feeling a little deflated, was at mw today, had protein in urine n high bp at first check then 'normal' bp 30min later (still up for me tho as usually low) and high white blood cells indicating infection. been feeling exhausted n crappy last few days, with a low constant tummy ache (could b infection related) which she said isn't normal. sent a urine sample to lab but got to wait a few days for results. nothing urgently a problem but still a shock that alls not as good as it could b.
baby has grown and heart rate n movement ok, her head is 3/5th engaged so trying not to worry.
been told to slow down n rest as much as possible, I don't need to bed rest but have been told to 'limit walking'

very hard with a 3yr old at home full time.
hope every one else is keeping healthy, sounds like a few ppl r very ready to go

's soon