Some months are longer than others acording to my calender , and im 4 weeks and 5 days, so like 108,buy yup im about 5 days behind you, why ?
Oh so you go by months if you go by weeks its only 107, well 106 now

As for being scared i am pertrafied i have had one mmc, and i keep thinking the worst. i don't think my early scan only picking up a gestation sac helped, just holding on to the fact my hcg levels rose as normal and hoping to see more a week today. Well you get an early scan?
AnakeRose i was up in the night around 3 or 4 times wanting sips of drink, didn't want to have much so i wasn't on the toilet every 3 seconds, didn't work, went 3 times in the night

Also sounds like you have a very creative way to tell people of your pregnancy
miriam :wave: welcome to the group, congratulations on your bfp after quite a while ttc.
taryen87 i would wait until 12 weeks just to be sure, then just sit down and tell them it isnt up to them it's up to you. My parents won't be too impressed as I'm pretty young and in the middle of uni, but dh is 8 years old and doesn't want to be to old when he has kids. He works in a job that allows him to support us all so i don't see anything wrong with it. As for the cramping and back pain as long as it's easy enough to cope with i wouldn't be too worried maybe take some paracetamol they are 100% safe in pregnancy, it is probably ligaments and stuff softening and stretching
JLMC hope she gets better i think you will always get people that are not 100% with your pregnancy no matter when you decide the time is right.
Brightstarshi i am also the opposite i can't get enough sleep. I slept from 10-8 last night and i am still shattered.
lockandkey it is always a hard secrete to keep.
hopethisyear our mmc is the reason we decided to keep the people who know very minimum, only someone to have chloe for appointments and dh's sister as she told us straight away. With all the problems i am having at the moment i am so glad we didn't decide to tell everyone. We may tell my mum if bean has a heartbeat on my scan in 7 days.
kaili symptoms do start early for some it is normally all to do with hcg hormone and for some ladies it is higher than others, so maybe you are just unlucky. I see you chart your cycle how many weeks pregnant would that make you does it co inside with where af date would put you?
Pink Petals i would say all is normal just baby making itself at home
Josefin :wave: welcome to the group, hope your first midwife appointment goes well
Kiss08 headaches are often caused by all the change in hormones that pregnancy caused

and you are lucky getting a scan so early, is there a reason for them to scan you that early?
1 week today until my scan, I want it to be here now, at the same time i don't want it to come at all
You ladies are a chatty bunch just caught up on 5 or 6 pages