Guppy: cute bump pic
Baby Greyson is here 7.6oz, finally came at 11:11pm Saturday. I'm soo in love!
Well it's not happening today. Little guy is pretty comfy in there. I have to admit I'm feeling pretty deflated. I was in so much discomfort overnight that I thought for sure stuff had started. Apparently not.
How are you doing today Guppy? I'm at my LMP due date today and other than feeling a little nauseous I doubt anything is going to happen today. My doctor seems to think my actual due date is Sept 8. Oh I hope not!!
I've been admitted with raised blood pressure and am on induction list waiting for my waters to be broken! Could be a wee wait as not sure how many others are before me x really hope it can be done overnight as my friend is working and I'd love her to look after me xx
How are you doing today Guppy? I'm at my LMP due date today and other than feeling a little nauseous I doubt anything is going to happen today. My doctor seems to think my actual due date is Sept 8. Oh I hope not!!
It diesnt help that this weekend was a three day weekend due to the govt holiday and dh hasnt planned anything. We r just sitting around doing nothing. Ive tols him it upsets me that he never plans things and i want my mind taken off labor but he never takes the initiative. And sure i could plan something but then i feel like he is annoyed w me for dragging him along. It rrally bothers me that he doesnt care about my anxiety at all. It could be easily remedied if he showed he axtually cared and we went out and did somethinf to take my mind off things.
Pretty sure I will be pregnant forever. Might as well just resign myself to living with pregnancy...
Just got back from my appt. They've officially changed my due date to Sept 8OMG I"M GOING TO LOSE IT! She checked me this morning and poked her finger into my cervix to hopefully get things started. All it's really done though is cause me to bleed a little.