Baby Maddison born at 1.42pm weighing 9lbs 12oz (same weight as her sister) born at home in the water. Despite her weight and fact she came out like superman I didn't tear at all. Feeding like a dream.
Baby Maddison born at 1.42pm weighing 9lbs 12oz (same weight as her sister) born at home in the water. Despite her weight and fact she came out like superman I didn't tear at all. Feeding like a dream.
Is anybody else measuring behind? I am now measuring 3 weeks behind (35 centimeters) after totally normal growth the entire pregnancy. I'm trying not to be worried, but I'm worried.
I know without a doubt when conception occurred b/c we used fertility treatments.
I'm waiting for the US place to call me to get an US scheduled. I want my Baby Boy to be ok.