nd, also i never had the G&A untill i needed to push with my first which meant it was 100% effective as it hadnt been in my system to wear of.

yes the ring of fire is such a fab way to describe it haha
So I figured out what I'm going to use for a diaper bag. I looked at dozens of traditional diaper bags and hated every one of them. Finally decided to buy a regular backpack that has a lot of pockets and a laptop space (for the change pad), and it cost a fraction of what a diaper bag costs. My husband won't even feel funny carrying it because it's a neutral colour.
So I figured out what I'm going to use for a diaper bag. I looked at dozens of traditional diaper bags and hated every one of them. Finally decided to buy a regular backpack that has a lot of pockets and a laptop space (for the change pad), and it cost a fraction of what a diaper bag costs. My husband won't even feel funny carrying it because it's a neutral colour.

That is what one of my sisters did. It makes sense. I have bad shoulders and those diaper bags hurt to hold!!
Why am I so craving sweets these days!?! Anyone else have crazy intense cravings? I like sweets but have not really had any strong desires for them. In the past 2 weeks, all I have wanted is cake, cookies, ice cream, candies..lol. Good thing I don't keep much at home but that hasn't stopped me at work from hitting the vending machines!! I know it is so bad. One lady at work said "you must be having a girl..". ?? We will find out soon?? (hopefully) It is hard to resist.
Why am I so craving sweets these days!?! Anyone else have crazy intense cravings? I like sweets but have not really had any strong desires for them. In the past 2 weeks, all I have wanted is cake, cookies, ice cream, candies..lol. Good thing I don't keep much at home but that hasn't stopped me at work from hitting the vending machines!! I know it is so bad. One lady at work said "you must be having a girl..". ?? We will find out soon?? (hopefully) It is hard to resist.

I am the same, I was totally OFF sweet things at the beginning and now the past few weeks I crave chocolate bars like never before. I have stopped eating much sweet things scared of packing on too much excess weight making it harder to lose.

So trying to eat more vegetables and fruit. I find if I keep snacking these types of things in the day I dont crave anything as I am keeping full :haha:
Why am I so craving sweets these days!?! Anyone else have crazy intense cravings? I like sweets but have not really had any strong desires for them. In the past 2 weeks, all I have wanted is cake, cookies, ice cream, candies..lol. Good thing I don't keep much at home but that hasn't stopped me at work from hitting the vending machines!! I know it is so bad. One lady at work said "you must be having a girl..". ?? We will find out soon?? (hopefully) It is hard to resist.

OMG thank you! I couldn't figure out the sweets craving either. Mine has been salt water taffy :) I haven't had that stuff since I was a kid. I saw it on sale at SuperStore and bought a bag.
So I figured out what I'm going to use for a diaper bag. I looked at dozens of traditional diaper bags and hated every one of them. Finally decided to buy a regular backpack that has a lot of pockets and a laptop space (for the change pad), and it cost a fraction of what a diaper bag costs. My husband won't even feel funny carrying it because it's a neutral colour.

That is what one of my sisters did. It makes sense. I have bad shoulders and those diaper bags hurt to hold!!

Yeah I have a bad back (spondylolisthesis in L4/L5 with a bulging disc on the right side) and shoulder. There was NO way I was going to spend $100+ on a good bag when I bought a really good backpack for $40. We do a lot of hiking so this will come in handy for that too. Now to look for a decent baby carrier.

My scan went really well today! Baby is 1b 3oz (up by 4oz from last scan). I had 2 ultrasound techs today because one was doing her practicum and other was the teacher. I think they were able to see the sex, but I won't be finding that out till tomorrow at the earliest. Everything looks perfect and measuring right on schedule. Baby was playing peek-a-boo with the tech and when they turned the screen toward us LO started sucking it's thumb! SO CUTE!
FYI-currently I am substituting Lucky Charms cereal (without milk) for "dessert"..this is less awful right!?!?! (vs oreo ice cream or reese's pieces...or brownies)..:rofl:
I will not even look at my weight gain, but only been weighed once at 8weeks so far.

