CazM 2011

is there anyway you could complain and get seen by a different midwife, i did and got an amazing midwife. Also if you feel you are going to get treated badly in hospital then no matter whether it is pre agreed or not, if you refuse to go to hospital the midwives have a duty of care to attend to you at home.
massoma8489 is it worth contacting you midwife or birthing centre to see if they think it may be labour?
My home birth appointment was wonderful, so happy. My fundal height is perfect for my date. Baby is almost fully engaged, midwife said I've engaged early compared to many saying it's my second, I am so far engaged she doesn't think it will be possible for baby to bob (un-engage or anything) she said baby being engaged already may help make my latent phase of labour shorter as may already be softening and thinning cervix. I get put on the home birth list from 12th August, and can actually home birth from 16th August