Guppy051708 isn't there a belly wrap you can do once they are down, to stop them from moving back?
Completely don't blame you Guppy, not worth the risk with all those other factors x I don't see that many successful ecv's at work wth breech babies. The transverse ones often get done in theatre here as a controlled ecv plus breaking waters so that if cord prolapse or distress occured then they can convert to cs.
Hope you didn' mind me asking, just seemed a shame that you'll miss out on HB xx
Had my 32 week scan today and my placenta's moved well clear!Looks like I'm on for a natural birth, which is fantastic!
Baby was so low that they couldn't get a head circumference measurement, which would have been fine if the midwife I saw afterwards hadn't said that she hoped I wouldn't go early on them! I've already had a feeling that I won't last until 40 weeks! Has anyone with children already had a baby who was head down and engaged from about the 32 week mark last until EDD? My daughter was breech at this point and didn't turn and start to engage until 36 weeks and I'm pretty sure this baby's been engaging since about 30 weeks! I also have a growth scan booked for 2 weeks time as abdominal circumference was on a smaller percentile than femur length! Weight was fine though- 3lb 13oz!
Phantom: hope all is well
Hope everyone else is doing well also. I've been soo tired. I go to my perinatal aponintment on Friday to see if the baby will need surgery right away or if we can hold off and see if his kidneys will improve on their own. The closer the day gets the more panicked I become.
I know I have two more weeks for him/her to turn before she/he gets too big to turn head down and they will schedule a c-section. Makes it all seem scary and real now. No where near prepared
Nursery not done, and bags not packed yet![]()
This weekends agenda is to get my disgusting car cleaned out and add the 3rd carseat.
...should probably get hospital bags packed too not sure about purchasing a HB kitit will be about $ is tight. we can purchase the kit but i have a feeling it's going to be a waste of money
Melissa, i know! it's getting so close!
I know I have two more weeks for him/her to turn before she/he gets too big to turn head down and they will schedule a c-section. Makes it all seem scary and real now. No where near prepared
Nursery not done, and bags not packed yet![]()
Feeling the same exact way
i cant believe in two weeks we are full guessing if i have to have a planned CS they will be doing it around 37 or 38 weeks. Hopefully before 38+2, since thats the earliest my water has broke so far. ..scary risk w cord prolapse!
This weekends agenda is to get my disgusting car cleaned out and add the 3rd carseat.
...should probably get hospital bags packed too not sure about purchasing a HB kitit will be about $ is tight. we can purchase the kit but i have a feeling it's going to be a waste of money
Melissa, i know! it's getting so close!
I know I have two more weeks for him/her to turn before she/he gets too big to turn head down and they will schedule a c-section. Makes it all seem scary and real now. No where near prepared
Nursery not done, and bags not packed yet![]()
Feeling the same exact way
i cant believe in two weeks we are full guessing if i have to have a planned CS they will be doing it around 37 or 38 weeks. Hopefully before 38+2, since thats the earliest my water has broke so far. ..scary risk w cord prolapse!
WHAT?!?!?! In two weeks we are full term ????
I thought 40 weeks was full term?? Or am I mistaken?
Soooo technically baby could come of its own in the next two weeks? From then on its possible??? Are you serious!
Just realised so much I dont knowGuess thats to be expected with my first and never went to antenatal classes either as partner thought possibly didnt need it.
If I have to have a planned c-section I am the same, it will be done between 37-38 weeks. Which is so close its scary!
I could possibly have a mini freak out about now
I thought I had at least five weeks to get prepared!