Had my scan all was well, took about 40 mins baby was very wriggley at first and she couldn't look at brain. But she did and all is as should be.

Stays team :yellow: which i am really happy about what would you say from the pics though?

Haven't been on in a few days....cute pic glad all is well
I'm off sick today as had a rough night. I think I'm suffering from acid reflux as I felt sick all night and hardly slept what with the nausea and DS2 who decided to wake up about 15 times! Think its nightmares/getting a cold. The weather is unpredictable at the mo! One day shorts and tshirt weather the next back to jumpers! No wonder everyone's coming down with sniffles!!!
anything minty helps me when im sicky. worth a try plus side you constantly have nice minty breath lol well northern ireland pretty much is mild weather here during the summer we normally get about 3 weeks nice weather could be a week between very rarely tho :/ hope your LO perks up to
i have my 20wk scan next week looking forward to that, i probably would have liked to find out the gender with this LO being our last the the ruddy hospital dosnt tell the gender :/
I think I'm the odd one out, in that I enjoy watching delivery videos of any sort (except bad outcomes) it makes me feel like I CAN do it. Granted, I know that I "can" because I have.... but.... for those that are interested--- here are my two cents. I'll "spoiler" them.

So, 1st, keep in mind these are my personal thoughts/feelings based on the choices i made with my first labor and if I would/would not do them again.

As a first time mom, you don't know what to expect (obviously) and I found that while reading and researching HELPS A TON, you can't be completely prepared.

My doctor was really wonderful and warned me the pros and cons of each "option".

I had to be induced at 39 weeks due to LO's size. He was a monster, and almost didn't fit out anyways :rofl:

He told me induction would make it a longer labor than natural. For me--- while I will never know for "sure" I'm pretty sure it did. Because my labor was 22 hours. I wasn't dilated when i went in at all so I was literally starting for nothing.... In the future? I probably won't induce unless necessary. Although, if you're a planner it's kind of handy having a "date".

Paid meds: (on a side note-- god I would love gas and air here in the US) Since I was induced and was having crazy pitocin contractions-- I wimped out and got the epidural. God--- it was wonderful. For the 12 or so hours it worked. Then it stopped. Right in time for me to push. Would I get it again? In theory, I'd love to go the natural way, but if it's another long labor I would. I feel that if I had to go through the 22 hours of labor with no pain meds, I would have ended up in a c-section. I was already so exhausted at the end they had to use the forceps, and a vacuum. If it was progressing quickly? Probably not... or at least I'd try. End thought? If you want the epidural, ask when the "point of no return is" and try to hold out as close to possible to it. You want it to work when you REALLY need it.

Walking didn't help me with the pain, but it did help things "move along" I'm planning on doing as much walking as possible with these.... a 22 hour labor with TWINS does not appeal to me.

With your contractions-- someone told me to find something you can focus on--- I thought they were full of it, but it worked. For me, I had my mom read me the contraction "reading" if I heard her saying "decreasing" numbers I felt like I could relax. The contraction WAS going away despite how it felt.

You'll hear from people that you "forget the pain" after it's all over. Again--- I though they were full of poo. I remember holding my baby and the contractions were still going a bit, the placenta was coming out... I needed stitches.... I felt everything but it was so much in the background. Focus on that little face. Best medicine.

If you would have asked me for the next month when the next child was--- I would have told you he was my only one--- but the memory fades and it really IS worth it.

So try not to stress, don't rush the pregnancy, enjoy it. :)

I very rarely post anything, but I wanted to let all of you ladies know that I keep up on the thread almost every day. I feel like I know you all and I don't even talk to you! I am going to try to be better about posting from now on! Anyways, it is great to hear about the little pink and blue babies out there! I am staying team yellow, and it is nice to know that I am not the only one waiting to find out!!

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