Just popping in to see if anyone else has had their little one yet?
It's day 7 for me and baby Mila in hospital and starting to feel down. Mila came a month early but has lost 10% of her birth weight and doesn't cue feed and is very sleepy and doesn't arouse to feed. They have nasal gastro feeds going with expressed milk but I would prefer her to wake proper and demand the breast
It's so hard I never saw her for 14 hours after she was born due to emergency c-section and only just got to try first bath and diaper change at day 6.
I just want to go home
Birth Story
I had a few days of aches, sniffles and sore throat so when it progressed to a cough I made a dr appointment. On 07 August 2013 I went to the GP and waited two hours in pain to be seen only to be told there could be another 90 minute wait. So I walked out to find another GP who said I had pay $50 upfront and couldn't see them until tomorrow. Rang my midwife in tears, by this stage I could barely walk, stomach rock hard and intense pain all over even hurt to breath.
I drove home as best as I could and sat in the car an hour trying to get the guts to move in so much pain. I was home alone.
I made it to my bed and I tried to use the toilet and couldn't as it hurt too much to sit down. So fell onto the bed and cried until I fell asleep. I woke an hour later and I couldn't move, couldn't sit up and I rolled onto my back and screamed in pain. Tried to push myself up with hands and no luck. Lucky my mobile was next to me and I called my partner who came home. He dialed an ambulance.
The entire time he was on the phone I could hear them tell him to remove my pants, I screamed for him not to touch me as any movement hurt. The ambulance came and tried to move me and I said no no no don't touch me! Choking on tears. They gave me gas which I couldn't use as each breath of it (shallow) I coughed which hurt me more. Each bump made me cry in pain.
I was taken to labor and delivery where at least 20 people assessed me. They talked appendicitis (burst), gall stones, infection, placental abruption, even told my partner to sign papers for a nasal gastric tube to be inserted in me that I may be taken to high dependency unit afterwards for monitoring, even said they may have to remove parts of my bowel etc. I was in a daze but just wanted the pain to stop!
I was then given an exam, no dilation of cervix still long and closed, and they inserted a catheter which was like a tickle compared to the pain I was in. Then I was told they were removing the baby as they couldn't give me anymore pethadine it was affecting the baby, her heart rate was at 199 BPM. I was also being given morphine. So I cried so hard when they said I was going under GA and not EPI and both me and my partner wouldn't be there when she was born or to find out the sex as we had stayed team yellow for the entire time.
I just wanted my partner there I was so afraid. We hadnt packed bags, done the nursery or even put the carseat in the car.
I felt like I was stuck in a dream. Could only feel my partners hand stroking mine now and then and people calling me to open eyes and listen to them.
They wheeled me off to surgery. My partner kissed me goodbye and then he was gone. I had no energy to cry, just begged them to make the pain stop.
I remember feeling my arms being taped down to the sides. Four anesthetists inserting central lines into my arms to control my blood pressure. I watched as long pipes were pushed in, felt like I was frozen but in pain. No control, tears falling down my face one of them said my name and asked if I remembered her from labor and delivery, everyone looked the same. I didn't know anyone.
The surgeon leant down and said "trust us, you will be ok"
I then had gas which made me try to analyze what it smelt like, I asked why am I not falling asleep. He said now you will, as they pushed an iv sedative down my drip. I closed my eyes and heard them say. "Ok let's go she is falling asleep now"
I woke up and I don't actually remember much apart from wanting my partner and STILL feeling pain. Then realizing it must be from surgery. Apparently I lost over a litre of blood, my placenta was rigid also. I think it took me awhile to ask if it was a boy or girl.
They did exploratory surgery also so my incision is up and down not the usual c-section. They keep telling me I had major surgery, it's been hard to walk, sit up or even move and to make matters worse I was constipated 5 days!
Laxatives, and two anenamas later I finally went six times in half an hour!!!!
I am barely eating at the moment and one breast produced a lot of milk and the other barely any. Feeling deflated.
I just want to go home with my baby and be a family.
This is a photo of Mila.
Love to all and I pray your births are not as stressful

Thanks for supporting me!