Pink Petals i show ultra sound pics, i wouldn't put early one of fb, i put 12 and 20 week ones on there though.
kaili nice little bump there
Jims_Girl welcome to the group :wave:
Chimpette welcome to the group sorry for your losses, do you have a rough edd?
ChattyLady congratulations on your bfp and your little boy, any idea or rough edd?
plutosblue my sickness had been awful. i wont actually be sick (my body is weird and even with stomach bugs i find it hard to be sick, but feel sick almost constantly) just hoping its a good sign due to the bleed i had
My aversion isn't an aversion as such more, than nothing seems appetizing

I also keep waking up at 3am having to eat
vic161209 welcome to the group
Gwenylovey so glad scan is all well, good luck with the next
amberjoy big hugs hunni
lindseypao welcome to the group
Atlmommy37 welcome the the group
babydevil1989 hope the scan goes ok x
MrsCD do you want me to change your date on 1st page now or wait until you get date from scan?
Beth04 imo a positive test means your pregnant, a scan will cheak viability rather than all out confirm pregnancy
AnakeRose hope ultrasounds go well, what weeks will they be during?
Kylarsmom i get a sharp pain if i move too fast and love the shirts
nico82 glad your hcg levels were good
agreeksmom welcome to the group
AnakeRose with the hope of everything going ok tomorrow we will have a surprise of the sex
babydevil1989 just try and stay calm.
You should all be on the first page let me know if i forgot anyone